International Socialist Tendency Documents Page
Updated February 22, 2002.
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Listed are a series of documents relating to the current struggle between
the International Socialist Organization and the Socialist Workers Party
as well as past struggles within the International Socialist Tendency:
December 17, 2001. Statement
on the IS Tendency by a pro-ISO group of former members of the Irish
July 5, 2001. Report
on the IST meeting which formally expelled the ISO (US). Written by Alex
Callinicos for the SWP Central Committee.
December 2001. The
Joke Mark Steel Won't Tell. Satirical book review.
June 2001. Between
Things Ended and Things Begun: Perspectives for Socialists. Article
by Ahmed Shawki of the ISO (US) on perspectives for socialists in the United
May 17, 2001. Regroupment.
A letter by Alex Callinicos to members of the IS tendency on the Tendency's
attitude towards regroupment.
February 2001. Two
letters - the first was sent out to IS Tendency groups by pro-IST former
members of the Greek SEK, formerly the largest IS group outside Britain.
The second letter was sent by the ISO (US) Steering Committee to the IS
Tendency following the Greek letter.
March 7, 2001 document The Anti-Capitalist Movement and the Revolutionary
Left by Alex Callinicos outlines the SWP's reasons for removing the American
ISO from the IS Tendency. View html
version or download as MS
Word document.
ISO reply to the
SWP released March 12, 2001.
on Relations between the SWP (GB) and the ISO (US) written by the SWP
Central Committee and released March 12, 2001.
Letter from the
DEA (Internationalist Workers Left - Greece) to sections of the IST
on its recent split from the SEK. Released March 25, 2001.
Open Letter
from the International Socialist Organisation (New Zealand) to the International
Socialist Organization (US). Dated March 19, 2001.
The ISO (US)
and the International Socialist Tendency. A detailed response from
the ISO (US) Steering Committee (written for the July 2001 IST meeting)
to the SWP Central Committee's Statement of March 12. The ISO statement
seeks to refute the SWP's charges, critiques the SWP's "failed perspectives"
and accuses the British party of violating democratic norms by its interference
with groups within the IS Tendency.
March 2001 ISO Internal Discussion Bulletin. Includes a series of documents
from the ISO and the SWP outlining the dispute. View scanned
original, or view html
version, or download as MS
Word document.
Notes for a Platform
for the Opposition (I) Document from an internal ISO opposition group
(March 2000).
Notes for a Platform
for the Opposition (II) The above document continued.
SWP Party Notes
- May 15, 2000. Reorganisation of branches.
SWP Party Notes
- June 5, 2000. Discusses severing of relations between ISO and SWP.
ISO Notes
- May 18, 2000. Discusses the threat posed by the "Sverdlov" list.
ISG Discussion
Document. A 1994 critique of the politics, perspectives and internal
regime of the Socialist Workers Party written by former members.
SWP vs. Lenin:
Bureaucratic Centralism or Democratic Centralism. A 1994 document by
former SWP members assailing the party's lack of democratic structure.
Statement on the
IS List. A 1995 order by the SWP banning members from participating
in an informal IS Tendency listserv after documents from the International
Socialist Group were posted on the list (same documents as above).
1986 Canadian IS faction fight documents.
from 1994 and 1996 Canadian IS faction fights.
Leninism, Trotskyism
and Socialist Organization Today. 1996 document from the Political
Reorientation Faction of IS Canada.