(If you're looking for the site for "Dream Man," then you've come to the right place!)
My name is Laura. I'm 29 and from Wisconsin. I love the Backstreet Boys and love reading Fan Fiction. I originally started this site with the idea of writing just one story, but it has become the home of many stories, so it has been re-arranged a bit to be a Fan Fiction site!
(26June2005) Welcome to my site, everyone! I apologize, but it's been SOOO long since I've done any writing. I'm surprised I remembered how to edit my webpage, that's how long it's been, lol... Anyway, I'm obviously no longer writing (not to say that I won't pick it up again in the future) but I've decided to keep this site up and running so people can still enjoy my stories and the stories of my hosted authors. And as always, KTBSPA!!! ;)
Laura, webmistress of Dreamscapes
Want to know when I update Dreamscapes?
Then you need to join my Yahoo! Group, at
Or email me at laura_lovebug0128@yahoo.com
*drum roll* And now, for the tiresome disclaimer. HEY YOU! You in the black shirt! PAY ATTENTION! :o)
These stories contain some sexually explicit material intended for a MATURE audience only! I urge you, if you are under 17, PLEASE LEAVE NOW! I will NOT be held responsible for corrupting thousands of young minds out there! ;o)
(OK, disclaimer is over... as you were! *lol*)
[Laura's Stories | Hosted Stories | Favorite Links]
(all sub-page counters reset to zero on 5April2000)
[Put my banner on your site! | Email Laura]
Do you Yahoo!? Then
join my
Boys Groups for Adult Fans on Yahoo!
(And a few 'NSync Groups as well *wink*)
Kevin's and Howie's
Copacobana: A Place To Talk About These Fine Backstreet MEN!
Nick's Love Shack: A Place To Drool Over The Beauty of Nicky Gene Carter!
Backstreet Bedtime Stories - A
Fanfic Group Co-Founded by Laura
Lance'NJustin CrazySexyCool: A Group For Fans Of These Two 'NSync-ers
Lance Lance 'n More Lance: For All The Lance Bass (and those other 4 guys) Lovers