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Ian Kaley |
617.359.5152 | 617.787.1055

Lazy Day Project | NYE 2002-2003 | Splash Pages | More Splash Pages | Other work

In the fall of 2002, we were putting on a few special shows.
The first was a benefit event on the day after thanksgiving, near The Slip's hometown of Providence, RI.

Within the current website design (, there is a place for a banner ad to highlight special events, or tours.
In addition to the banner ad for the site itself, there were also several other applications for the design:

The animated banner for the site:

The animated banner ad for

The color handbill:

The postcard mailer

The color poster:

The newspaper ad:

After the Lazy Day project was completed, we began
work on promoting the New Years Eve event...

Lazy Day Project | NYE 2002-2003 | Splash Pages | More Splash Pages | Other work

Ian Kaley |
617.359.5152 | 617.787.1055