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Brighter Days Ahead


As the weatherman is giving his daily report the majority of us prefer to hear him talk about the bright, warm days of summer to the dark, cold ones of winter. As the days get shorter and darker do you feel your mood begins to change? You are not alone most people feel this way. Many experts feel that short, dreary days contribute to what is called SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. Many of us are affected by it and don't even know it. It can cause many people to become very depressed. For a lot of people the only thing that makes them feel any better is sunlight. Unfortunately not all of us can get on a plane and fly to a warmer climate when this happens. What can you do is try the product I have chosen. It simulates natural sunlight to help satisfy our bodies need for brighter days. The natural sun does more for us then just keep us warm. It helps to elevate our mood, increase our energy and help us to feel more productive. When days become shorter and darker a large percentage of people start to feel depressed, have lack of energy, sleep more, gain weight and feel less productive. All of these are symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Research has concluded that the best treatment for Seasonal Affective disorder includes light therapy. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms I have listed, please read about my product then go on to the additional pages I have reseached to obtain information on light therapy, Seasonal Affective Disorder, additional disorders that use light therapy in treating them and other light therapy products that are available.

Products and Information

The Natural Sunlight Lamp
What is SAD ?
What is Light Therapy ?
Additional Disorders treated with light therapy
Additional Light Therapy Products
Writing Samples
New Media Ventures,LLP-WRT250