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Online Theological Library


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Scofield Graduate School & Theological Seminary 

Scofield Graduate School and Seminary is an accredited distance learning seminary offering Associate through Doctoral degrees.  SGSS has the following majors at the Associate -- Doctoral level: Ministry, Theology, Biblical Studies, Christian Education, Apologetics and Creation Apologetics (e.g., Creation Science). 

Scofield is accredited by the International Council for Accrediting Alternate and Theological Studies (ICAATS), India.   ICAATS is a recognized accrediting agency by the Indian government and thus falls under internationally recognized  accreditation. 

   VISIT Scofield's web site for more information:       


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Online Theological Library Endorsements 

Home Theological Library Business Library Classics Library Online books NT Greek Historical Studies Creationism Online Broadcasts Journals FREE Reformed ebooks 






Citing Documents

How to Cite Electronic Documents

The Writing Center (University of Wisconsin- Madison) 

bullet Writer's Handbook- Documentation Styles



General Resources

bullet Christian Book Distributors text books and stuff cheap
bulletEncarta Reference Encarta Encyclopedia and World English Dictionary
bulletAcademic Initiative. Uniting faith and scholarship by God's call and for His glory.
bulletAcademic Integration Page  Integrating one's Christian faith to the academic disciplines.
bulletA Web of Online Dictionaries
English/French Dictionary
English/Spanish Dictionary
Electronic & Online Citation Guides
International Institute of Technology and Theology
Internet for Christians
Library of Congress
Library of Congress Exhibits
New York Public Library
On-Line Reference Library
Roget's Thesaurus
Scholarly Journals Distributed on the World Wide Web
Virtual Libraries on the Web
Webster's Dictionary

The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition

Online Bibles

Home Page

 The Blue Letter Bible 


Web Bible The Web Bible

Bible Gateway Online Bible (NIV, NASB, RSV, KJV, DARBY, YLT) in English, Spanish, German, Swedish, Latin, French

The Skeptic's Annotated Bible This is NOT a Christian site.  It presents the Skeptics attacks on Christianity first-hand, from their own mouth.  

Postmodern Bible - Amos - serious bible study





World Wide 
Study Bible

                              Click on the banner to go to WWSB!

Virtual Christianity Bibles 

Greek and Hebrew Interlinear Bible

Jerome’s Latin Vulgate Bible

The NIV Quiet Time Bible

Bible Reference Materials

Grace Online Library | Historic Baptist, Reformed & Puritan Resources

The Biblical Studies Foundation   

Christian Classics Ethereal Library

World Wide Article Bank

Calvary Chapel Library

Miami Christian Library

Lambert Dolphin Library

The Arthur Custance Memorial Library

The Ray C. Stedman Memorial Library

Net Bible Institute Library

Leadership University sponsored by Christian Leadership Ministries

Bible History Online


Welcome to Koinonia House Online!, Chuck Missler

 the ministry of John Piper

Resource Pages for Biblical Studies 


World Wide Encyclopedia of Christianity


Early Church Fathers



All of the files linked here  are in the public domain. Copy freely. 


Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian mysticism department of theology of Marquette University (Milwaukee, USA). 

The interdisciplinary seminar on the Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism is designed as an internet version of an ongoing research seminar of the graduate students  and scholars at the department of theology of Marquette University (Milwaukee, USA). The site explores the influence of Jewish Pseudepigrapha and Merkabah mysticism on eastern orthodox authors.


College of Saint Benedict | Saint John's UniversitybookClemens Library / Alcuin Library


Systematic Theology

Moral Theology

Church History and Historical Theology

Liturgical Studies and Liturgical Music

Monastic Studies

Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry


Philosophy and Theology I: Classical Period to Enlightenment

Online Theology-Related Periodicals


Internet Resources for the Study and Teaching of Theology

The Online Audio Bible  

A Bible Topics Library


The Cyber Library

Bitnet Christia Archives - Library explaining various theological issues related to the historic Christian faith.


The Spurgeon Archive




The worlds largest collection  of C. H. Spurgeon's writings.


Project Wittenberg

Project Wittenberg is home to works by and about Martin Luther and other Lutherans. Here you will find all manner of texts from short quotations to commentaries, hymns to statements of faith, theological treatises to biographies, and links to other places where words and images from the history of Lutheranism live.

