The Warriors

Males go through three stages of life: Boyhood (from birth to adolescence), Warriorhood (from circumcision to marriage), and Elderhood (from marriage to death). The boys look after the animals. The warriors preen themselves and stand-by to protect the clan and its herds. The elders run the clan's affairs, act as judges in disputes, and enforce discipline.

A Young Moran

A Moran is extremely vain and proud. It takes one up to three days to braid another's long ochred hair. There are two hairstyles, one with the hair formed into a peak (as above), like a sun visor, and the other where it is gathered into a bunch across the top of the forehead. In all cases, the hair is filled with a mixture of ash and cow urine to enable it to be braided.

Friends For Life

As soon as a boy is circumcised he joins an age-set and becomes a warrior (moran). Generally only one age-set is in warriorhood at any one time, so circumcision ceremonies occur only every few years, and age-sets therefore encompass individuals of quite different ages. But the age-set is what defines everything. The set remains mutually obliged until death.


The Moran usually walks. This one has a Land Cruiser behind him, and a camel in front.

What is the future?

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