20 + Journals
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Ring founded January 1, 2000.

I started this ring for journals written by people twenty years of age and over because I was sick of constantly coming across journals written by teenyboppers who complain about their "problems". Don't you think it's a good idea?

If you're interested in joining this ring, I only ask that you be twenty years of age or older. I am also only interested in accepting journals that are raw and real and do not have a Pokemon theme or anything else like that. Please, people, for the love of God, stop giving online journals a bad name.

Please don't e-mail me asking me to add you to the ring. I will see you listed in the queue, and if I like your page, I'll add it and let you know. Please forgive me if it seems to take awhile for me to add you, as I don't have a computer of my own.

Submit your site to Twenty Plus Journals Webring
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Edit Site Information The Ring ID is twentyplus


Note to members: If you receive an e-mail from Webring saying that your link isn't working, please check to make sure that it is. If it's linked properly but you're still receiving e-mails from Webring, please DO NOT e-mail me about the problem. I will take my sweet time and check to see if the links are working or not. If they're not, then I may have to drop your page from my KICK ASS ring.

If you want to remove your page from my ring, please REMOVE yourself from my ring. PLEASE DO NOT leave a dead link around to click on. It pisses people off; me especially.