March 6th

I think that people don't like me. I decided that today. So many people were rude to me today and I had just about the worst weekend. Grr... And to top it off, I played horrible at golf today. I did really bad and I am an embarassment to the game of golf. I did get to sleep in today and I don't have to go to my math class tomorrow. So that is good. But I do have a test in English on Macbeth.. yuck.. and I have a huge exam in Physics. I really should be studying for that. There is this girl at golf, who is really not a nice girl. We have never gotten along and she beats me at everything that we do. She beat me for student council and everyone loves her and now she is a better golfer than I am. It really bothers me and I don't like that it bothers me. She is one of those fake nice girls and is nice to people, but the second you turn your back she is trashing you to only her best friend. She makes me so mad because she is a bad person but everyone thinks that she is wonderful. geez louis... Okay so then boys.. This boy who is always nice to me and one of my friends told me that he likes me..... he was rude to me today. I don't get it. I am always so nice to him because he is sweet and I do kind of like him... Anyway, he was rude to me and I don't know what to do. I am frustrated...

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