Possible Funding Resources
4-A.Corporate Funding Resources- Corporations with Non-Profit Funding 4-B. Arts and Culture Resources- Foundations with Arts and Culture Funding 4-C. Community Development Resources- Community Development Resources Foundations with Community Development Funding 4-D. Grant Foundations Resources- Nationwide Foundations- Grant Foundations Resources- Alphabetical listing of current resources to nationwide foundations.
4-A.Corporate Funding Resources- Corporations with Non-Profit Funding Note - most corporations give only in those communities in which they have a presence. http://www.abbott.com/community/abtfund.htm Abbott Laboratories Fund Within Abbott Communities (130 worldwide) human health & welfare: elementary, secondary & higher education; culture, arts & civic activities. http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/philanthropy/main.html Adobe Systems Inc Adobe software products, small $1,500 cash grants to nonprofit organizations which service: youth, the homeless, people with disabilities, minorities, the elderly, and victims of abuse; provide education & literacy programs, support human rights, support the arts, protect the environment, & support animal rights. http://www.aetna.com/foundation/ Aetna Foundation Limited to proposals submitted by invitation only. http://www.alliantenergy.com/ourinvolvement/charity.html Alliant/IES Utilities Limited to communities in state of Iowa - education, human needs, community, arts & nature. http://www.alcoa.com/grant.html Aluminum Company of America Research grants for the production of aluminum metal. http://www.alza.com/cmnty.htm ALZA Corporation Organizations that have Alza employees serving as active members of the Board or as Volunteers. http://www.americanexpress.com/corp/philanthropy/ American Express Company Community service, culture heritage & economic independence. http://www.ameritech.com/community/index.html Ameritech Corporation Education, economic development and quality of life. http://www.amrcorp.com/corp_fdn.htm AMR/American Airlines Foundation Dallas/Fort Worth, Chicago, Miami, & San Juan - needs of non-profits in the communities that American Airlines serves. http://www.apple.com/education/ Apple Computer Special rates on apple computers for educators. http://www.arco.com/Corporate/reports/foundation/home.htm ARCO Foundation The West, Southwest, Alaska, and Rocky Mountains - education, community, arts & humanities, environment, & public information. http://www.arvin.com/sub_newsroom/NewsRoom_ArvinFoundation.htm Arvin Foundation Report on Arvin's philanthropic contributions you may send for. http://www.ashland.com/community/ Ashland Inc./Ashland Foundation U.S. & U.K. - in Ashland Inc. Communities. http://www.aspect.com/company/community.htm Aspect Telecommunications Education K-9, non-profits & schools focusing on the education of children and youth in Aspect Telecommunication's communities. http://www.att.com/foundation/text/guide_tx.html AT&T Foundation Invitational programs or by solicited applications from non-profit organizations - education, civic & community service, arts & culture. http://www.avon.com/about/women/foundation/foundation.html Avon Products Foundation Women's programs in - health, education, community & social services, arts & culture. http://www.bge.com/aboutbge/contrib/contrib.html Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Central Maryland service territory - early childhood development, education, health & welfare, hospitals, cultural, civic, community revitalizations, & environment. http://www.bankamerica.com/community/community.html BankAmerica Corporation Community development & the environment. http://www.bankerstrust.com/corpcomm/communi/index.html Bankers Trust Corporation Bankers Trust Foundation - Community development, education, arts & culture, health & hospitals, environment, general, international. http://www.bayerus.com/about/index.html Bayer Foundation Bayer Communities - civic & community programs, science education & work force development, the arts, art education & culture. http://www.baxter.com/investors/citizenship/index.html Baxter Foundation Access to health care. http://www.beauticontrol.com/whof.htm Beauticontrol - Women Helping Others Foundation Health, education & wellness concerns specifically for women & children. http://www.bechtel.com/buildingminds/bechfoun.html Bechtel Foundation Bechtel Communities - typically youth & educational programs, grants are under $5,000. http://www.bellatlanticfoundation.com/ Bell Atlantic Foundation Apply new technologies to non-profit organizations - Maine to Virginia. http://www.bellsouthcorp.com/bsf/ BellSouth Foundation Improve education in the U.S.South by stimulating fundamental changes in primary & secondary education that will result in active learning & improving outcomes for all students. http://www.benjerry.com/foundation/index.html Ben & Jerry's Foundation Progressive social change by addressing the underlying conditions of societal or environmental problems - children & families, disenfranchised groups, the environment. http://www.boston.com/extranet/foundation/index.html Boston Globe Foundation Boston, Mass. Area only - children & youth 0-22 years. http://www.bms.com/index/index.html Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Unrestricted biomedical research, women's health education, math & science education, local/community involvement. http://www.ceridian.com/who_community.asp Ceridian Corporation Balance the growing demand of work & home life; health, education, & arts. http://www.chevron.com/community/index.html Chevron Company Education & the environment. http://www.cigna.com/corp/contributions/ CIGNA Corporation Organizations & activities that improve the overall climate for businesses. http://www.cinergy.com/foundation/default.htm Cinergy Foundation Parts of Ohio, Indiana, & Kentucky only - arts & culture, community development, education, health & social services. http://www.citicorp.com/corporate_affairs/pfoco.htm Citibank/Citicorp Foundation Day to day business practices. http://www.clorox.com/company/foundation/community.html