To Smiley |
Karate |
Pennsylvania |
Graduation |
Hecksher Park
Long Island
Eight pictures as of June 1, 2000
This set of pictures was taken by me at Hecksher Park in Huntington.
It was my first set taken with the Sony Mavica. I only wish I had the camera sooner.
I've brought him to this park several times in the past. I wanted him to experience this park since I
spent so much time here as a child (and a teen for that matter!)
We had a great time playing in the playground, climbing the hill, chasing the ducks in the pond,
and hanging out in the atrium. I hope to get up here again several times this summer!
To Smiley |
Karate |
Pennsylvania |
Graduation |
Empire State
Ten pictures as of June 1, 2000
These were taken as Nevan attended Karate lessons at a school
which my brother recommended. I think he enjoyed the company of
the students more than the lessons although he did like the
"snake" an awful lot! Many thanks to Sensei Joyce, Jimmy
and especially Kristie for this very important part of Nevans life.
To Smiley |
Karate |
Pennsylvania |
Graduation |
Science Museum New
Jersey 1999
Twelve pictures as of
June 1, 2000
Robot Insects! Cool science experiments! I only wish I had more
disks for the Mavica. We didn't have any shots left for the visit
to the statue (sorry). I enjoyed this trip as much as Nevan did! The
museum is a great day-trip. The statue is awesome! The ferry
ride was pretty cool too! Now... if I could only get him to say
"liberty" instead of "literby" :)
To Smiley |
Karate |
Pennsylvania |
Graduation |
Twenty three pictures as
of June 1, 2000
Hershey Park, Yogi Bear, riding a four wheeler and getting into
trouble for FLYING over the speed bumps (grumpy old man,
who said we can't have fun?!?) Nevan caught his first fish, took
his first roller coaster ride, explored a cavern. Way too much fun
to list here! I can't thank my parents enough for inviting us for
the week. I don't think either one of us will forget this
To Smiley |
Karate |
Pennsylvania |
Graduation |
Picking Long
Island 1999
Thirteen pictures as
of June 1, 2000
I forgot the name of the farm we visited to get the pumpkins
for the Halloween season on this particular year. I bet Nevan
would be able to tell me how to get there if I asked him. We took
our first hay ride and had a blast in the corn maze. We had the
pants scared off of us by the skeletons shooting each other in the
field. Thanks to a very close friend for advising this day to
us. :)
To Smiley |
Karate |
Pennsylvania |
Graduation |
Drive Nana
& Papa's 1999
Thirteen pictures as
of June 1, 2000Who says you need to spend
a lot of money to have fun? This is one of my pals favorite places
to just hang out and spend time with the family. Here you can see
pictures of Nevan flying his first kite, (which we eventually
lost to the sky!) practicing a few rock climbing skills and us
just hiking around in the woods. He's gonna be a great partner on
my camping expeditions! Guess I should buy that compass now!
To Smiley |
Karate |
Pennsylvania |
Graduation |
Thirty six pictures as
of June 8, 2000At least once a week Nevan asks me
something about when he gets to college. "Next year do I go
to college?" or "When I go to college do I have to have
a girlfriend?" or "When I'm in college can I drive your
car?" I always tell him the same thing... Don't rush pal.
Enjoy it while you can... One day you'll have to go to work..
To Smiley |
Karate |
Pennsylvania |
Graduation |
and Tricks 2000 (not complete as of June 29, 2000)
Check it out. Here
you can find Tic-Tac-Toe (Nevans favorite) and some other things
I thought I'd put on this page for the child in all of us. Enjoy!
To Smiley |
Karate |
Pennsylvania |
Graduation |
2000 (not complete as of June 29, 2000)
Here you will find a
small collection of songs that Nevan likes a lot and a bunch that
I would dedicate to him if he was old enough to appreciate that
sort of thing.
To Smiley |
Karate |
Pennsylvania |
Graduation |
2000 (not complete as of June 29, 2000)
Testing Font.
To Smiley |
Karate |
Pennsylvania |
Graduation |
Be Continued...