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Is moving to its own home at:   

The Alter Family Genealogy is moving to its own Domain at:

     I have made this web site bigger and better. Not only will it appeal to those of you who can link to my family line, it should be of use to all who are doing reasearch if their family genealogy.

     I have attempted to make this a complete genealogy resource site containing free email accounts, message/forum postings, chat room, online database searching, genealogy related books, posted surname files, related links, and anything else that I can think of to make this genealogy site as useful as possible in completing your research. 

     Click on the link above to access our new home.  If you get a message which says unable to locate site….. Try again in a day or so.  The site will load automatically as soon as the domain name registration is complete.  This should be by  7-22-00.  Keep checking back.   Please sign the guestbook…..


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