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We Display Them In Sexy Outfits...
We Offer Them For Tender Caresses...
We scrutinize their size, shape
& symmetry in the mirror...
But When It Comes To Breast Health,
We're Not Paying Enough Attention.
© 1999, February
New Woman® Magazine


With the exception of skin cancer, more women in the United States are diagnosed with Breast Cancer every year than with any other cancer.

About 180,000 cases will be diagnosed this year alone and 44,000 women will DIE of this horrid disease; many lives that could be saved by early diagnosis.

The greatest risk factor for developing breast cancer is Being A Woman; but is not limited to women as many men suffer from the disease as well
(see link below).

Women at higher risk include those whose mothers or sisters have had breast cancer, women who have never had children, and women who had their first child after age 30.

The majority of women who develop breast cancer have NO family history of the disease or other risk factors.

Breast cancer can occur at ANY age but becomes more common as a woman gets older.


The best defense is
Early Detection....

First, do a visual examination....
Stand in a mirror with your breasts fully visible and note any abnormalities such as dimpling, scaling, enlargement, etc. Do this exam by placing your hands, first, over your head and then on your hips. Be sure to check the underside of your breasts as well, in addition to your nipples for discharge or bleeding.

Next, choose a pattern by which to follow for your self-physical examination...
The method you choose is not important, only that you DO choose one and DO your breast self-exam. In any case, remember to also check under your arms and your upper chest areas.

Beginning in the underarm area, move your fingers down until they are below the breast. Move your fingers in toward the center and go slowly back up. Be sure to cover the entire breast area, going up and down.

Beginning at the outer edge of your breast, move your fingers slowly around the entire breast. Once you come back to where you started, make a smaller circle and repeat this motion again. Continue, working toward the nipple.

Starting at the outer edge of the breast, move your fingers toward the nipple and back. Do the entire breast, covering one wedge-shaped section at a time.



The American Cancer Society recommends the following guidelines for early detection:

Age 20-39:
Breast self-exam each month.
Clinical breast exam by your physician every three years.

Age 40 and over:
Mammogram every year.
Clinical breast exam by your physician every year.
Breast self-exam each month.

Calculate Your Risk


Medical Research Issues

+ Male Breast Cancer + Breast +
+ John Hopkins Health Information +

National & Gov't Issues

+ National Action Plan on Breast Cancer +
+ Women's History Month: Breast Cancer +

Support Systems

+ Keep In Touch - BSE + Facing Breast Cancer + Breast Cancer Network + Childrens' Reactions to Breast Cancer + Association of Cancer Online + Breast Cancer Lighthouse +
+ The Breast Cancer Handbook +


+ National Breast Cancer Coalition + National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations + Join The Fight against Breast Cancer + AVON Women- Join The Crusade +
+ American Cancer Society +

Women's Mags

+New Woman® Online + Woman's World + Women + Electra, the place for women online + Welcome to Better Health +

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ring site is owned by: Michelle

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