This was sent to me and I have decided to post it on my web site as food for thought…
Soul Groups Vs. Root Races
How do Soul Groups relate to Root Races?
Root Races
Simply put, Root Races are significant and specific points in history where man reached a pinnacle of development. The first 2 root races were the essences of life on earth. The 3rd Root Race was in Lemuria, this was the first race that was half human and half animal, where we slowly learned to think and respond. The 4th root was simply a progression of Lemuria, which slowly discarded the animal natures. The 5th root was Atlantean. This is the evolutionary cycle we are currently in. In June of 1996, we began the evolution of the 6th root, the New Age of the Universal Human.
Soul Groups
As on Earth, life progressed through out the universe, but in varying stages and speeds. As this evolutionary process moved forward many Star or Soul Groups formed. These groups of civilizations were rather advanced in comparison to the evolution, which progressed here, on earth. As these groups grew in enlightenment and wisdom, they began to take on specific functions of spiritual energy. Sort of the Divine method of maintaining balance through out the universe. So who were or are the Soul Groups?
1.. The Octorians
2.. The Cyrians
3.. The Polarians
4.. The Antarians
5.. The Pleiadians
How the Soul Groups Influenced the Root Races?
It has taken thousands of years for the evolutionary cycles to progress and develop. Even though science doesn't support these theories, information gathered from many channeled readings by prophets like Edgar Cayce, Seth, Lazarus and others, plus a myriad of metaphysical research suggest these cycles began over 600,000 years ago. At that time, the human species was evolving into an intelligent being. This would be around the 3rd root cycle. The Soul Groups came to earth to aid in the development of this intelligence. Each of these Soul Groups came with a specific purpose or mission; collectively they are sometimes refereed to as the "Army of Spiritual Development". But the reason for their coming is somewhat elusive.
Here's a few of the many theories, you can pick the one you like the best, or do some of your own research and add to the list:
1.. Some prophets say the coming of the Soul Groups was needed to speed up the evolution of the human consciousness.
2.. Some prophets suggest the Soul Groups wanted to share their enlightenment with the human species in order to share the knowledge and avoid the same pitfalls they progressed through.
3.. Some theories suggest we are fallen Gods, who have been banished from the Divine conscious mind for miss-use of divine power and Godly sins. Our progression along our spiritual path is a means of redemption and a progression to return to the God consciousness.
4.. And still other prophets suggest the coming was pre-ordained. The Divine's way of integrating all the created civilizations into one melting pot, so to speak. To bring all the talents, knowledge, wisdom, and universal energies together into one collective conscious mind. This last ideal would support the "Earth, the Great experiment" theory.
For our purposes, we are going to focus on this last theory. This idea would suggest that each civilization with in the Soul Group had a specific function or knowledge to bring to the "integration" process.
The Octorians - The humanitarians.
They came to teach love and compassion. They were also the rescuers of the post-Atlantean destruction.
The Cyrians - The analytical minds. They brought science and law, to help put order into things.
The Polarians - The integrators. They see everything in balance and came to teach how the physical and spiritual natures relate and intertwine.
The Antarians - The Path Finders. They brought knowledge of astronomy and astrology, the wisdom of how the universe is intertwined and related.
The Pleiadians - The Bridge Builders. Partners with the Polarians, they were the spiritual teachers that helped create the bridge between the mental and spiritual brains.
This spiritual integration process began as the Soul Groups incarnated into human form. Then the knowledge and purpose they brought to earth could be shared with all the created species in a common manner. This integration and human evolution continued from the time of Lamouria to about 70-60,000 years ago when the balance was achieved and culminated in the “perfect” civilization we know as Atlantis.
The Atlanteans believed "God is one, not separate and distinct", according to Dr. Frank Alper, a renowned researcher of the Atlantean society. This belief lasted until about 20,000 BC when Atlantean science began to progress faster than their spiritual accountability. They began to abuse their spiritual power and their egos grew a bit to big for their britches. The power they created quickly destroyed their society.
At that time, the earth was cast into a vacuum, quarantine if you will, keeping out any new waves of information or visitations from space. In the physical sense this quarantine came in the form of the Van Allen radiation belt. The Atlantean destruction crystallized the human evolutionary process, almost stopping our growth. The only communication between earth and the other universal energies was in the form of messengers, what we've come to call Angels.
The de-crystallization of the human spirit began about 6,000 years ago. But until this century, the quarantine was still very much in place. Around the 1900's we as a society, reached a point in our karmic debt gained in Atlantis for the veil of forgetfulness to slowly be lifted. There was an increase in space visitation and in the last 2-3 decades an increase in Angel communications.
The other side effect to that crystallization was that it trapped some of those teachers from the Soul Groups here on Earth. Those “teachers” got caught up in that ego and greed I mentioned and in the scheme of things, gained some hefty karma for their interference. So if you feel as if you were part of one of these Soul Groups, well, take heart, 99% of that karma has been repaid. And if you began that restitution early on, then you were probably part of the initiation schools which were the civilizations that focused on the spiritual "remembering".
Initiation Schools
What and Where Were These Schools?
The Initiation Schools were civilizations where people lived in the purest form of their spiritual beliefs in a specific point in time in history. These civilizations participated in evolution and karmic repayment gained during the destruction of Atlantis. These efforts were significant to advance the individual spirit, as well as, society as a whole.
Many of the spiritual teachers of today were people who lived during these special times and participated in the creation or existence of these civilizations. These souls took on a mission to work through karma and re-learning their spiritual mission in order to help prepare our society for the New Age evolution.
There were 6 original Initiation cultures. But there were also several sub-cultures in between and along the way. An individual soul that lived through all these initiation schools would be considered as a Master Teacher now. That includes the Pope, wise preachers or Rabbi’s, and the most enlightened individuals, such as Dr. Michelle Lusson, Shirley MacClain, Sonya Roman, and so on.
So who and where were these civilizations?
Here's a list of the original 6.
1.. Tibet : They opened the original vortex to prepare the energy and set the base for work to begin. They brought in the healing techniques and the science of life.
2.. Egyptians : They brought in the expression of art and culture. Sort of the order and structure of living in community.
3.. Sumerian : They helped to define the communication between societies with the structure of language and the written word.
4.. Pre-Mayan : They contributed architecture, community building and the science of designing. Further setting a base for the evolution by defining a structure for planning.
5.. Pre-Incas : They brought in the traditions of community, a sense of legacy and culture. A responsibility to each other and to society as a whole.
6.. Anazazi : They contributed environmental awareness, the knowing that all living things are connected through and by "God".
7.. Essences : A Jewish community who contributed the form of teaching to society. Some researchers also believe this community was responsible for the creation of the Master Teacher Jesus.
The sub-initiation schools, you might think of them as summer schools, or schools of continuing education. The Greeks, the Mayans, the Incas and the early civilizations of the American Indians. All these communities were equally spiritual in their daily living. You might think of these civilizations as the societies who put into practice what the other schools taught.
How Do These Schools Affect Us Now?
The role of a soul who participated in these civilizations is "a person who will be willing to make the steps of Atonement" or a better way to say it: At-one-ment. To become one with the Divine again and to be willing to take on the responsibility and lessons of a spiritual teacher is more than just a huge commitment. Through the process of Atonement, Resurrection, Transformation and Service to community or humanity, these Initiates have helped and continue to help the progression of the soul along the spiritual path. They are the teachers, healers, Ministers and so on that teach empowerment, which freely share their knowledge and experience with others.