
Below are links we found to be:
helpful, enlightening, or delighting.

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NOTE: The below links were contributed by FB visitors as links of special interest or online help. Fighting Back is not recommending them or accountable for their content. Always use discretion when giving out personal information about yourself.       LAST UPDATE  04/06

Read this first

 A most excellent website. You will  want to save this in your Fav  Places or Bookmark, for when  someone you know may be  displaying suicidal tendencies.

Soul Cries.com

 This poet has remarkable  insight into the heart, mind  and soul.

Lady Snow's Ice Castle --Poetry for the Soul

 Healing words for the wounded  heart

Laura's Prose & Poetry

 An expression of love between  two people who met online and  married. Beautiful original love  poetry

The Awakening

 A time comes in your life when  you finally get it. When in the  midst of all your fears and  insanity you stop dead in your  tracks and somewhere a voice  inside your head cries out -  ENOUGH!

Sanctuary for the Abused

       ---  Player  Profiling  ---
 Defining Emotional Abuse & More

I am responsible for myself

 I am responsible for what I do  to others and for what I allow  others to do to me...

Who I Am

 Who We Really Are -- Our  Inner Self

Advice for the Broken Heart

 Salve for Wounded Hearts

Internet Reality

 If he/she really looks as good as  they say, don't you think he/she  would have something better to  do than chat with you all  night???  [ HUMOR ]

Internet Love Story

        H U M O R

Way Too Personal

 Adventures in Internet Dating - - both 'horror' and 'amusing'  stories can be found here ... as  well as advice in regard to  Internet dating

Revenge Lady.com

 Advice on using the ancient art  of revenge


 Find anyone's birthday


 Daily inspirational quotes for  women. Each day there is a new  quote displayed. Most of the  Daremore Quotes are by  women...their purpose is to  provoke thought, inspire, or just  make you chuckle.

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