March 12th

Well another uneventful weekend. Geez... Friday, I went into the bandroom and bawled my eyes out to the kids who stole my purse. I told them that I didn't care who took it and that I just wanted my stuff back. I told them what it looked like and the teacher put some pressure on them. So hopefully someone will snitch. Friday night my friend and I stayed home and sewed! It was so much fun!!! I had bought a purse pattern and I needed to make myself a purse. So I did. It was soo cute. My friend at school had made herself one and I was admiring it. So I am really glad that I made one. It is cute. I might make another one. I have six patterns that came in the packet. Geez... I sound like a grandma or something. Hahaha... what a nerd. Oh well. It is cute and that is what matters!!! haha... So anyway... I had to work all saturday. 3 to 10:30. I was so tired. Then I had to be at work at 7 the next morning... I came home and slept all day today... what a waste.

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