Clorox Company Foundation Primarily Oakland & San Francisco area in California. http://www.cocacola.com/foundation/index.html Coca-Cola Company 150 schoolarships to high-school seniors in Coca-Cola areas. http://www.compaq.com/corporate/contrib/index.html Compaq Computer Corporation Limited to Houston, Texas. http://www.conagra.com/commun.html ConAgra, Inc Improve the quality of life in communities where ConAgra employees work & live - education, health & human services, arts & culture, and civic & community betterment. http://www.cox.com/School/Resources/ James M. Cox Foundation In Cox Communications communities - cable service free of charge to every elementary, junior & senior high school, (public & private) in our communities. http://www.datatel.com/scholars.htm Datatel Scholars Foundation Scholarships to eligible students to attend a higher learning institution selected from Datatel's more than 400 client sites. http://www.deere.com/aboutus/general/support.htm John Deere & Company Human services, community development, educational enterprises, & cultural opportunities. http://www.detroitedison.com/aboutus/whoweare/96ar/96found.html Detroit Edison Foundation Southeastern Michigan - Detroit Area. http://www.rrdonnelley.com/public/community/ R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company Chicago, Illinois - to support the written word, to serve children & youth, to enhance the quality of life in our communities. http://www.dow.com/about/charitable/charity.html Dow Chemical Company Address a demonstrated need in a city/community in which the Dow Chemical Company has a presence - hands on science experience for students below the college level, supports a university project or program involving science, engineering or business, enhances the environment. http://www.dreyers.com/corporate/charity.html Dreyer's Foundation Communities where the company has operating facilities, focused community support, youth & K-12 public education. http://www.DuPont.com/corp/philanthropy.html Dupont In communities in which they operate - community social progress and economic success, environmental excellence, education. http://www.kodak.com/US/en/corp/community.shtml Eastman Kodak Company Primarily focused at site communities - community revitalization, environment, arts & culture, education, health & human services. http://www.eaton.com/corp/contribute/index.html Eaton Corporation Communities where it has facilities - education & community improvement. http://www.eds.com/community_affairs/ Electronic Data Systems Corporation Education outreach. http://www.epng.com/about/involve.htm El Paso Energy Foundation El Paso, Houston, Western Texas - education, youth groups, community programs, social service programs and the arts. http://www.entergy.com/comrel/ Entergy Corporation Portions of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississipi, & Texas - education & community involvement. http://www.fanniemaefoundation.org/ Fannie Mae Foundation Consumer housing education, and home-buying fairs. http://www.farmersinsurance.com/fi4500.html Farmers Insurance Group Higher education & community efforts. http://members.aol.com/mmfieldsto/index.htm Fieldstone Foundation Communities where Fieldstone builds homes - community & education cultural, humanitarian & Christian ministries. http://www.fmc.com/Corp/Community/community.html FMC Foundation In communities in which FMC operates - local civic, cultural & educational organizations. http://www.ford.com/corporate-info/culture/ Ford Motor Company Fund Education, health & welfare, arts, humanities, civic activites & public policy. http://www.freddiemacfoundation.org/ Freddie Mac Foundation Metropolitan Washington D.C. Area, Maryland, Virginia, National programs - children, families of children, children's communities. http://www.frontiercorp.com/about/community/index.html Frontier Corporation Rochester, New York. http://www.gannett.com/map/foundation.htm Gannett Foundation Gannett (owner of numerous newspapers) communities - qualified non-profit organizations to improve the education, health & advancement of the people. http://www.gap.com/ Gap Inc. San Francisco Bay Area, New York City, Chicago & Washington D.C. - youth & business, HIV/Aids prevention & education. http://www.gene.com/Company/Responsibility/ Genentech, Inc. http://www.ge.com/fund/ General Electric Fund http://www.genmills.com/explore/community/ General Mills, Inc. General Mills Foundation - General Mills communities - arts & culture, education, family life, health & nutrition. http://www.gm.com/about/info/world/philanthropy.html General Motors Corporation Foundation Education, health & human services, arts & culture, civic & community, public policy, environmental & energy, cancer research. http://www.gte.com/AboutGTE/comm.html GTE Corporation/Foundation Education, health & human services, local communities, arts. http://www.jhancock.com/company/community/index.html John Hancock Company Boston - health & human services agencies: arts & cultural groups, civic and interracial organizations, school & adult education programs, and job training and economic development programs. http://www.hannaford.com/community/charitbl.htm Hannaford Bros. Company Hannaford communities - education & children, environmental programs, food donations, cultural & civic activities, health programs. http://www.hei.com/heicf/heicf.html HEI Charitable Foundation Hawaii - community development, education, environment, family services. http://webcenter.hp.com/grants/ Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation Education, arts, health & human sercies, civic groups, & environmental organizations. http://www.homedepot.com/cominfo/maincom.htm Home Depot Inc. Housing projects, youth, environmental. http://www.humanafoundation.org/ Humana Foundation Inc. Charitable organizations and institutions that promote education, health and human services, community development and the art. http://www.ibm.com/IBM/IBMGives/index.html IBM Corporation Local, national, international - cutting across such societal needs as education, the environment, health, human services, arts