April 10th

So...things have been confusing. I broke it off with the guy that I was seeing today. We are going to be friends and we thought that it would be better to end it before things got horrible... Well, I am excited because there is this guy that I have become friends with and he is wonderful. He treats me very well and he is a great golfing partner!!! He has played for years and he taught me a few things when we went to the range together. It is great. We are on spring break and I am definitely enjoying my time away from everyone. It has been most peaceful. But I miss my friends that have gone away. I really wanted to spend some time with my friends from other schools but they all seem to have gone away for the week. The weather has been nice and all the college guys are playing football and volleyball, etc. I am taking advantage of the great view as I drive by. The boys enjoy a honk or two every now and then... haha!!! Well, I need to go. I will write when there is more excitement!

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