Bata-kun no Uchi - "To Heart" - Anime
Multi-chan and Serio-chan - wai!

Title - "To Heart"
Alternative title(s) - N/A
Genre(s) - Ren'ai

"To Heart" is based on a naughty (hint, hint) PC ren’ai, slash visual novel game by Leaf/Aqua Plus back in around 1997, I believe. There was also a Play Station port without the naughty parts and then there are the djinshi games. Well, the anime was released in 1999 and that had the naughty parts taken out too. As far as I know, there are only three volumes of the manga and I bet that took out the naughty parts as well.

So, yeah, the anime came out in 1999 and there are thirteen episodes total with some omake as well. The series focuses on a slacker, though a good guy overall, Fujita Hiroyuki, the main character in the games. A note I want to say: Hiroyuki was given a voice in the anime, Ichij Kazuya-san's to be exact, but not in the games. Anyway, he becomes friends with girls so easily, it’s like he’s not even trying. He has a few guys friends, but you’ll see Sat Masashi for the most part. The girl to focus on is Kamigishi Akari, Hiroyuki’s friend since childhood. Their bond is really strong.

Though I have never played the games before, the anime is really good. Forget the bad reviews out there. This series is really good. Sure, it’s your standard high school romantic series. Sure, it’s slow paced, but that’s how it is supposed to be. At first, "To Heart" looks like a shjo series, but in reality, it’s a shnen series due to its nature. Plus, you have interesting characters like an android (or emotional doll system some people including myself will say at times) that tries to be human, psychics and witches. After watching each episode, you get a feeling that makes you warm inside.

That’s "To Heart". It's as warm as a snuggling blanket and it feels like you have spent a day in heaven, having moments of tranquility. So, sit back, relax, consume your Pocky sticks or whatever food or drink you have near you and have fun.

Fun - 10

Yes, I had fun watching "To Heart". To me, "To Heart" is the one series I want to see if I keep struggling on in life. It’s my stress reliever anime if you want to put it that way. It’s also an anime that makes feel all spirited up.

When I watched "To Heart", I actually learned some lessons I never learned as a kid. Honest! Also, you have to hear Nagawa Shiho, Akari’s friend. She’ll keep pestering Hiroyuki from time to time. Oh and of course, there’s the omake.

I will say that if there are any flaws in the series overall, it would be that the games never made it to the States! Seriously, the flaw I want to say is that the series runs a bit too slow. Then again, that’s how the series works. Other than that, there’s not much else to complain about. "To Heart" made a wonderful game to anime transition, though this is easily a hit or miss series.

Life - 10

Though it is short, you’ll love coming back to the series. I have to watch the series again some time. That’s for sure.

Story - 10

Just a nice story that makes you want to sit back and relax.

Audio - 10

The music is so calm and relaxing. Yell, the ending song, is one of my favorite songs ever in anime. That song is sung by Kawasumi Ayako, Akari’s seiy. (It's funny that she says that singing is her weakness, but I say that she is a decent singer.) Some of the songs are different from the games though.

Seiy: they're great as usual. They’re straight from the game. You’ll notice some voices right away like Hisakawa Aya-sama as Hoshina Tomoko, To Heart’s i’inch - *. Hiroyuki’s voice fits like a glove.

Oh! I completely forgot. This is the series that made Horie Yui shine. Before her role as Multi-chan, she played as minor characters. Since then, her career blossomed and it hasn't stopped.

I don’t see this series getting dubbed. Why? Ren’ai game series don’t do well outside of Japan and this is no exception. I gave a lecture on this in my "Tokimemo" anime review too if you have seen it by now.

Art - 10

The art is so, so, exhilarating. Each character looks terrific. If you go watch the series, you’ll love Multi-chan, the android. Kawaii! She’s one of the most popular characters not only in the series, but in the magical world of Japan overall.

Overall - 10

Go and give "To Heart" a try. You have to at least watch the first few episodes. Then decide if you like it or not. You know I really had fun viewing the series.


"To Heart" has a lot of heart as a whole.


It's instantly a hit or miss series.

Date of creation - 1/9/03

Last update - 8/10/04

* I’inch is a chair person or class president.