and culture. http://www.iccnet.com/content/social/default.htm Inland Paperboard and Packaging Inc. Health & welfare, education, art & culture, civic. http://www.intel.com/intel/community/ Intel Corporation National grants, local communities (Arizona, Folsom Ca., Santa Clara Ca., New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Ireland) - Education, technology improving life, protecting the environment. http://www.intimatebrands.com/who/philanthrp.asp Intimate Brands, Inc. Women, children, & education in our communities. http://www.internationalpaper.com/our_world/outreach_frame.html International Paper Company Foundation Education & charities in communities where they do business. http://www.ipalco.com/ Ipalco Enterprises http://www.scjohnsonwax.com/htdocs/we_are/whocomin.htm S.C. Johnson Wax Fund http://www.kne.com/pages/community/foundation.htm KN Energy Foundation http://www.lfg.com/who/communit.htm Lincoln Financial Group Fort Wayne, Indiana area & communities where Lincoln National Employees live and work - art & culture, education, human services. http://www.lucent.com/what/community/ Lucent Technologies Education & needs of communities where their employees live & work. http://www.mallinckrodt.com/Corporate/Citizenship/Index.html Mallinckrodt Community Partnership Program Communities where they have facilities - philanthropic efforts that enhance the quality of life. http://www.mcdonalds.com/community/ McDonald's Corporation Help children - in health & medical research, education & social responsibility, includes Ronald McDonald Houses. http://www.mci.com/community MCI Communications Corporation Education technology programs (note: not reviewing proposals at this time.) http://www.mckesson.com/ McKesson Corporation San Francisco Bay Area - Youth, health, human services, culture and the arts. http://www.medtronic.com/foundation/index.html Medtronic Foundation Health, education & community in areas where they have facilities. http://www.ml.com/woml/phil_prog/index.htm Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. New York metro area & national organizations - major colleges & universitites, cultural arts, environmental, human services, health, & civic organizations. http://www.metlife.com/Companyinfo/Community/Found/index.html Metropolitan Life Foundation Educational, health and welfare, civic and cultural activities in communities which Metlife has a major presence. http://www.micron.com/html/community.html Micron Technology, Inc. Only in Idaho & Utah - education and non-profits. http://www.microsoft.com/giving/ Microsoft Corporation Pudget Sound & National Initiatives - education, community support, software donations. http://www.millipore.com/corporate/foundation/ Millipore Foundation Education & research, social development, public policy, community & employee relations - in communities where the company resides. http://www.mmm.com/profile/community/index.html Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. Higher education in science, technology & business, health & human services, arts, civic & community initiatives. http://www.hri.com/MEA/meafhome.html Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation Helping young people with disabilities through technology, to maximize their potential and participation in society. http://www.monsanto.com/Monsanto/Media/archive/docs/monsantofund/ Monsanto Fund Science education, environment, young people in inner cities, health & wellness. http://www.jpmorgan.com/CorpInfo/CRA/CommunityDevel.html J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. Arts, education, environment, health & human services, international & urban affairs. http://www.morton.com/comm/overcomm.htm Morton International, Inc. Chicago, Illinois area. http://www.nalco.com/1_about.html#foundation Nalco Foundation Non-profits services for education, community & civic affairs, health & cultural & arts - in company areas. http://www.nec.com/company/foundation/index.html NEC Foundation of America Organizations & programs of national reach & impact in science & technology education or technology to assist people with disabilites. http://www.tne.com/aboutus/comminv.htm New England Financial Boston, Mass. area non-profits. http://www.nns.com/overview/97_community_affairs/community.htm Newport News Shipbuilding In Virginia, educational, cultural arts, civic & health, human services organizations. http://www.owenscorning.com/owens/acquainted/support/ Owens-Corning Foundation Inc. Education, fine & performing arts, habitat for humanity. http://www.oxhpfoundation.org/ Oxford Health Plans Foundation Health research. http://www.pactel.com/community/foundation/index.html Pacific Bell Foundation Education, arts & culture, community, united way. http://www.pge.com/about_us/communities/contributions.html Pacific Gas & Electric Company Northern & Central California - employment program training. http://www.jcpenneyinc.com/commrel/index.htm J. C. Penney Company Health & welfare, education, civic betterment, arts & culture. http://www.pentair.com/profile/Contributions.shtml Pentair Foundation Communities in which Pentair operates - education & community. http://www.pfizer.com/pfizerinc/philanthropy/home.html Pfizer Inc. Health care, education, community & cultural affairs. http://www.pge.com/about_us/communities/contributions.html PG&E Corporation Northern & Central California - strengthen the economic & social vitality of the communities where we operate. http://www.pillsbury.com/community/foundation.html Pillsbury Company Foundation In Pillsbury communities - caring adults and kids & skills for self-sufficiency. http://www.piperjaffray.com/pj/pj_ci.asp Piper Jaffray Companies Communities where they live and work - civic & nonprofit organizations. http://www.polaroid.com/polinfo/foundation/index.html Polaroid Foundation Massachusetts communities - disadvantaged children & adults, develop measurable skills. http://www.pg.com/docCommunity/ Procter & Gamble Fund http://www.prudential.com/community/cmzzz1000.html Prudential Insurance Co. Prudential communities - community resources. http://www.raytheon.com/rtis/docs/baldrige/citizen.htm