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Winged Isis by Joanna Powell Colbert

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Joanna Powell Colbert is an artist known nationally for her Goddess portraits. Her artwork appears regularly in the magazines SageWoman, The Beltane Papers, and Circle Network News as well as many other alternative publications. She writes a column for SageWoman, and is the editor/designer for the past four SageWoman Calendars, including 2001.  Beginning in Spring 2000, she will also contribute a column to PanGaia magazine, called "A Gaian Almanac." In 1992 she helped revive The Beltane Papers: A Journal of Womens  Mysteries, and served as its Managing Editor for four years. In 1993 she was voted Favorite Artist of the Year by the Wiccan/Pagan Press Alliance.

Joanna is an ordained Priestess of Isis-Stella Maris in the international Fellowship of Isis, and has been teaching classes on the Goddess and earth-centered spirituality in the Northwest since 1991.  In 1998, she turned over her primary teaching "practice" to Nora Cedarwind.  She continues to lead the Lyceum of Stella Maris as Priestess in Bellingham, Washington.

An astrological note: "I have a Capricorn Sun conjunct Chiron and Juno, all in the 8th house;  Moon in Taurus conjunct a Taurus ascendant;  Venus and Mercury in Sag in the 7th, and a stellium in Libra of Saturn, Neptune and Mars in the 5th with Mars just sliding over the line into the 6th.  The priestess Vesta hangs out in Virgo in the 5th house too.  Then there's that North Node in Pisces in the 10th (which explains a lot!) visiting with Pallas Athene in Aquarius near the Midheaven (asteroid Sappho is there too).  For those of you who speak astrologese, you now know quite a lot about me!"

Joanna and her partner, Craig Olson, are in the process of building a straw bale home on Lummi Island.  We invite you to take a look at our Photo Album.  Blessed be!

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