February 28

Okay.. Today, I was so stupid.. I swear.. It was one of those days. I was having so many problems and my friends and I kept laughing. It was hilarious. Then after school, we had our first day of Golf!! It was so much fun and I can't wait until tomorrow when I get to play again. Too much fun, and I wasn't doing horrible either... so that is exciting. I have a boy problem though.. okay this guy was interested in me and I was totally interested in him and we hung out and talked on the phone at night.. ya know. the usual. well we hung out all night at the last dance and we talked on the weekend too. well he was supposed to call me before he left for vacation last saturday and he didn't call.. then I didn't get a chance to talk to him today and I called him to get a class assignment because I had to leave early because I had a dentist appt... well he was totally aloof. He gave me the assignment and said all right... talk to ya later. bye.. and I was like.. hello!! don't you think that I was just using the assingment as an excuse to call you!! And I was going to ask you about your trip!! I don't understand and it frustrates me because I really like being with him.. he is the sweetest guy. Sigh.. So I have no idea what is up with that and it bothers me... if you have suggestions.. please help me!!! email me!!! Actually I am starting to wonder if anyone reads these at all.. if you do, please sign in my guestbook.. i am curious if anyone sees this!! haha.. well I have to go... I hope that tomorrow I have just as much fun golfing as I did today!!!
