Evil Player Characters
Count Dracula the greatest of all Vampires. You have powers far beyond even other vampires, but even more enemies
Renfield Dracula's loyal if unstable servant who escaped from the asylum
The Master second only to Dracula, in power, we know he was in Madrid in 1843. He killed Buffy however briefly
Luke The Masters loyal henchman. Very strong but on occassion not to bright
Darla she made Angel a Vampire, in Ireland, in 1753, beware the noblewoman in the bad side of town or the innocent school girl
Angelous kills as much for pleasure as to feed. How will he handle an encounter with his future self or Jenny/Willow
Spike William the Bloody is a young vampire, with deadly potential. He will face two slayers and kill them both. Is Buffy fated to die in the past or can she change history and save two slayers by staking Spike before he encounteres them.
Drusilla became a Vampire in London in 1860. Her visions could give the forces of darkness the upper hand
Jack the Riper a true wild card. His slaying of prostitutes could help the dark forces and distract the Vampire Hunters and Slayers