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eminar Suggestions for the RV Show Promoter

Classes Conducted by Lynn Difley Biography

Qualifications and Experience

Lynn Difley began teaching exercise classes twenty-five years ago, before the coining of the term "aerobics." Classes then consisted of calisthenics set to music and were designed for athletes in training to develop coordination. When the newly formed International Dance and Exercise Association (IDEA), now the major training and certification body for the exercise and fitness industry, established a certification program for exercise professionals she graduated from the first class. She is also certified with the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and Nautilus.

Her monthly Healthy Living column appears in Woodall's Publications magazines and her articles have appeared in RV and general consumer magazines. She teaches exercise and fitness classes and Healthy Lifestyle seminars at the Life on Wheels RV Conference at the University of Idaho and will be teaching at the Great American RV Rally in July, 2000 at Gillette, Wyoming. She is an evaluator and tester for Saucony, the athletic shoe manufacturer and is working on a book to be published soon.

Lynn and her husband, Bob, have been traveling fulltime in their motorhome for over five years. In addition to outdoor activities like mountain biking, hiking, kayaking, and swimming they follow a regular exercise regimen of running, weight training, balance, and flexibility.

Enjoyment of the RV Lifestyle, and the ability to extend it into the golden years, is dependent on the RVer's health, vigor, strength, and physical condition. Without these, the best parts of camping and enjoying the great outdoors would not be possible. Lynn's seminars and classes show how to maintain a healthy lifestyle while on the road, how to avoid injuries and falls through proper strength training, flexibility and conditioning exercises, and how to fully live and enjoy an active and vigorous lifestyle.

Her exercise classes have proven to be popular at all levels of exercise ability, from the Sit & Fit to the vigorous aerobics classes for regular exercisers.

The seminars listed below offer a variety of possibilities for the show event coordinator.


Though her seminars are educational and informative in nature, she shows the class how to establish a program devised especially for their abilities, how and when to increase the intensity of the program, and how to record their progress.

Make Healthy Living A Part of Your RV Lifestyle,

RV lifestyle. Footloose and fancy free. No deadlines. No work schedules. Relaxation and adventure await you. Making this the healthiest time in your life is a possibility, even a priority. Learn how to improve your health while having the time of your life. Losing weight, getting into shape, enjoying your life, can all be the focus of this exciting lifestyle. Participating in recreational and leisure activities such as hiking, bicycling, canoeing, wildlife watching, dancing, swimming, and sports can keep you fit and trim. Learn how to prepare healthy foods, increase energy levels and bring your fitness level to an all time high easily, and economically. This class will emphasize the healthy lifestyle, showing how to enjoy every day, every camp, every trip to the fullest. Learn how to stay healthy, happy, physically strong, mentally alert and have energy to spare for all the activities you have been dreaming about for years. RV living is an adventure. Be ready to enjoy it to the max.

Sit and Be Fit

A full body workout is the best choice for all over fitness, but there are times when it is just not possible. Learn how to increase strength, flexibility, and endurance as well as burn fat--all while seated. Worksheets will be provided and each participant will design a personal fitness program, to be done at home or on the road. We will discuss the movements as well as experience them in this lecture/workshop.

Golf Fitness

Power up your game with this class, which will be formatted to improve strength and endurance for the specific needs of the golf lovers who will not want to miss a course on their camping adventures. Emphasizes range of motion in the swing, increased power, and control. You will learn stretches that help prevent golf injuries such as golfers elbow, shoulder problems, and low back pain. Work sheets for all participants will help them plan their own individual golf fitness training program.

Additional Instructional Seminars

Tai Chi Your Way To Balance And Fitness

Back Clinic

Flexibility Training: Safeguarding Yourself From Falls and Accidents

Cardiovascular Conditioning for Endurance, Energy, and Weight Loss

Strength Training

The following classes are offered to event planners for rallies, club outings, or anywhere where RVers camp together for a few days to a week.


Classes led by Lynn include instruction, demonstration, help, advice, encouragement, and a good workout. And she makes it fun, too.

Morning Exercise

Get the day started with morning exercise, get that blood circulating, loosen up those stiff muscles, and start the day with a smile. A low impact, cardiovascular exercise class tailored to each individual's capacity and ability.

Wake up and Walk

Start off your morning right. Whether you are starting out on a walking program or find yours to be dull and humdrum, come and join us. Learn how to turn your walk into a full body workout by adding a variety of simple moves incorporating all muscle groups. Come ready to move with us, at whatever speed or level you desire.

Evening Stretching, Flexibility, Relaxation, and Breathing

End the day with relaxation techniques that will loosen up tight, tension stiffened muscles, improve range of movement, and banish stress.

Sit & Fit Exercise Class

The best form of exercise is a full body workout, utilizing all muscles to their full range of motion, challenging the body's endurance, building strength, and improving balance and flexibility. But a full body workout is not an option for all people all the time.

Does this mean exercise is not for you? Does this mean you're doomed to a life of stiffness, flab and weakness? NEVER ! What is most important is that you do what you can do today to move. Yesterday is gone. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? The purpose of this class is to improve your health and well being today, gently and gradually--improving your ability to move, increasing your strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance.

Tai Chi Your Way To Balance And Fitness

The Johns Hopkins University conducted a study on the effect of exercise on hypertension. They divided the group into a moderate-intensity exercise group, and the second, control group, did Tai Chi. After 12 weeks, both groups had decreased their average systolic blood pressure by 8 points, suggesting that Tai Chi may reduce high blood pressure just as much as more strenuous exercises, and is a lot easier on the musculo-skeletal system.

The stress reduction benefit is probably the best thing this system does for health. Stress is considered the number one health problem in America, with 60 to 70 percent of all visits to doctors due to stress related diseases. Using your RV along with a daily practice of Tai Chi will reduce stress as it improves health. Tai Chi is a modern way to use an ancient practice to achieve inner peace and outer strength. Tai Chi uses the whole body in a series of rhythmic movements in a dance like form, which can be practiced anywhere. Stronger muscles, an improved range of motion, and better balance (reducing risk of falls among seniors by 47.5%) make Tai Chi well worth the time.

Back Clinic

Back problems? Learn to live without them. This class will help you plan a personal attack on back problems through strengthening, stretching and postural exercises which can help you ward off future problems or deal with current limitations. Bring a mat or towel and wear comfortable clothes. Options will be offered for those who prefer sitting exercises.

Strength Training

Don't be a 95-pound weakling. The importance of staving off the loss of strength and muscle tone that happens as we age is well documented. Come and create an individualized strengthening program using rubber stretch bands and body resistance which can be done on the road, or at home.

Water Aerobics

Flexibility Training: Safeguarding Yourself From Falls and Accidents

Cardiovascular Conditioning for Endurance, Energy, and Weight Loss

If you have questions or comments, Email me.
