Sasha Brewer was born on April 12, 1983, in Omaha, Nebraska to a kitty Meowmie named Sesha. The birth was extremely special due to the fact that Sasha was born having an identical twin sister named Fancy. Her kitty farfur had only been there for Sasha's conception, as is so often the case, but there were plans in the works for Sasha.
Jona Brewer, who became Sasha's hooman meowmie, had a kitty named Ronnie, who had crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, and was looking for another kitty to love. Sasha explained that "A friend of her's [Jona's] was breeding her female kitty, my fur Mother. Meowmie [Jona] waited for me to be born and weaned. I was so little she had to wait 10 weeks before she could come and get me. It was love at first sight. She didn't even pick up my siblings; just me." Thus, Sasha got herself a hooman meowmie and a new name, Sasha Brewer.
I asked Sasha how she related to both the hoomans and other pets in her household. She replied, "We have a large family. Meowmie is my favorite in the whole family. I purfur to spend all my time with her. Farfur is okay on a cold day. Meowmie adopted him about 11 years ago. He has a fuzzy face. My kitty sisfurs are Spike and Sammy. Spike is 13 and is a large, fluffy, gray bully. She thinks all the food is hers. Sammy is 3 and wants Meowmies attention. We disagree over this but I am willing to share. I have two dogs, Sealy and Spatz. They are both Schipperkes. I ignore them. We also have a Conure names Whoopie. Whoopie and I have agreed to share Meowmie. He is a mean parrot."
As I am new to the community, I had asked various kitties and hoomans about Sasha before I infurviewed her, and many of them had said that she seemed a bit shy. I asked Sasha if she was really shy, and Sasha was pensive for a minute before answering. " I'm not really a shy kitty" she said. "However, any company that comes in the house is going to pet me. Spike is just so aggressive I tend to hold back."
I also asked her if she had ever been an outside kitty, but the truth was that she really had not. She did remark that: "On a couple of occasions I have been left outside over night. Scary! I won't let that happen again. In the summer, when the air conditioner is too cold, I like to go nap outside on the porch. I have a furry soft chair just for me."
Most infurviewsers of kitties usually ask if the kitty has a favorite toy, and I was no exception, knowing my own particular favfurrites and wanting to see if we agreed on this or not; Sasha's answer threw me back a little at first, when she answered that "Meowmie is my favorite toy." But then she clarified her answer further by saying "She puts her finger under the toy and I pretend it is a mouse. She also pulls ribbons for me so I can chase them. Sometimes we just have a play fight. She doesn't mind that I forget to pull my punches. She is always willing to play as much as I want and she quits when I get tired. Oh mew, I love to be chased and caught and Meowmie chases me good!"
I then turned the questioning to something that most kitties are curious about, her favorite foods. Sasha, always the lady, spoke in a quiet voice, the image of refinement, saying that "I like little samples of chicken, fish and pork chop. I prefer the crispy outside edge that has been fried. Yum. I also like Fancy Feast really well. It is all so tasty. I don't eat much but I do want the food flavorful when I get it."
The infurview was well underway so I decided to ask about romance, the stuff that all good kitty dreams are made of; but when I asked Sasha if she had ever been in love, she sighed a sad sigh, and said that she had, unfortunately, never been in love, nor had she ever had the chance to meet much less have a wink wink.
It was then that I asked Sasha, who has been a member CLAW since 1997, about her involvement in CLAW activities. Sasha said that "Right away I joined the Cats Who Support Their Humans. I met lots of other kitties that had sick Meowmies and were taking care of them. It was so good to find I wasn't alone with my responsibilities." And she continued saying that "I received a Bachelors of Human Understanding from CLAW U in 1998." Sasha told me that she had taken a year off due to her family's move to Arkansas and her farfur's poor health, but that she became active in CLAW again last year, and received her Masters of Human Understanding in August. She also said, "The only guild I joined was the Older Cats Society. I like being around kitties my own age."
Sasha also spoke about the new CLAW and receiving her Honorable Degree this past January. Sasha said "I feel very distinguished. I still belong to The Older Cats Society and I am the Web Designer for the group. I also serve on the CLAW Problems and Solutions Committee. That gives me a chance to keep current on new happenings and keep my self alert. Napping is great but I don't want to nap all the time."
She then added "CLAW is making headway on their shelter kitty programs and I think that is great. Several of my siblings over the years have come from shelters. At my late years I am leaving those activities to the younger kitties. I just want to keep my paws in deep enough to know what is going on. It's exciting to see the younger kitties doing so well."
