February 24

So today I had a physical so that I could play golf, and I am in great condition. So no worries, not that I had any. I went and got Subway and brought it to my Mum at work so we had lunch together. It was nice minus the fact that she felt the need to introduce me to people that I have already met. So I went to work later and no excitement, except my friend J. J. was working and he was cracking me up!!! It was hilarious. I went to our basketball game tonight and we did really well. Our boys have done really well this season. Anyway, I have decided that some people are really rude sometimes. As I was writing this my friend came by to bring me a movie she borrowed and to show me her new car. Well, we were standing outside (it is late, so it is dark) and chatting while she showed me her car and another car drove by and threw an egg at her car. Needless to say, it bounced off and cracked on my sidewalk. But the whole point is that it was rude and completely random. I am sure that I don't know those kids and that they don't know me. I just happened to be outside and granted it was only one egg but it is just the principle of the thing. So now I am in a bad mood... Geez louis...

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