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Purr, my name is Caroline Price, and I am a Fuzzy Kitty. I was born fuzzy and always knew it; it just comes naturally. My furrst home was with a little boy whose mommy got me fur him as a present, but even though he loved me, he was too allergic to keep me. One of his mommy's co-workers saw me and thought I was so sweet and fuzzy that he took me home with him. He had to move though, and even though he loved me too, I was given away again. All this, and I was only six months old. I went to another home then, and this time it was furrever. Meowmie's boyfriend at the time, Ken, took me over to Meowmie's house, and I became her Fuzzy Kitty right away.

I still play like a kitten, jumping up and down and boucing off walls to make Meowmie laugh. She thinks I am so adorable. Efurry night too, I sleep with Meowmie and share her pillow. I sleep sometimes with my paws wrapped around her arm, and I get up during the night to head bonk her and give her kisses. She does not mind, even if it is three o'clock in the morning. That's because I am Fuzzy. Here is a picfur of me. Don't I look Fuzzy?

Meowmie calls me her little princess and loves me without question. One thing I can say about Meowmie is that she has never yelled at me or anything like that, even when I am bad; she still tells me it is all right ad that she still loves me. That makes a kitty furry furry Fuzzy. Getting all that love and attention just because I am me is sooo wonderfural. It is called Unconditional Love, and Meowmie, my wed-wink, Baby and I all have it furr each other. That is the most important thing about being Fuzzy. I think Meowmie is a little Fuzzy too. Now, I belong to the Fuzzy Kitty Society, and I am sooo purroud. Here is my Memfurship Card.

I have finally received my level awards and and am furry purroud of my awards. They are displayed below.

Here is the Award I won at the Shelter Fair!

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