Raytheon Company Info only - Defense Products & Services. http://www.reyrey.com/about/commun.html Reynolds & Reynolds Company Foundation Dayton & Celina, Ohio - arts & culture, education K-12, community betterment, health & human services. http://www.riteaid.com/commun.htm Rite Aid Corporation In Rite Aid Drugstore communitites - health & medical, social service, education, arts, civic services. http://www.rockwell.com/CommAffairs/giving/index.html Rockwell International Corporation Trust Education, culture & arts, civic, health & human services - in Rockwell Communities. http://www.saraleefoundation.org/ Sara Lee Foundation Nonprofit organization in the Chicago, Illinois area. http://www.sbc.com/About/Foundation/Home.html SBC Foundation Arkansas, California, Kansas, Missouri, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas - education, community economic development, health & human services (primarily United Way), and cultural and arts. http://www.sega.com/central/foundation/index.html Sega Foundation Not accepting any unsolicited requests through March 31, 1999. http://www.sb.com/company/c_commun.htm SmithKline Beecham Healthcare issues, local community partnership in our communities. http://www.sonoco.com/grant/grant.htm Sonoco Products Company Education, health & welfare, arts & culture, and the environment - in communities where Sonoco has operations. http://www.southwire.com/community/ Southwire Company Education & grass roots programs in our communities. http://www.sprint.com/sprint/overview/commun.html Sprint Corporation Education, arts & culture, community improvement, youth development- in those communities in which the corporation has a major presence. http://www2.statefarm.com/foundati/found.htm State Farm Companies Foundation Higher education & limited grants to community, human service, and health agencies in locations with large State Farm employee populations. http://www.sun.com/corporateoverview/corpaffairs/giving.html Sun Microsystems Southern San Francisco Bay Area & Merrimack Valley in Mass. http://www.tesoropetroleum.com/community/index.html Tesoro Foundation Tesoro in Hawaii - community, education, & environment. http://www.texaco.com/corporate/foundation/foundation.htm Texaco Foundation Highest programs that prepare children for the study of math & science. http://www.ti.com/corp/docs/foundation/home.htm Texas Instruments Foundation Education & research institutions engaged in advancing knowledge and to organizations & projects in communities where TI has major http://www.textron.com/profile/community.html Textron Charitable Contributions Program http://www.360.com/cc/ 360° Communications In communities in which they operate - community organizations & projects. http://www.toshiba.com/new/taf.shtml Toshiba America Foundation Science & math education. http://www.toyota.com/times/commun/feature/founhome.html Toyota USA Foundation K-12 math & science education. http://www.trw.com/foundation/ TRW Foundation http://www.ual.com/airline/Our_Company/civic.asp United Airlines Foundation Education & careers, health - in cities where we do business. http://www.utc.com/commun.htm United Technologies Civic, culture, education, health & human services, international programs. http://www.umb.com/umb/community/index.html United Missouri Bancshares Foundation Missouri, Kansas http://www.usbank.com/comm_relations/ U.S. Bank http://www.uswf.org/ U.S. West Foundation Arts & culture, civic & community improvement, education, & human services. http://www.usx.com/grant.htm USX Foundation Education, health & human services, and public, cultural and scientific affairs. http://www.wal-mart.com/community/ Wal-Mart Foundation Children, education, community. http://wellsfargo.com/cra/contrib/ Wells Fargo & Company Community development, pre & k-12, education, human services, benefit low & moderate income individuals. http://www.westinghouse.com/corp/wesfound.htm Westinghouse Foundation http://www.weyerhaeuser.com/who/foundation/default.asp Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation Weyerhaeuser communities - quality of life. http://www.whirlpoolcorp.com/ics/foundation/index.html Whirlpool Foundation Women & family life issues. http://www.twc.com/corpindex.htm Williams Companies Foundation Inc. In towns & cities where we live & work - United Way, Project Jason. http://www.wpl.com/ewpl/who/founda.html Wisconsin Power and Light Foundation Health, education, cultural & community development activities that will benefit the citizens of the communities we serve. http://www.xerox.com/community.html Xerox Foundation http://www.zeneca.com/commtop.htm Zeneca Charitable, educational, & environmental initiatives which help promote understandings of Zeneca and benefit Zeneca's local communities.
4-B. Arts and Culture Resources- Foundations with Arts and Culture Funding http://www.americanexpress.com/corp/philanthropy American Express Company http://www.arco.com/Corporate/reports/foundation/home.htm ARCO Foundation http://www.att.com/foundation AT&T Foundation http://www.bankerstrust.com/corpcomm/communi/report/index.html Bankers Trust Foundation http://www.bellatlanticfoundation.com/grants.htm Bell Atlantic Foundation http://www.blankfoundation.org/ Arthur M.Blank Family Foundation http://www.culpeper.org/ Charles E. Culpeper Foundation http://www.ncf.org/ Nathan Cumings Foundation http://www.delmas.org/ Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation http://www.grdodge.org/main.html Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation http://www.jcdowning.org/ J. C. Downing Foundation http://www.netcom.com/~crzycat The Fieldstone Foundation http://www.fordfound.org/ The Ford Foundation http://home.att.net/~klarff/ Friedman-Klarreich Family Foundation http://www.gebbie.org/ Gebbie Foundation http://www.gf.org/ John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation http://www.gundfdn.org/ George Fund Foundation http://www.mhv.net/~gunk/welcome.html The Gunk Foundation http://www.ibm.com/ibm/ibmgives IBM Corporation http://www.jcpenney.com/commrel/content/guidelin.htm JCPenney http://www.jeromefdn.org/index1.html Jerome Foundation (Minnesota & New York) http://www.knightfdn.org/ John S. and James L. Knight Foundation http://www.hluce.org/2fpfm.html Henry Luce Foundation http://www.mellon.org/ Andrew W. Mellon Foundation http://www.jmgf.org/ Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation http://www.jpmorgan.com/CorpInfo/CRA/CommunityDevel.html J.P. Morgan http://www.packfound.org/ David and Lucile Packard Foundation http://www.pewtrusts.com/ The Pew Charitable Trusts http://www.pfizer.com/pfizerinc/philanthropy/grant/grant.html Pfizer Venture Philanthropy http://www.pkf.org/ The Pollock-Krasner Foundation,Inc. http://grateful.dead.net/cavenWeb/rex/ Rex Foundation http://www.lilawallace.org/ Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund
