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Here at the academy one can learn all about the ancient Hellenic world about them. Language, music and arts-n-craft. They are all taught here.
We will start right here and now. With a very brief lesson on ancient Hellen text letters. They are not too different from our descendants of the modren world. Of course it was the Romeans who stole the alphabet from us, made it more complex and straightened out a line or two.But anyway...lets look at the board.

As you can see we don't have as many letters as you do. Only 21. They are the basis not only for our writing but for our math, our monetary units and our wieghts and measures. To the right is how the alphabet was implied to our numerical digits and under it how a math equation is written down. It may look funny to you. But your way is even more complex and odd. But to each his own.

Now that you have the generals down to all this, lets move on to bigger things. Language, Music and Art.
Oh just a quick word about the writing tablets used. They are wood frames of wax that are hinged together with string. The tool on the board to the left to write with is a "Stylus". It has a sharp edge to write with and a flat end to erase with. Paper and ink shipped from Egypt is far to expensive to waste on childrens mistakes. It is reserved poets and playwrites.

Well it is time for classes to begin. Click on the scrolls down below to choose a class.