Fire and Ice: Puritan and Reformed Writings

Selected Works of Martin Luther (1483-1546)

The Writings of Jonathan Edwards

The Hall of Church History


John Wesley: Holiness of Heart and Life - 1283 Bytes


Bible Study Tools

Bible Tools
bulletSERMONS, Wesley, Finney
bulletCOMMENTARY, Adam Clarke 
bulletPHILOSOPHY, Anselm, Pascal, Aquinas 
bulletDICTIONARY, Easton, Hitchcock, Vincent, Robertson
bullet TOPICAL
bullet HISTORY

Reference Materials

Interlinear Bible

Parallel Bible

Abbott's Illustrated New Testament


Calvin's Commentaries

Darby's Synopsis

Geneva Study Bible

Gill's Exposition of the Bible

Jamieson, Fausset, Brown

Matthew Henry Concise

Matthew Henry Complete

People's New Testament

Robertson's Word Pictures

The Fourfold Gospel

Treasury of David

Wesley's Explanatory Notes

Burton Coffman Commentaries


Nave's Topical Bible

Torrey's Topical Textbook

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Baker's Evangelical Dictionary

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Hitchcock's Bible Names

JVI Prophecy Dictionary

King James Dictionary

Smith's Bible Dictionary


Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia


Liddell-Scott-Jones Lexicon of Classical Greek

New Testament Greek

Old Testament Hebrew

Sermon Helps

The Pastors Helper


Sunday Sermons

Sermon Central 

Scofield Reference Notes

Folder Icon Executable Outlines Folder Icon



Early Church Fathers

Creeds and Confessions

Fox's Book of Martyrs

Sketches of Church History

Bible History, Old Testament


Theological Journal Resources





Archeology Magazine
Center for the Advancement of Paleo-Orthodoxy
Christian Reconstruction: Critiques
Christian Research Journal
Christian Scholar's Review
Discipleship Journal
The Christian Theology Page
Journal for Christian Theological Research
Moody Monthly
Preaching Magazine
Pre-Trib Study Group Home Page
Publications of Christianity Today Inc.
The Center for Reformed Theology & Apologetics
The Founder's Journal
The Tyndale Bulletin

First Things Journal  An online journal of religion and public life.

Cambridge Journals Online  

Journals Online  St. Mary's University



Journal of Grace Evangelical Society

Essays in Medieval Studies

Essays in History

Oxford Journals 

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism

Princeton-  Theology Today 


WWW Biblical Theology Index

The Master's Seminary Journal


Online Libraries for Theological Studies 

Quartz Hill School of Theology Library

Duke University Divinity School Library

Graduate Theological Union Library 

Libraries Online
Project Gutenberg
The On-Line Books Page
Yale Divinity Library

Minnesota Theological Library Association

Vanderbilt University—Jean and Alexander Heard Library

Biblical Studies /
Ancient Near East/

Historical Studies /
Church History

Theology /
Ethics /

Homiletics /
Liturgics /

Pastoral Care/
Religion & Personality

World Religions /

General Reference


Georgetown’s Lauinger Library

Pitts Theological Library 

Boston University Theology Resources 

bullet Christian Theology Pages by Tradition

A Bible Topics Library

Concordia Theological Seminary’s 

Harvard Divinity School 


University of Pennsylvania Digital Library
bullet Religion: Christianity and the Bible
bullet Christianity (General)
bullet The Bible (Hebrew and Christian)
bullet Christian Doctrine
bullet Christian Practice
bullet Christian Denominations


bullet Religious Texts and Resources, Dept. of Religious Studies

Penn Library: Religious Studies
ATLA Religion Database Accessed through the Penn Library
Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity
Islam and Islamic History-Web Resources
Online Publications of Dr. Robert Kraft
Glossary for the Study of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Archives of the Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins
The Electronically Linked Academy (Scholars Press)



The Qumran Library   

Archeology Magazine

Archaeology and the Bible

The Archaeology Of Egypt and Canaan In Ancient Times

Egyptian Book of the Dead (1240 B.C.) and other Egyptian Sights

Archaeology of Egypt and Canaan in Ancient Times

History of Herodotus (Historian)

Classicists and Mediterranean archaeologists.

