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January 3, 2000, Monday- so long coach. So long Hobbes. On the road towards Vail. An easy 600 plus miles today to Richfield, UT. Good roads and good weather today and for the next few days.

Approaching Grand Junction, CO- with confectioner's sugar snow topping!

January 4-10, 2000- Tuesday - Monday. These were intense days. A blur of activity. Arrived home in Vail for dinner with Jeff & Lenore (and part of their family), and Brad and Rachael who stayed an extra day to see us. A great dinner was had with all of them and Ben at Terra Bistro in Vail. Then the fun began. Wednesday Susan and I tore up the upstairs - everything spread from pillar to post, trying to organize what to save, what to trash, and what to give to charity. Jeff and Lenore were better prepared then us as to the magnitude of our undertaking. They took an early leave from Vail, and left us to our mess. Thursday was a running day- with Susan getting a mammography- thanks to Phil asking the radiologist if he could squeeze us in. Currently they were booking into February, but Jerry said he would be pleased to help us out. Then run to Edwards to drop off old HTS books and records with Sally and Alan. Next, run to Denver to get Susan's eye's checked and then meet Debi for dinner along the road back to Vail.


Friday was a packing day- and fortunately Phil and Karen saved our bacon by helping us keep things moving forward. A few wire cuts and the majority of the stereo system was in pieces. Ten minutes later we got a call that the buyers now wanted to purchase the equipment. So, now to reassemble it all- what an extra job - but by Sunday afternoon- it was all back up and working again. But without P&K's help the 50 or 60 boxes that we packed and organized in the garage- never could have been accomplished. They left at 6:30, and we jumped into cleaner clothes for Friday night services at B'Nai Vail. At services we got to see Fran and Allan, Don and Myrna, Carol and Peter, Gilda and Werner, and another 50 that we haven't seen in a long time. Since dinner hadn't been had before services, we decided to try for dinner afterwards. The first two restaurants had lines out the door- at 9:30 PM. Finally we got into the third place.


So-long Vail home for 22 years. We're sure the next people will continue the love that was started within these walls!

Saturday was moving day. I drove 30 miles to Dillon to get a U-Haul trailer, and after a hour of their struggling to get the lights working on the trailer, headed back to the house to start loading the trailer, the Jeep, Phil's Explorer, and a borrowed Tahoe. With muscle power supplemented by Phil, Debi and Ben, we all headed over the passes to Denver- and piled all of the boxes into Steve's basement.


Sunday we finished packing up the last of the stuff- and realized that we needed to go to Denver with another load of boxes- so at 5 PM we drove off into the snow storm, and arrived at Steve's 3 hours later. We finally got to meet Steve's girlfriend Becky, a lovely lady, downed a fast burger that they made us, and returned to the snowstorm. A technical drive, to put it mildly, with wind, blowing snow, ice, and gravel blowing across like a sandblaster.


Monday- the day has finally arrived- with Phil's help we got everything loaded and moved out of the house, got it cleaned up, and made it to the closing a 3 PM. Signed a few papers, and we are now without real estate for the first time in 30 years. Certainly it's with mixed emotion to see the home that we lived in, raised our family in, and shared so many good times, to leave our possession. On the other hand, not living in it, and just spending money to maintain it, was not in our best financial interest. So- another of the many life passages has come and gone, and we move on.


January 11, 2000- Tuesday- down to Denver for a change- and as we passed by our former home in East Vail- Susan didn't even remember to look out the window at it. I guess she was ready for the release also. By the time we got to Denver the car was totally covered in road dirt- from the last three four trips in the last six days. It begged for a real car wash, and we listened and reacted positively. Now the only evidence of the trips is a windshield filled with pit marks from the gravel, and a front end shy of some paint. As Susan said- aren't you glad that we didn't get a new car three weeks ago? She's right as always.


The eye doctor put a change in our plans. The new lens from last week is doing fine, but the stitches from her surgery 22 months ago started to open. That's normal- 18 to 24 months after surgery, so it's time to remove them. But, now we can't leave on Thursday as planned- since we have a follow-up appointment next Monday to see if the curvature of the eye changed, and maybe more follow-up with new lens changes. We're sure glad that we're not on a rigid time schedule.


