March 3rd

well... I have been very busy the past few days. I have had some fun golfing, but I didn't do too well today. Oh well. Then we lost our basketball game also. But hey it is Friday so I shouldn't complain. I had a stupid band thing yesterday and I had some fun, not much though. Oh... today at our basketball game m friend who has been rude to me lately.. he was really nice to me and very attentive... I am thinking, would you please make up your mind because I dislike being confused. It was nice to have him at least talk to me though. Anyway, I am so extremely tired, but hey today is my brother's birthday and my dad's... hooray for the both of them... well I am pooped so I will write more when I get the chance... I am upset because I uploaded some files and bam.. my page counter won't work and my images are just x's... so I am upset... And I am computer illiterate so I have no idea how to fix it... if anyone does.. email me...

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