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TASK: Your job is to research the daily life of a child living on Plimoth Plantation in the 1620's. Who's life is easier? Your life as a child in the current year or the life of a Pilgrim child in the 1620's?

With your group, you will research four aspects of colonial life including: family life, chores, play and school. You will also research the Pilgrim's relationship with the Wompanoag Indians. Use the websites listed under the process page to do your research. Your job will be to present your findings in the form of diary entries, written as if you were a colonial child, detailing your life.

Together as a group, begin your research by taking a virtual tour of Plimoth Plantation. Please visit the Plimoth Plantation Link Below. When you are finished exploring the Plimoth Website, click on the Process page to find out more about what you will need to research.

Let's get started!

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Plimoth Plantation Web Site