A few things about me that you may consider interesting to read, which some people have other things to do. I am currently 18 years old and I will change my age as I progress. I may forget or I may die before I do. Sorry if I do not. Well, if I live or if I move or died, God forbid, I live in a small crappy town or city as I call it -- Gas City. This town (city) is in Indiana. I like to read a lot. I used to not to, so I like it now. I mostly like Tom Clancy. He, in my opinion is a very good author. I like spy novels, I guess that is why I like him.
Iam a very good player of all sorts of Game Cube Games. I play it a lot and I enjoy the game Madden NFL 2005. I always play the Colts. I know that they will go to the Super Bowl and win this year. There is not doubt in my mind. If you want to see more of the teachers that work here, just go to this URL. Oh ya, it is boring. It is www.olemiss.k12.in.us.
There is more to me than just a school, and a work life. I have a church God loving life, too. I go to a church called Bethal Worship Center. It is next to a V.A facility. The church is pretty neat and quite big. It is not the biggest, but it is big. We do things kind of different, we dance and yell and do stuff that some people may think that we are nuts, but that is not true. I have many friends there. They are all cool. If there are any Christians out there that can help me, my friend Chad Wilson is not doing very well in Christ. Since he went into the service, and I believe that he got kicked out, for reasons I do not wish to explain, because they may be wrong, he has a lot of hatred in his life right now. He used to be in love with this girl, (withholding name). They used to love each other very much. Now, that is all just a memory. If there is anyone who can tell me about Chad Wilson, who used to live in Fairamount, Indiana. He is abut 5'11" to 6'2". He has blonde hair, and he is scrauny. Please tell him to write me. I have another friend from that church named Dustin Kellogg. I call him, sometimes, Tony. He does not mind. Actually, he does not mind many things. Even though he is a Christian, he does get angry, but that is very seldom. Before school everyday, almost, we do a little Bible study. I like it because we get to interact a lot. If you need help with life's problems or want a better life go to www.christiananswers.com.
I am also a game fanatic. I play games at school and home. For my games at home, I get help on them by getting codes and cheats. I guess you can also call me a cheating gamer fanatic. I have some places to go to if you need help with games or you just want to play them over the internet. To everyone, here is my MYSPACE PAGE. If you sign up and be my friend, I can add you to my blog. Here it is. Hey, %n! Check me out on MySpace!
Here is a table that you may want to go to for games and game help.
www.flashplayer.com | www.addictinggames.com | www.ezone.com |
www.gamerevolution.com | www.gamepro.com | www.gametalk.com |
For the people who want to see what I look like, look down.
The Monthly Quote for November is: Thank the Lord for all that he has blessed you with, because there are those who haven't got anything, not enough, or even too much. I have set up a guest book for you all, please send me some of your comments to see how you like my site. The site isHere is also another place of my website. I hope that you enjoy it. Go here,>http://two.guestbook.de/gb.cgi?gid=784716&prot=pinhdw