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Cydonia & Avebury: the cosmic connection?

In 1976 the Mars Viking Orbiter photographed some curious anomalies on the surface of the Red Planet which suggested artificial structures. These included a city of pyramidal structures, a large 5-sided pyramid, a long defensive wall and, most famously of all, a Sphinx-like face. Debate raged over what was hinted at in these photographs – was it evidence of a lost Martian civilisation, a link between outer space and the Ancient Egyptians of our world?

In 1998, Mars Pathfinder re-imaged the area and the debate seemed at an end. The new photographs showed the face as eroded and misshapen – clearly a result of weathering – and the pyramidal structures seemed simply natural looking and unimpressive.

However, the debate still rages. The photos seem to some too perfect a denial of what went before, perhaps a deliberate attempt by NASA to close this controversial chapter in its history once and for all. If anything, the new images which were intended to confirm or deny the existence of artificial buildings on Mars have opened up even more questions than they have settled.

No-one has been more vociferous in his support of the Face than Richard Hoagland, an ex-NASA consultant and science writer who – I can't help thinking – knows his onions, or for that matter his Martian topography. Also firmly on the open-minded side of the divide is film-maker and writer David Percy, whose investigations into the correlations between the Martian landscape and that of Earth are compelling and fascinating, and leave the reader with the distinct impression that there is far more to the story than NASA care to admit.

Percy and Hoagland's premise is simple: that there are artificial buildings on Mars; that these buildings were created by an ancient civilised race; and that there are strong parallels between the Martian sites and certain key sacred sites on Earth, suggesting either an awareness by ancient peoples on Earth of the Martian landscape, or a common genetic ancestry between the two races, or perhaps even both. If you have no belief (or openmindedness) whatsoever in anything paranormal, extraterrestrial, sacred or magickal, I strongly suggest you stop reading before the fantastic repercussions of what I am about to share with you are unfolded.

Sacred geometry is a term applied to universal principles as demonstrated by applied mathematics and quantum astrophysics. Since neither I, nor I suspect most of you, have much knowledge of such subjects, I shall attempt to simplify it. One of the most dramatic and significant numbers in sacred geometry is 19.47. In planetary terms many key energy uprisings occur at or close to 19.47 degrees above or below their equator. Solar flare activity on the surface of our Sun is most frequent and dramatic at 19.47 degrees; the Great Dark Spot on Neptune is at 19.47degrees; and Jupiter's Great Red Spot – a dense energy centre – is to be found at, you guessed it, 19.47 degrees. On Mars, the great mountain known as Olympus Mons sits at approximately 19.47 degrees. (How appropriate that whatever happened at Roswell happened in 1947!!)

If you imagine a tetrahedron being placed upside down inside the Earth and anchored by its upper point at the South Pole, the top two points would make contact with the outside world at... 19.47 degrees. This circumscribed tetrahedron is used as it gives the most fluid model of the precessional 'wobble' our Earth exhibits in its revolutions. This wobble is created by the retrograde motion of our moon and it is what causes our uneven years and necessitates leap years as compensation. It is also this wobble which, by jogging the world in the opposite direction to its usual revolution, creates the magnetic and kinetic energy discharges which it is believed caused our planet to spontaneously bring forth life millions of years ago. Our planet is believed to be the only one in this solar system with precessional wobble, and thus the most likely to support life. It is this 'coincidence', coupled with the model of the imaginary tetrahedron, which concerns us here.

The basis of the supposition that there is a correlation between Earth's sacred sites and the buildings of the Cydonia region is therefore grounded in sacred geometry, but it also finds corroboration when we do something as simple as comparing maps of the areas. When a map of the Cydonia region is reduced by a ratio of 14:1, the controversial features of the Martian landscape map quite eerily accurately onto markers in the Avebury complex in south west England including Silbury Hill, the Avebury henge itself and even the positions of now-lost obelisks inside the henge. Reduce the Cydonia map to 1.5 times its original and the larger sacred space of Avebury, Stonehenge and Glastonbury comes into play. If another reduction of the map is made, the Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza in Egypt can also be drawn into the equation. I have plenty to say about Egypt's own weirdness in other articles on the Pyramids and Sphinx, but I will mention again the significance of these particular structures in relation to Cydonia.

This triple 'coincidence' does seem to suggest more than merely imaginative New Age wishful thinking – for a start, the complex mathematics do add up. Regular readers of my articles will know that Avebury plays a particularly special role in my spiritual life. Since I became aware of Hoagland and Percy's work another arrow has been added to Avebury's appeal: the centre of the UK's crop circle activity; UFO hotspot; a place of great magickal and mystical power; and now also an apparent clue to the larger mysteries of outer as well as inner space. Avebury offers a fascinating insight into the paranormality of the world around us.

Let me start by drawing up a brief table of the features of the Avebury complex which appear to be duplicated or represented in Cydonia:

Avebury Complex............Cydonia Complex
Obelisks (now gone)........White pits
Silbury Hill.......................Spiral mound
Cherhill Tumuli.................City
Bishops Cannings Tumuli..D&M Pyramid

As you can see without too much effort many features do seem to correlate between the two areas. Since Avebury is a complex of sites, a unity of different parts of a spiritual consciousness, would it not follow that Cydonia has a similar esoteric cohesion – that the various features of the landscape should be viewed essentially as parts of one great site? Hoagland, Percy and many other Face enthusiasts believe so, and it becomes even more self-evident when considering the finer points of this similarity between Earth and Mars.