As it was almost time to bring the interview to a close, Sasha wanted to share some pearls of wisdom with us that she had learned during her 18 years. The beginning of Sasha's answer was similar to that felt by many kitties; that if she had it her way "I would insist that Meowmie not have any offur pets than me. I am enough for her." This is definitely one kitty who knows what she wants. Then Sasha, always the lady, continued by replying "I have always been a patient kitty. None the less, I don't take any stuff from anyone for long. What I have learned is how to deal more assertively, when the need arises, instead of getting all hissy. I express my views and know I will get my way. It always happens!"
Finally, Sasha made a statement for all the little kittens out there, regarding what she believes are the most important things in life. She said "The most important things in life are being loved, loving back and being purred effury day. Having a human to love you is wonderful but I think you can be loved by other than a human and love other than a human. Love is the key, howeffur." The infurview was over, but I just wanted to sit for a moment, reviewing my meeting with such a beautiful and elegant kitty. You can read more about Sasha Brewer at:
I started off the infurview by asking Conor if he remembered his birth meowmie and where he was born. Conor answered, "I was born eleven and a half years ago in Hampton Roads, Va. My fafur was a grand champion lavender lynx point and my mofur was a champion seal lynx point. Other than that I don't rememfur much about my birth."
I then continued by asking his how he and his sisfur, the late Bridget, were adopted. Conor continued by stating "Our meowmie had lost her first kitty, Toby, to kidney failure. She missed having kitties so she called our grandmeowmie, Kathy, to see about adopting us. She had done a lot of research and decided that the Siamese breed was suitable to her lifestyle and home. She told our grandmeowmie our names and, in a very cold December, she came down and got us. It was luf at first sight.
Talking about Bridget, I told Conor how sorry I was that she had gone to the bridge. That was about the time his meowmie and my meowmie were first becoming furiends so I remember it well. I knew it must still be hard on him, but he was gracious when I asked about his relationship with Bridget.
Conor spoke softly, for a siamese kitty, and I thought I saw a little tear in his eye, as he answered "I was very close to my sisfur. We had never been apart in our eleven years. I miss her very much. We were inseparable."
He then continued talking about Bridget, and said "My sisfur was a very bright kitty and very wise. She was always quieter than I and always watched while I got into trouble as a kit. Meowmie always says I'm a good ole boy who should be sitting on the sofa with a beer watching the game on a Sunday. Bridget, on the other hand, would be in the limo, with a tiara on her dear head, giving the royal wave. She was not as friendly with strangers as I am, but she would always say hello. She was meowmie's kitty and meowmie's kitty alone. She was a dear sisfur and I miss her still."
That helped me segway into having Conor talk about his new sisfur, Annie, and how he got along with her. Interestingly, Conor smiled a little smile, and then said "My relationship with my sisfur Annie started out a little rocky, but we have reached a meeting of the minds in the last few months. We do play some together but she is far more active than I, as she naturally would be, being younger. I enjoy her company more than I did, but she will insist on chasing me all around the house for a couple of hours a day. What kind of life is that for a dignified elder? However, there is a benefit.I am much trimmer and sleeker than I used to be and I have lost a pound and a half. All in all, I would say that I enjoy her company. harumph."
I asked Conor if there were any ofur animals besides himself and Annie in their household. He answered this question right away and quite firmly, stating, "No, we have no ofur animals in our home. meowmie would like to have more kitties, but we don't have the space and I do think I shouldn't have to tolerate any more disruptions at my age."
The conversation naturally turned toward his relationship with his meowmie Kate. Conor stated "I haf always adored my meowmie, Kate and she adores me. I was a little miffed when my new sisfur arrived, but I haf forgiven her for that. She was thinking of me after all."
Curious, I asked Conor if he had any favorite hiding places and where he preferred to sleep. Conor seemed a little miffed at the hiding question, and said "Harrumph, Elders do not hide, my dear Caroline. However I do have spots where Annie is not allowed. I nap on the loveseat where Bridget and I used to cuddle together and on meowmie's bed. One of my favorite places is sleeping in the sun in the dining room in front of the doors to meowmie's deck. At night I sleep with meowmie, with my head on the pillow and my arm around meowmie."
