February 29

well golf was not as fun as it was yesterday... Geez. It poured the entire time and being the stupid person that I am... I didn't stay at the driving range. I wanted to go and play some holes... boy was that dumb. I was soaked after three holes. Oh well. I had such a bad day at school. It was so dumb and my friend that was rude on the phone last night?... I didn't talk to him today and at lunch I was talking to my friend who had her back to him and he was totally looking at me for an extremely long time. And I kept seeing him do it... I don't understand him... Boys are so confusing! Geez! And I have to go back to school because we have band practice. Isn't that dumb? We have practice from 7 until 930 at the very least. That is what our conductor said. I was mad because I do have other things to do other than play my stupid instrument all night..Well I went to the orthodontist today and he said that I have until September!!!! That is so far away!! I really want these things off!!!! braces are good, but such a pain in the butt sometimes. I really want them off! But my ortho is really nice so I don't mind going!... well off to band.. such a waste of time...

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