On the northern edge of the Avebury henge there is a break where the path to the Ridgeway (an ancient track) can be found. On the mound at this point there is a lozenge-shaped feature which is, as geological imaging has shown, tetrahedral in shape. This corresponds exactly with a small five-sided pyramid on the rim of the crater on Mars in the same position. On the so-called ejector blanket (the ring marking the debris fall-out from a forming crater after impact) there is a long straight wall, about 2 miles long, which obviously post-dated the crater and is therefore not an original (natural) part of the landscape. In a field behind Avebury Manor there is a depression in the earth corresponding to this. Local archaeologists maintain that this depression is the sunken remains of an ancient trackway which led to and from Windmill Hill, one of the earliest inhabited sites in the area. The path would logically have led on towards Silbury Hill – today it can be traced at least as far as the car park in Avebury village.

In the centre of the crater in Cydonia there are two white pits which show up quite clearly in high-definition images. If the Avebury henge is a representation of this crater, then is there also a correlation to these white pits? Yes indeed, although the physical evidence no longer exists. At the height of Avebury's ancient importance, the great stone ring which now surrounds the village then enclosed two smaller rings of stones. In the centre of both of these were obelisks, and when we overlay our two maps again we see that even a feature as tiny as this is replicated in both Earth and Mars topography.

And what of Silbury Hill, that most magnificent of human endeavours, which remains as mysterious and sacred today as it has ever been in the past? Is it too reflected in the Martian landscape...? South of the Cydonia crater there is a large mound, approximately 1 mile in diameter and standing 500ft high. Close inspection shows what appears to be a path spiralling up the hill to the top, a feature familiar to anyone who has ascended Silbury Hill. What's more, a curious crop glyph which was 'activated' (to use David Percy's terminology) on July 17th 1991 at Barbury Castle, not a million miles from Avebury, also seemed to illustrate this spiral in one of its components, a ratchet. The design as a whole represents a three-dimensional tetrahedron and is 'a cipher of sacred geometry par excellence' to quote leading cereologist George Wingfield. This spiral is what mathematicians call an equiangular logorhythmic spiral, which basically means that it follows a prescribed pattern of curvature, and is therefore created by intelligent design not meteorological accident. As a curious addendum to all this, it is interesting to note that some time after David Percy published his epic work on this subject 'Two Thirds' in 1993, spiral crop glyphs following an equiangular logorhythmic pattern became more common, (as though the circle-makers were rewarding us for getting something right at last?!) I refer to the Stonehenge Julia and the Windmill Hill Triple Julia of 1996. However, the point has been made that Silbury is also part of the great Cydonia mystery.

Away to the west of Avebury lie many tumuli, and parallels can be drawn between some of these and the Martian artefacts known as the City and the D&M Pyramid (after its discoverers Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar). This is one area of the Avebury complex which I am not personally familiar with (yet!) so I cannot make too much comment on these areas of study, but the maps do seem to correlate here as well. Until I undertake my own ground survey of the sites mentioned (in Avebury that is, not Cydonia!) I will refrain from further comment. You might ask yourself though how a five-sided shape like the D&M Pyramid can be created or maintained naturally, since meteorological pressures on one side of the structure would inevitably affect the other sides in different ways – in short, it cannot be a natural formation. Details can be found in David Percy’s excellent 'Two Thirds' if you can cope with all the complex mathematics etc, which can be very daunting!!

The Face is of course the most famous and the most controversial of the Cydonia artefacts, although again its direct relation to the Avebury complex is at present a mystery to me (I hope to check this out with my own eyes very soon). Despite the recent photos, many people still feel there is a case to answer with reference to the Face. Top physiologist and Cydonia researcher Ananda Sirisena has stated publicly that even though the definition of the Face's features is gone in the recent images, the underlying structure of the site and relative proportions of points of its mass still indicate facial composition.

When all that researchers had to go on were the more obviously facial looking 1976 images, a study was commissioned into what or whose face it might represent, if indeed it were one. Since one half of the image was clearer than the other, mirror studies were undertaken to see what results could be achieved this way. In the following definitions left and right are relative to the Face's view out into space. Astonishingly when two right halves (the clearer side) were spliced together a human or simian (monkey-like) face resulted, whilst when two left sides (the shadowy part) were merged a leonine (lion-like) face appeared. Since the traditional Sphinx is a man's head on a lion's body, the Face seemed to be a representation of this, a new variation of the anthropomorphic original.

Fundamental philosophical points have been raised by this discovery: does the Face, staring out into space, just waiting to be discovered, tell us of Man's descent from animals – is it a tantalising clue from our own prehistory? Or does the significance of the human/simian face being on the right suggest that we should exercise our right brains more than most of us do. (The right hemisphere of the brain rules the left hand side of the body, spirituality and art, whilst the left brain deals with more mundane virtues, including our propensity for violence and destruction.) Is it a symbolic warning that unless we open up more spiritually to cosmic consciousness we will not survive as a species? Is this advice that we must carve out a peaceful future for ourselves if we don't want to obliterate all trace of our species from the planet's face? Is this what happened to the Cydonian civilisation? And what are we to make of the similarities between the Cydonia Face and that of the Sphinx in Egypt? For more on my views of the Sphinx see my article. Suffice it to say for now that the enigma of one is as deep and transcendental as that of the other – they are both mysteries worthy of further serious investigation.

This whole subject could and should really be discussed at greater length – the details I have been able to convey here have been but brief. However, the information is all readily available from Aulis Publishing or from Hoagland and Percy's websites.

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