Rebecca's CV
Physical Address
Postal Address
Dale Elvy (Author)

July 2000 - Present
Proof Reader/Press Liaison

- Key Accountabilities -

Dale Elvy is a successful Wellington author. Since he wrote his first novel in 2000, I have been involved in editing his work. This is initially from a plot/continuity perspective, and then ensuring that spelling, grammar and syntax are of a very high standard prior to sending to his publisher.
Once the page proofs are created, I then assist Dale with the final edit. This includes reviewing any alterations the publishers have made, and ensuring consistency within the plot.

~Publicity Liaison
Publicity is one of the most important and, at times, complicated tools in an author's literary toolbox. Used correctly - it becomes invaluable.
My role is to help Elvy to utilise the options provided by the Publisher, and to look for other potential avenues to maximise his 'brand'. It also involves building relationships with international publishers as potential markets, and looking for non-mainstream publicity opportunities like conventions, e-marketing and so on. This work is highly satisfying and always interesting.

- Referee -

Dale Elvy
027 253 5553

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