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Information About Me

Name: Josh Franklin
School: Hutchinson High School
City, State: Hutchinson, Kansas

Hey, I'm 17 living in flat Kansas. I'm a junior. I'm
some of my interests are jazzband, photography, and
i guess music in general. I play guitar and sprano, 
alto, tenor sax. I play guitar in my church youth 
ministery's praise team. I don't really do sports. I
want to take a road trip to Cal. and learn to surf 
and just relax. I drive a '91 Mustang Converible 
(only 4 cylinder though). I have 2 younger brothers,
13 and 7. I would say I'm a regular guy but what is
regular. I would just say i'm not really apart of 
any specfic group of people, I'm just different. I 
guess I have my own style of look. But my main 
concern is pleasing God in the way I act and live my
life. I'm a Christian and go to a Nazarene 
Church. I like many kinds of music, but right know
I'm into punk. The only kind music I can't stand is
country. That is the devils music. Although I like
blue grass, but there is a difference.