February 23

Well, I went to lunch with my Dad today. My parents are divorced and it is very rare when my Dad decides to pay attention to me. I swear. Last night he called and I was thinking that he is finally returning my message that I left for him an extremely long time ago. But no, I was wrong, his car broke down and he needed me to help him. So typical. Anyway, I helped him and so I think he felt the need to reconnect or whatever. So he told me that we would go out to lunch together. Well, suprise suprise, he calls me about ten minutes before I am ready to leave and says his car broke down again, so can I pick him up for lunch? AGHHHHH!!! So being the nice daughter that I am, I pick him up and we go to lunch. But par for course of my father, we talk about my brother THE ENTIRE TIME. I think my Dad forgets that I am part of the family too. When I tried to talk about the new colleges that I was looking at, he laughs and says, "You are going to break my bank." As if he is actually going to contribute. He doesn't regularly pay for my brother's college education, why would he pay for mine? Anyway, he gave me some money.. which turned out to be my "just a tad bit late christmas present". I didn't really care, I wasn't home for Christmas. I was visiting other relatives. But I didn't even need a gift and then he has to explain why it is so late and how times are hard... BLAH BLAH BLAH. HE is supporting only himself. My mother works two jobs so that she can pay for all our expenses. I mean she bought my car for me, pays for my clothes, etc. Anyway.... Then I went to work and that was okay. I washed my golf clubs today and they look really nice! Hehe... Okay, I think I am done complaining for the day.

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