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The Burrow

Welcome to the Burrow

Hey Guys,

Cap here to let you know that I updated the About Us page in the Attic so check it out!

Captain Jazz 10/1/03 5:20 PM


Cappy here. Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Hermione! :)

Captain Jazz

9/19/03 11:20 AM Hey Everyone,

Guess what?! The fist ever fanfic has been posted on the Burrow. The first chapter is up on the mantlepiece and in what's cookin? It's Bury the Hatchet by Silver Phoenix!!!!!!!!! Yeahhhhh!!!! I'm so happy :)Send in more fics and art.

The Very Happy Cappy 9/7/03 3:50 PM

The whole site is up! There's new art by me (Captain Jazz)! It can be found at either the family album or what's cooking. Start submitting! I'm working on a new fic too! The first chapter will be up soon.

Captain Jazz 9/6/03 3:10PM

Hey Everyone! Welcome to the Burrow, a new fanfiction/fanart site. Nothing is posted here yet. We are in the process of starting the site up and are looking for willing authors/artists to post fics and art here. We are looking for new authors who want to post a story. Our goals here at The Burrow are to create a fanfiction site that excepts all stories within the requirements. We will not be doing monthly drawings to see who can be assigned a beta reader. You may submit a story at any time. Art may also be submited at any time. The requirements for stories here are: 1)They must not contain ships that mess with the R/H and H/G ships. 2) Stories must be submited by chapter (if it is a chaptered story that is) 3) Send all submissions to with either "Completed and/or Posted Elsewhere" or "New" in the subject depending on which is relevent ot your story. 4) Any other questions email me at The Beta Reading System: All Authors will be assigned a beta reader to work with during the writing of their story and if they continue to write more stories they will stay with the same beta as to not create confusion. At first you will either get Madame Lupin or I to beta your story. If at some point in time the amount of stories amounts to high for the both of uswe will start looking for new beta readers. That was a rather long little speechy thing but it's the first one so I think it's allowed. Welcome to the Burrow! Sit down at the scrubbed wooden table and have a cup of tea! Captain Jazz


The Attic
The Kitchen
The Living Room