4-C. Community Development Resources- Community Development Resources Fundations with Community Development Funding http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/philanthropy/main.html Adobe Philanthropy Council http://www.americanexpress.com/corp/philanthropy/ American Express Company http://www.att.com/foundation AT&T Foundation http://www.bankamerica.com/community/community.html BakAmerica Corporation http://www.bankerstrust.com/corpcomm/communi/report/index.html Bankers Trust Foundation http://www.bellatlanticfoundation.com/grants.htm Bell Atlantic Foundation http://www.benjerry.com/foundation/index.html Ben & Jerry's Foundation http://www.carnegie.org/ Carneigie Corporation of New York http://www.doright.org/ Do Right Foundation http://www.dreyfus.org/ The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation http://www.enterprisefoundation.org/ The Enterprise Foundation http://www.netcom.com/~crzycat/index.html The Fieldstone Foundation http://www.fordfound.org/ The Ford Foundation http://home.att.net/~klarff/ Friedman-Klarreich Family Foundation http://www.gebbie.org/ Gebbie Foundation http://www.gundfdn.org/ George Gund Foundation http://www.ibm.com/ibm/ibmgives IBM Corporation http://www.ittlesonfoundation.org/ Ittleson Foundation http://www.jcpenney.com/commrel/content/guidelin.htm JCPenney http://www.macfdn.org/ Catherine MacArthur Foundation http://www.rrmtf.org/ Robert R. McCormick Tribune Foundation http://www.jpmorgan.com/CorpInfo/CRA/CommunityDevel.html J.P. Morgan http://www.packfound.org/ David and Lucile Packard Foundation http://www.pewtrusts.com/ The Pew Charitable Trusts http://www.pfizer.com/pfizerinc/philanthropy/grant/grant.html Pfizer Venture Philanthropy http://www.publicwelfare.org/ Public Welfare Foundation http://www.rockfound.org/ Rockefeller Foundation http://www.soros.org/ Soros Foundation http://www.surdna.org/surdna Surdna Foundation
4-D. Grant Foundations Resources- Nationwide Foundations Grant Foundations Resoruces-Alphabetical listing of current resources to nationwide foundations. http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/philanthropy/main.html Adobe Philanthropy Council Local community improvement - average award $1,500. http://www.aetna.com/foundation/ Aetna Foundation Area of Giving - Children's health (at risk children) and education (at risk children), primarily in greater Hartford, Connecticut & National Organizations. http://www.tamu.edu/baum/allen.html Allen Foundation Human nutrition, child development nutrition. http://www.alliancehf.org/ Alliance Healthcare Foundation Community health, health care, substance abuse, violence prevention. http://www.charities.org/ America's Charities Provide member charities with resources. http://www.americanexpress.com/corp/philanthropy American Express Company Community service, cultural heritage, & economic independence. http://www.ameritech.com/community/index.html Ameritech Corporation Education, economic development and quality of life, primarily in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. http//www.whannenberg.org/ Annenberg Foundation Public education, K-12, early childhood education, child development & youth services. http://www2.archstone.com/archstone/ Archstone Foundation Health and well beings of seniors. http://www.arco.com/Corporate/reports/foundation/home.htm ARCO Foundation Education, Community arts and humanities, environment and public information - primarily in the West, Southwest, Alaska and the Rocky Mountain Regions. http://www.att.com/foundation AT&T Foundation Non-profits helping people achieve self-sufficiency, education, arts & culture, civic & community service. http://www.autodesk.com/foundation/ Autodesk Foundation Improving public schools and expanding education opportunities beyond the walls of the classroom. http://www.bankamerica.com/community/community.html BankAmerica Corporation Community development and the environment. http://www.bankerstrust.com/corpcomm/communi/report/index.html Bankers Trust Foundation Primarily in New York City - Community development, education, arts & culture, health & hospitals, and environment. http://www.beckman-foundation.com/ Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation Research in chemistry & the life sciences. http://www.benjerry.com/foundation/index.html Ben & Jerry's Foundation Progessive social change by addressing the underlying conditions of societal or environmental problems; 1. children & families, 2. disenfranchised groups, 3. environment. http://www.benton.org/ Benton Foundation Communications in the public interest. http://www.beveridge.org/ Frank Stanley Beveridge Foundation Massachusetts-Hampshire Co., Hampden Co., Florida-Hillsborough Co., Palm Beach Co., New Hampshire, Rhode Island, California-Ventura Co. http://www.blankfoundation.org/ Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation Arts & culture, athletics, environment, fostering understanding, adolescents, young women & girls. http://www.townhall.com/bradley/ Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Renewed healthier and more vigorous sense of citizenship. http://www.brainerd.org/ The Brainerd Foundation Protecting the environmental quality of the Pacific Northwest. http://www.ewol.com/brookdale/ Brookdale Foundation Needs & challenges of America's elderly population. http://www.bwfund.org/ Burroughs Wellcome