Wyatt Archeological Research

Ancient Greek Sites on the Web

Associates for Biblical Research

Archaeology of ancient cultures

Ancient History Resources

Archaeology and the Bible

Amazing Discoveries in Bible Archaeology

Dead Sea Scroll Exhibits
Classics & Mediterranean Archaeology
Darby's Synopsis of the Bible
Hebraic Heritage Ministries International
Institute of Hebraic Christian Studies
The Linked Word Project
The Scriptorium Center for Christian Antiquities


Learning Biblical Languages

Index of Online Dictionaries

Understanding and Learning Biblical Languages:  

Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts Web

ARTFL Project: Latin Vulgate Bible  

Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database

Journal of Hebrew Scriptures

Easy Hebrew Correspondence Course  

Hebraic Heritage Ministries

Hebrew Language Resources


Other Religions and Cults

Jehovah's Witnesses 


Introduction to Islam

Islamic Web 

Islamic Web --- Statistics


Introduction to Islam

Islam 101

Islamic Assembly of North America (IANA)

Islamic Studies, Islam, Arabic, Religion


Muslim Coalition

Muslims Online

Islam, Christianity and Science

Islam Resources

Judaism and Jewish Resources

Sakyadhita: Bibliography on Women and Buddhism

Unitarian website

World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts

The Torah  

Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library

(GHEN): the Hindu Universe

Mormonism Research Ministry

Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory

Association for Jewish Studies (AJS)

Cybrary of the Holocaust

Everything Jewish

Jewish America

Jewish.Community Online

Maven, the portal directory to the Jewish world

Project Genesis ( Torah on the Information Superhighway

Shamash, the Jewish Internet consortium

Virtual Jerusalem

Yad Vashem, Holocaust memorial and archives, Jerusalem




Creation SuperLibrary

Josh McDowell Ministries 

Dr. William Lane Craig homepage  This page presents Dr. Craig's work as philosopher, theologian, writer and speaker.

Walter Martin's Religious Info net

Reasons to Believe

Alpha and Omega Ministries

Institute for Creation Research

Answers in Genesis (Ken Ham)

Free Online BOOKS- Creationism.Org

Center for Scientific Creation

Creation Science Evangelism

The Christian Research Institute

Answers in Action

Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

Stand To Reason

An Answer Ministries 

Dr. Edwin Yamauchi  Easter: Myth, Hallucination, or History?

Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul 

Phillip E. Johnson Page This page presents Professor Johnson's works, primarily in the area of origins. Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley.

Michael J. Behe, Author of Darwin's Black Box

Answering Islam

World Religions Index  Equipping Christians to understand other world faiths.

Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

Probe Ministries

The Ankerberg Theological Research Institute

The Crossroads Project  Defending the Christian message in today's culture.

The Virtual Office of Robert C. Koons. Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas.





C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis Site 

C.S. Lewis Foundation  

C.S. Lewis Megalinks 

C. S. Lewis and Public Life

Into the Wardrobe

Memphis C.S. Lewis Society


Christian Counseling

CCEF Home Page Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation

Connections Christian Counselling Services

American Counseling Association

American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC)

Biblical Counseling Association

Official Larry Crabb Website

Rejoice Marriage Ministries

Christian Counseling Ministries


Myers - Briggs personality types

Myers-Briggs Personality Type - gateway to MBTI and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator applications

Descriptions of the 16 Myers Briggs Types

M-B Online Test







Church Staff Search 



Free Bible Software  

The ONLINE Bible (The Word)

Great resource with a large number of free downloads which include:

bulletProgram Modules and Upgrades
Download the latest version of The Word. Ensures that other downloads will install correctly.
bulletBible Translations and Resources
King James Versions, Webster Translations, Apocrypha translations, etc.
bulletLocked Bible Translations
Bibles that require royalties to be paid before they can be used.
bullet Answers in Genesis Books and Resources
bullet Homeschool (Educational) Resources
bulletOther Books, Dictionaries, and Lexicons
Doctrinal books, fictional books, Topic indexes, children Bible stories, classic Christian devotionals, and much more.
Geneva, Matthew Henry Concise Commentary, Cross Reference resources, classic Christian commentaries

THE ONLINE BIBLE @ C.C.E.L. (downloads) 

bullet Books
bullet Commentaries
bullet Components in Other Languages
bullet Dictionaries
bullet Installation Files
bullet Exploring the Web
bullet Home School Material
bullet Lexicons
bullet Maps
bullet Manual
bullet Topics
bullet Translations
bullet Utilities
bullet Current Userlib Index

Online Bible Components In Other Languages
bulletAlbanian Arabic Chinese Danish Dutch Equadorian Finnish French German
bulletGreek (Modern) Hungarian Indonesian Italian Maori Norwegian Philippines
bulletPortuguese Romanian Russian Spanish Swahili Swedish Turkish Ukranian
bullet Vietnamese

Free Bible Study Software


Bible Software

Ages Digital Library Software Great inexpensive Bible resources (one of my favorites!)

BiblesoftPC Study Bible

Logos Libronix

Discount Christian Software 


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