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A versatile saxophonisht, Noel McAuliffe is also a versatile musician. From his origins singing in church choirs, Noel began playing guitar, trumpet,drums, and saxophones at 13. Since then he has performed with many different groups on saxophone, guitar, clarinet, drums, and even bass.

Noel McAuliffe is close to finishing his undergraduate degree at the University of Nothern Colorado in Greeley, CO. Noel is an award winning saxophonist, clarinetist, and composer/arranger. A versatile performer, he keeps busy performing around the Northern Colorado area as a freelance saxophonist. Noel is also the bassist for the "Tall Boys", a group based out of Greeley, CO..

Noel currently plays saxophone with the Night Flight Big Band , based in Cheyenne, WY.