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Find out more about Nick Gabrichidze

Nick Gabrichidze
The Artist of XXI century


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Nick Gabrichidze:
education: High school, Tbilisi, Georgia (ex USSR)-graduated 1983.
State academy of Arts, Tbilisi, Georgia(ex USSR)-graduated 1992.
Degree's- Artist/Architecture.
Bureau voor Kunsten en Media (Dutch guild of artists)-from 1999.
"Stichting Beeldrecht" foundation (Netherlands)-from 1998.
Foundation AIDA Netherlands-from 1995.
"Gate Foundation", Amsterdam-from 1995.
Special award from "Vorzinningfonds voor kunstenaars" (Dutch foundation for Artists)- oct 1999.
exibition experience:
group exibits:
1971-State junior exibition.Tbilisi, Georgia (ex USSR).
1988-Biennale for East/West European students(toured half of the Europe).
1992-Presentation of "Settlement for People with unusial lifestyle".
solo exibits:
1993-Ne bey copitom(Mosckow)
1995-Zaal 100(Amsterdam,Netherlands)
1999-American Pop Art Highway.(LA,CA)
At the 1995-99 Nick principally did not cooperated with the galleryes.
!!!installations , murals , interior design:
At the 1995-2000 : 35 monumental projects(mostly murals and installations) was completed in Amsterdam and Los Angeles. Click here to see it.
Nick's Artist statement:
"You have to see my works. Its all there."

CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT NICK.or to get your own poster with an image of Nick Gabrichidze's artwork-free of charge..

check some best works of Nick Gabrichidze at another web site's.