Fund Medical science research & enhancement. http://www.turner.com/cpf/index.html Captain Planet Foundation Hands on environmental projects for children & youth. http://www.cantorfoundation.com/ Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Foundation Arts, Biomedical Research. http://www.carnegie.org/ Carneigie Corporation of New York Academic institutions & to national and regional non-profits for national or international projects: 1. education & healthy development of children & youth; 2. preventing deadly conflict; 3. strengthing human resources in developing countries. http://www.aecf.org/ Annie E. Casey Foundation Build better futures for disadvantaged children in the United States. http://www.casey.org/ Casey Family Program Service of planned long-term family foster care. http://www.funder.org/careth/ CarEth Foundation Peace & Justice. http://www.aecf.org/ Annie E. Casey Foundation Disadvantaged Children. http://www.oneworld.org/com_fnd/ The Commonwealth Foundation Inter-country exchange & co-operation among non-governmental organizations, professional & cultural bodies of the 53 commonwealthcountries. http://www.cmwf.org/ Commonwealth Fund Improving health care services, minority american health, elderly well-being, children & young people capacities. http://www.crail-johnson.org/ Crail-Johnson Foundation Children in need. http://www.dana.org/ The Charles A. Dana Foundation Health-brain deseases & disorder research, education-spread of well tested innovations previously screened. http://www.jvm.com/davis Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Private higher education, secondary education, religion (graduate theological education), health care (caring attitudes), public television. http://www.noblecan.org/~dekko/index.html Dekko Foundation Educational impact in selected counties in Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, and Texas http://www.delmas.org/ Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Cultural Heritage - humanities, performing arts, research library, Venetian research program. http://www.grdodge.org/main.html Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Elementary & secondary education, arts (New Jersey), local projects (Morris Co. New Jersery), welfare of animals, public issues (New Jersey & Northeast). http://www.donner.org/ William H. Donner Foundation U.S. Canadian relations, education, human capital development. http://www.jcdowning.org/ The J.C. Downing Foundation Education and human development, environmental research and preservation, fine arts, sports and athletics, technology and communications. http://www.doright.org/ Do Right Foundation Reduce violent crime, fight joblessness, increase productivity of our legal system, encourage transitions from welfare to work, develop ever-improving generations of children, improve integrity & efficiencies of government. http://www.dreyfus.org/ The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Chemical sciences at the postsecondary level. http://www.dreyers.com/thecompany/section_fund.html Dreyer's Charitable Foundation Oakland & East Bay, San Francisco, California Area - Young people preschool to grade 12. http://www.dupontfund.org/guide.html Jessie Ball Dupont Fund Limited to 350 institutions which received prior funding from Mrs. Dupont. http://www.ef.org/ The Energy Foundation Energy efficiency and renewable energy. http://www.enterprisefoundation.org/ The Enterprise Foundation Develop affordable housing, develop community & individual assets, enhance community safety. http://www.netcom.com/~crzycat The Fieldstone Foundation Community & education, cultural humanitarian and christian ministries. http://www.rosieo.com/cmp/allkids/mission.htm For All Kids Foundation (Rosie O'Donnell's Foundation) Intellectual, social and cultural development of disadvantaged children throughout the United States. http://www.fordfound.org/ The Ford Foundation Asset building & community development, education, media, arts & culture, and peace & social justice. http://www.tiac.net/users/waksman/ The Foundation for Microbiology Scientific research in microbiology. http://www.nh.ultranet.com/~ffsh Foundation for Seacoast Health New Hampshire/Maine Seacoast Area. http://www.glf.org/ Gates Library Foundation Multimedia computer grants and assistance to public libraries. http://www.gebbie.org/ Gebbie Foundation Primarily in Chautauqua County, New York - children/youth/education, arts, human services, community development. http://www.ge.com/fund/ibfuna13.htm GE Fund Higher education, pre-college, arts & culture, international, public policy, matching gifts, unitedway. http://www.getty.edu/grant/ J. Paul Getty Trust History of Art and related fields, advancement of the understanding of art and conservation of cultural heritage. http://www.igc.apc.org/gfw/ The Global Fund for Women Focuses on female human rights. http://www.gsn.org/ The Global SchoolNet Foundation Internet-based learning. http://www.goldmanfund.org/ Goldman Foundation Domestic organizations providing support to Israel and national & international projects that address environmental & population issues. http://www.hfg.org/ The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Scholarly research on problems of violence, aggression, and dominance. http://www.gf.org/ John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowships for individuals in all fields (natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, creative arts). http://www.gundfdn.org/ George Gund Foundation Education, arts, economic development & community revitalization, human services, civic affairs, environment. http://www.mhv.net/~gunk/welcome.html The Gunk Foundation Public arts projects and scholarly/artistic publications. http://www.artswire.org/ArtsWire/heathcote/index.html Heathcote Art Foundation, Inc. Emerging Artists of promise. http://www.heinz.org/ Heinz Endowments Arts & culture, children, youth & families, economic opportunity, education, environment. http://www.hewlett.org/ William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Environment, conflict resolution, education, performing arts, population, family & community development, & U.S.