Dinner was with Debi, Steve, Becky and a whole group totaling fourteen at Il Fornia, a great Italian restaurant in the LoDo section of Denver. Except for one other set of parents, all the rest worked with Steve and had been on the sailing trip to the BVI over the holidays. Lots of laughs and good spirits exchanged. Fortunately Steve's roommate was gone for a week, so we could overnight in his house before starting back up the hill tomorrow.


January 12, 2000, Wednesday- back up the hill from Steve's and on to Alan and Fran's where we did lunch and a few hands of euchre. Also, Don and Myrna came over- and they too are now experts in the game. Dinner was in celebration of Art's birthday- and we joined he, Anna and Ben at Chili Willy's. A good time had by all.

Happy Birthday to Art!!


January 13, 2000, Thursday- off to Silverthorne from Vail for a 7:45 service appointment for our 60,000 mile Jeep service. Too many hundreds of dollars later we were back into Eagle county for a 3:50 showing of the Green Mile with Tom Hanks. Anna and Art join us, or was it we them. It was definitely a powerful picture with superb acting, sure to win a few awards.


January 14, 2000- Friday- taking an easy day today- trying to catch-up on loose ends. Phil joined us for a quick dinner and "the movie". Tonight's selection was "Magnolia". The three plus hour movie reminded me of "Pulp Fiction"- lots of stories about disjointed relationships, drugs, liquor, sex, and the normal problems of life. At the end of the movie- it was a challenge to see multitude of pieces come together. Not a picture for everyone.


January 15, 2000- Saturday- Deb and Steve came up the hill to ski- and we drove them to the mountain- to save parking- and then picked them up at the end of the day. Phil and I went flying- crystal clear weather- a few touch and goes, and some photo formation flying alongside an "Aviat Husky". As always, it felt great to get behind the wheel again. Meanwhile Susan went on an 8 mile walk from Phil's house, out to the golf course, and back into town, where we had a late lunch at Alpenrose Tea Room. With lots of sunshine and temperatures in the 40's - it was a perfect time for the outdoor patio. Lunch was a favorite first had over 20 years ago- and it's been at least 10 years since I've enjoyed the "Alpenrose Supreme". Heavenly!


Dinner was at Ben's new house in Eagle Vail. He did a spectacular job from soup to nuts- for Art, Anna, Steve, Deb, Susan and myself. Afterwards we did something that's probably been 25 years since we've enjoyed a game of Monopoly.


Steve, Debi & Ben at Ben's house!
Larry, Anna, Art & Susan at Ben's house!

Aviat Husky, yellow, and Phil's plane "Flying Spirit"

A beautiful day to fly!

January 16, 2000, Sunday- Deb & Steve tore up the mountain while Sue and I had a brunch with Angelo and Kristen, and then a leisurely walk through town and part of the golf course. It was great to see the transformation of Angelo over the years- from an entry level employee to an entrepreneur with his own sign shop. Kristin is back in an MBA program through DU, with classes in Vail. Keep the education flowing! Dinner was a quick flip of the burgers so that Steve and Deb could get an early start back to Denver, and avoid some of the snow that started falling as they got ready to depart.


Larry by Gore Creek.
Kristen and Susan by Gore Creek

January 17, 2000- Monday- a wet ride to Denver, for a change. One would have been pressed to identify if a car existed under a pile of road dirt. Sue's eye doctor appointment went well- with a see you in April. So, tomorrow, back on the road towards Palm Springs. On the way out of town, about 3 PM, we stopped at the Audi dealer to see one of our salesmen friends. Debi is looking for a good used Audi- similar to Steve's- as her Honda is getting tired of too many snowy trips to Vail. Well, our salesman contact had left two years ago, and the GM that we know had left at noon. But, the new guy on the block seemed fair and knowledgeable- and low and behold, he had one car that seemed to fit the bill. A '97 model, like Steve's, but with only 25,000 clicks, and still under factory warrantee. With a special blue green color, it was priced under blue book- and the color would look great for Debi. So, the next thing we know, it's now 7 PM, and Debi is signing papers for her new car. Glad we could help with the negotiations and get her into what she wanted.

Debi and the "new" Audi. Pretty lady, pretty car!