Get It Write!
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Get It Write!

Learn to write. Better.

Welcome to Get It Write!
This website is an excellent source for
high quality and cost effective editing.

My purpose is to help you reach your writing goal with
honest, writer-friendly editing that will help you move up
to the next level of creativity, skill and accomplishment.

Here is what satisfied customers have to say.

Part One
You email me a 250 word (the industry standard for one page), double spaced, sample excerpt and I will carefully edit it and return it to you free of charge. Please include your snailmail address with the original email so I know where to send the completed work.

Part Two
If you like what I do, then send me the entire manuscript. The cost is US$1 per page. Click here for more details. Click here for a currency exchange page.

Part Three
You take what I've done and work with it as you wish. As writing is an art and not a science, the comments I've made are not 'cast in concrete' rules, and you are free to agree or disagree with them.

Please note that I do not have any contacts with publishers or agents and as such make no guarantees that you will get published. What I can do, however, is help you smooth the flow of your work.

Please email me at for more details. Thank you.

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