-Latin American Relations. http://webcenter.hp.com/grants/index.html Hewlett Packard Company University grants, national grants, U.S. education matching programs/commonly given products, U.S. local grants, European grants program. http://www.whfoundation.com/ Whitney Houston Foundation for Children, Inc. Positive self image in children & youth by providing opportuniies for them to learn & express themselves in safe, supportive environments. http://www.ibm.com/ibm/ibmgives IBM Corporation Education, environment, health, human services, arts & culture. http://www.ittlesonfoundation.org/ Ittleson Foundation Aids, the Environment, Mental Health. http://www.jpf.go.jp/ The Japan Foundation Networking of Japan Specialists, access to Japan-related information. http://www.jeromefdn.org/index1.html Jerome Foundation Arts in Minnesota & New York. http://www.ejaf.org/ Elton John AIDS Foundation HIV/AIDS - programs, services, eliminate discrimination. http://www.rwjf.org/ Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & healthcare of Americans, substance abuse. http://www.wajones.org/wajones W. Alton Jones Foundation Global environmental protection and the prevention of nuclear war or other massive release of radioactive material. http://www.kff.org/ Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Health policy, reproductive health, HIV policy, health & developmentin South Africa. http://www.emkf.org/ Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Enterpreneurship education, & youth development. http://www.wmkeck.org/ W.M. Keck Foundation Scientific, engineering and medical research programs at accredited universities & colleges in the United States. http://www.WKKF.org/ The W. K. Kellogg Foundation Health, philanthropy, & volunteerism, food systems & rural development, youth & education/ higher education. http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/jpkf/ The Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation Needs of people with mental retardation - independence, productivity, & inclusion. http://www.kettering.org/ Kettering Foundation Political research. http://www.journalism.wisc.edu/cpn/sections/affiliates/kettering.html Charles F. Kettering Foundation Political research. http://www.knightfdn.org/ John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Journalism, education, arts & culture. http://www.mtn.org/lindfdtn/ The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation Balance between technological advancement and environmental preservation. http://linkfoundation.sc.ist.ucf.edu/ The Link Foundation Fellowships Doctoral student fellowships in advanced simulation & training. http://www.lowe.org/ Edward Lowe Foundation Services for small business. http://www.glef.org/ George Lucas Educational Foundation Education K-12. http://www.hluce.org/2fpfm.html Henry Luce Foundation Higher education, understanding between Asia & U.S., study of religion & theology, scholarship in american art, women in science & engineering, youth & public policy programs. http://www.lymphoma.org/ Lymphoma Research Foudation of America Lymphoma research. http://www.rrmtf.org/ Robert R. McCormick Tribune Foundation Communities, citizenship, journalism, education. http://www.jsmf.org/ James S. McDonnell Foundation Biomedical & behavioral sciences research & related educational innovations. http://www.cedarnet.org/mcelroy/index.html R.J. McElroy Trust Educational services to deserving youth. http://www.macfdn.org/ John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Human & community development, global security & sustainability. http://www.mailman.org/ A.L. Mailman Family Foundation Children & families with a special emphasis on early childhood. http://www.markle.org/ The John and Mary R. Markle Foundation Media & political participation, interactive communications technologies, communications policy. http://www.mci.com/aboutus/company/corporate/community/index.shtml MCI Communication Corporation Education & technology. http://www.mellon.org/ Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Higher education, cultural affairs & the performing arts, population, conservation & the environment, and public affairs. http://www.jmgf.org/ Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation Environment, human rights, peace & security, and New York City Civic and Cultural Issues. http://www.microsoft.com/giving/ Microsoft Corporation Puget Sound Region. http://www.milbank.org/ Milbank Memorial Fund Health policy (analysis, study, research & communication.) http://www.mff.org/index.html Milken Family Foundation Public recognition & financial rewards to elementary & secondary school teachers, principals & other education professionals who are furthering excellence in education. http://www.jpmorgan.com/CorpInfo/CRA/CommunityDevel.html J.P. Morgan Arts, education, environment, health & human services, international affairs, and urban affairs. http://www.mott.org/ Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Efforts that promote a just, equitable and sustainable society. http://www.murrayfoundation.org/ The Murray Foundation, Inc. Medical research on oncology, familial diseases & von hippel-lindal disease. http://www.ncf.org/ Nathan Cumings Foundation Arts, environment, health, Jewish Life, spirituality, and domestic values. http://www.nfie.org/ National Foundation for the Improvement of Education Improve student learning in the nation's public schools. