The “Just Say NO” Posse has many artists who support this
project . They give their time and talent willingly and without hesitation and
they are always ready to go despite great hardship. Our work also continues to
be supported by soldiers currently
serving in the military at great personal risk. People are putting it all on
the line. We’ve gone out to many artists to solicit their support and the
response has been overwhelming. Given the repressive political situation
today, a great many people are
being intimidated and even being imprisoned for voicing their opposition to the war plans of the US, its Allies and all of its
lackeys. In spite of all of the Gestapo tactics being employed millions of
people all over the world are rising up and taking a stand and we’ll be right
there, alongside them.
Culture is a great weapon in the hands of those who are
fighting to end this “Reign Of Terror”. We’re calling on all progressive artists to do all that they can do to
support this and other efforts globally. Let’s get the word out to the Youth
& Soldiers immediately. We can help to make a difference. Let us hear from
everyone who has ideas .
When The tell you to go….Just Say NO!!!!
Contact the “Stop The War Brigade” to get the “Just Say
NO” Posse to Anti-War activities
anywhere in the world.
Stop The War Brigade & Vietnam Veterans Against the War-AI
Tel: 49/ (0)176/ 963 19
Web: STWB :
Have Message, Will Travel