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'Just Say NO' (Clinton-Era Version)

A Bush II version is on the way.


(i)read the newspaper just the other day

heavy storm clouds are moving are way.

(they)wanna to send me to the desert,

to play a deadly game

armed to the teeth homeboy,

ready to murder and maim.


got no say in this matter

did you ask how i feel?

chumps like me a-dime-dozen,

think we don't know the deal?

i ain't dying for the price of gas

yo, uncle sam, you can kiss my ass!!!


so when they tell you to go

just say no

to the flow

because we' about to G.O.

and you know

we're gonna break these chains of the mind

and i find

it's a race for mankind

the people, the populace blind to the fact

that the cards are stacked

in his favor

well tell me suckers, do you taste the flavor?

hard beats and rhymes is what he gave ya.


don't wanna be hero,

can't stand john wayne

to go and die for you,

i'd have to be insane.

there's no glory in disaster,

once the wheels of war start to turn.

tell me, what's the next step sucker,

when the oil-fields start to burn?


new york, paris, london, rome.

young men and women

dragged away from their homes

sydney, berlin, Baghdad, tel aviv.

facing of at each other

for the sultans of greed.


brothers will be dying - mothers will be crying

and what's it all for, just another rich man's war!!!


the president and his pals

sipping 'pagne and chasing gals.

running 'round the white house,

with his finger on the  trigger,

his underwear in his hand.

next move, ain't hard to figure,

he said iraq and u-ran.


some people seem to think

it'll all be over quick.

but what about vietnam, LBJ, and tricky dick?

george bush high-riding on a wooden horse,

charging in guns blazing,

and condemning deadly force.


they like to have us believe

they're defending democracy.

but anyone with eyes can see, that's a fallacy!

saudi arabia's not a democratic state,

the women on the street,

can't even show their face.


i'm tired of you waving

that flag in my face.

i ain't gonna fight

for your fat-rat-race.

i'm not a sucker, politician

or a money hungry pig.

so, wake up, dig!!!


talking about drugs and crime in the street

poor walkin' wounded picking through garbage,

trick or treat!!

hey boy , ya wanna a job then

just drop your nuts in the sand.

while i blow smoke up you ass,

drive you crazy, make you kill for the man.


so when they tell you to go

just say no!!!


tony blair, chirac, & helmut kohl

homeboys tryin' to strike a deal

playin' both ends against the middle

com'on G. let's be for real!!

smart bombs and laser-guided death

proof of the man's virility?

are we so blind to the truth,

so complacent, (that)we can't see?


you're a jive mother-fucker and a hypocrite

you'd have to blind not

to see through this shit,

this is bill clinton's show

he wants you to play a role.

meanwhile he's out fucking 'round

on the 14th hole

wait to bomb 'em holmes,

'til the olympic crowds are gone,

then only the Iraqi people

will be the pawns.

don't be surprised at my suggestion

i'm sophisticated, not a bore.

we all know the rules of the game,

'every pimp needs a whore'!!!


sex and guns go together well,

a method to the madness.

jigs up baby, time's run out.

now it's show and tell.

their vision of the future

for us  a  nightmare!!!

they'd steal a mother from her baby!!!

he don't give a damn, do you care?


seven years we've been in this war

hey man,can you tell me

who & what the fuck we're fighting for?

i'm here in the desert,

sweating and pitching a bitch,

slick willy's the only one

(i know)gettin' rich

he's thinking for himself and for you too.

his credo: do as i say, don't do as i do ,


don't believe cnn's pig media shit.

i'm telling you brothers & sisters,

we've got to resist!!

the army don't care about heroes in saudi

you gotta refuse, don't be another body.


so when they tell you to go

just say no!!!


text/music: Just Say No Posse



„Just Say NO“ was sent as a cassette all

over the world. It was hidden by soldiers

in their baggage who were enroute to the

Gulf War in 1991 and secretly distributed

there. It even made it’s way to George Bush’s

daddy’s presidential desk.





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