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/society/ngo/foundation/ National Geographic Society Educational Foundation Geography education programs K-12. http://www.nhf.org/ National Heritage Foundation Efforts which enhance National Heritage. http://www.nec.com/about/na_orgs/foundation/intro.html NEC Foundation of America National reach & impact - in science & technology education at the secondary level, &/or application of technology to assist people with disabilities. http://fdncenter.org/grantmaker/needmor/index.html Needmor Fund Community organizing. http://www.normanfdn.org/ Norman Foundation Efforts to reverse regressive social & economic policies of the last two or three decades. http://www.foundation.novartis.com/ Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development Poverty-alleviating programs and projects in developing countries. http://www.noyes.org/ Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation Environment & reproductive rights. http://www.jmof.org/grant_programs.html John M. Olin Foundation Public policy research, american institutions, law 7 legal system, strategic 7 international studies. http://www.soros.org/ Open Society Institute Multi-dimensional. http://www.funder.org/ottinger/ Ottinger Foundation Multi-dimensional. http://www.packfound.org/ David and Lucile Packard Foundation Science, center for the future of children, population, conservation, arts & film preservation, education, community. http://www.aliciapatterson.org/ Allicia Patterson Foundation Working journalists to pursue independent projects for APR Reporter. http://www.pewtrusts.com/ The Pew Charitable Trusts Culture, education, environment, health & human services, public policy, religion, venture fund. http://www.netsurftech.com/pfse/ Plan for Social Excellence Education - innovative local educational projects. http://www.pkf.org/ The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Inc. Financial assistance to individual working artists of established ability. http://www.riskinstitute.org/ Public Entity Risk Institute Advance the state and practice of risk management, disaster management, and environmental liability management, especially among smaller organizations. http://www.publicwelfare.org/ Public Welfare Foundation Criminal justice, disadvantaged elderly, disadvantaged youth, environment, health, population & reproductive health, community support. http://www.rescorp.org/ Research Corporation Advancement of science and technology. http://www.rockfound.org/ Rockefeller Foundation African initiatives, agricultural sciences, arts & humanities, Bellagio, health sciences, equal opportunity, global environment, population sciences, school reform, special interests. http://www.jrct.org.uk/ Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust U.K. Foundation - Poverty & economic justice, handling conflict & promoting peaceful alternatives, democratic process, racial justice, corporate responsibility, Quaker & other religious concerns, Ireland, South Africa. http://www.russellsage.org/ Russell Sage Foundation Social science resource center, social science as a means of improving social policies in the U.S. http://www.scaife.com/ Scaife Foundation Sarah Scaife Foundation, Scaife Family Foundation, Allegheny Foundation, Carthage Foundation. http://www.absfoundation.org/ Arthur B. Schultz Foundation Empower individuals worldwide through educational opportunity responsible economic development, & environmental conservation. http://www.sears.com/company/pubaff/commun.htm Sears-Roebuck Foundation Gilda's Club - Non-profit organization providing emotional & social support services for people with cancer, their family & friends. http://www.seva.org/ SEVA Foundation Prevent & relieve suffering, generate hope through compassionate action. http://www.sierraclub.org/foundation/ The Sierra Club Foundation Sierra Club & other environmental endeavors. http://www.sloan.org/ Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Science & technology, standard of living & economic performance, education & careers in science & technology, selected national issues, civic projects. http://www.soros.org/ Soros Foundation Multi-dimensional, operates in 31 countries. http://www.sbc.com/www/About/Foundation/Home.html Southwestern Bell Company Foundation Texas, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma & Arkansas - education, economic development. http://www.spencer.org/ The Spencer Foundation Research which contributes to the understanding of education and improvement of its practice. http://www.sprint.com/sprint/overview/commun.html Sprint Corporation Education, arts & culture, community improvement, youth development. http://www.essential.org/stern/ Stern Family Fund Policy oriented government & corporate accountability projects. http://www.surdna.org/surdna Surdna Foundation Environment, community revitalization, effective citizenry, arts, nonprofit sector support initiatives, organizational capacity building grants. http://www.templeton.org/ The John Templeton Foundation Spiritual & moral understanding through scientific research. http://www.trinitywallstreet.org/Programs/grants.html Trinity Grants Program Spiritial formation & development in the Episcopal Church, strengthen the church in the global south, needs of metropolitan New York, strengthen telecommunication in the Anglican Communion. http://www.turnerfoundation.org/ Turner Foundation Energy, water/toxins, forests/habitats, population. http://www.clark.net/pub/pwalker/United_Ways_on_the_Internet/ United Way United ways on the internet. http://www.virtualfoundation.org/ Virtual Foundation Creating partnerships among individuals and groups to support environment & health initiatives globally. http://www.wgf.org/ Wallace Global Funds Advance globally sustainable development. http//www.dewittwallace.org DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund Education & career development opportunities for school-age youth in low-income communities. http://www.lilawallace.org/ Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund Culture life of communities, arts & culture. http://www.warholfoundation.org/ Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Visual Arts http://www.weedenfdn.org/ Weeden Foundation Adverse impact of growing human population & overuse of natural resources. http://www.kwf.org/Welcome.html Kurt Weill Foundation Kurt Weill Foundation for music. http://www.whitaker.org Whitaker Foundation Research & education in biomedical engineering. http://www.wilburforce.org Wilburforce Foundation Pacific Northwest & Southwest: environment, effect of human overpopulation. http://www.fxb.org/index.html Francois Xavier-Bagnoud Foundation Health & human rights.
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