I then brought up the fact that Conor had such a sterling reputation as being a furry mice and decent kitty and asked him if he agreed with that assessment. He answered "Oh, well, I believe I am such...I only hope I can continue to live up to my reputation. I do try and help other kitties and their meowmies whenever I can and provide support when needed. After all, that's what meowmie learned from her meowmie and has taught me and it seems a very good way to live."
Then, when I asked if him if he had efur been an outside kitty, Conor replied right away, "Oh my, absolutely not!"
I always like to ask kitties that I am infurviewing which toys are their favorite toys. Conor, being the elder statesman answered "At present, I basically only play with Annie occasionally. When I was younger, I loved to play with little furry toy mice that meowmie would bring home. It was delightful being able to play at the mighty hunter my ancestors were in reality."
I also asked how he and meowmie Kate played together and Conor added "As I said, I don't play much anymore... Meowmie Kate and I would prefer to cuddle..althought I do enjoy a tummy rub and a pounce on her feet beneath the covers now and again."
I then brought up the subject of meowmie Kate and her neopets, and asked Conor if he minded her having them. He was furry gracious, and answered "Oh my no, I don't mind her having her little pets. I do give her advice on their care now and then, but all in all, she is an excellent meowmie and very well trained and rarely needs my advice. She mainly plays when I am napping so I definitely don't feel neglected."
Changing the subject I reach the point where I ask one of my favorite subjects, like most kitties, I wanted to know about his favorite foods. Conor said "Being Siamese, I am furry picky about what I people food ever and none of those silly treats. I only eat Special Care dry food by Purina. Eating wet food only gets my face dirty and I can't stand that."
Then going on to that standard question about romantic interludes, I asked Conor if he had ever had a wink wink. He replied, "No, I can say I have nefur been in love and have reconciled myself to being a bachelor kitty. I am not sure if I would like a wink wink, but if I had one, she would be a calm, loving kitty, who enjoyed cuddling and quiet dinners and elegant evenings."
Then, turning to the important questions about his associaion with CLAW, Conor proudly said "My sisfur and I joined CLAW to become acquainted with other kitties and share meowmie's love of the Internet. We are very purroud of our work in the original CLAW with the Animal Rights Guild and Graphics progress and our ability to help other kitties in that area. Bridget and I were also proud of our degrees earned at the old CLAW University. Annie and I are proud of our work in the Older Cats' Society and Fuzzy Kitties and our Shelter support work in the New CLAW and I am especially honored to have been chosen as the Cat Welfare Officer and to have recently received the CLAW Service Award."
Knowing we all like to join a few clubs on the internet, I asked Conor if he belonged to any ones ofur then CLAW. He replied that "Annie and I both belong to Ailuraphila and The Cats Meow Club. We are especially proud of our work in both clubs with animal rights. That has been our main focus in all our internet activities."
Then, continuing with questons about CLAW, I asked him what he liked about both the old CLAW and the new one. Conor replied that "We enjoyed our involvement, short as it was in the old CLAW, especially our work with the Animal Rights Guild and our studies at the University. We do prefer the new CLAW however, as we do not need to trumpet that Cats Rule, since any intelligent species knows that. We do think the 'We Purr and Serve' is a much better focus for kitties on the 'net as there is so much that needs to be done to improve the lives of kitties in the world. I very much enjoy my work in all the guilds, and am, as I have said, especially purroud of my work as Cat Welfare Officer. I very much enjoy the Older Cats' Society as much fun being in the company of kitties my own age and the Junior Support Group is wonderfur. I also enjoyed my work in the PSP Guild and am sad that it is closing, but hope to be able to teach if classes are offered in Graphics in the future."
Nearing the end of the infurview, I asked Conor, as an older kitty, what are the most important things to you right now? He answered, "The most important things to me at the moment are passing on the knowledge I have learned in my life, continuing my work for kitties in CLAW, loving my meowmie and sisfur (as hard as that may be at times, ah the young ones), maintaining my good health, and, of course, my afternoon naps in the sun."
I lastly asked Conor, as an older cat, what what would be the most important thing he would want to share with the younger kits. Conor gave a furry wise answer, and one that I will definitely rememfur; he said that "Among the most important things I would like to pass on to young kits today is to be kind and loving to one another and your humans, always think and take care of those kitties less fortunate than mew are, get an education, and most importantly, enjoy mewrself!"
Another infurview was ofur, and I was left a little in awe at the wisdom I gained from this interview with Conor Dalton, who is not only a catsome kitty but a wise one too. I am grateful that he has shared so much of himself with me and am certainly happy that I can call him my furriend.
A Visit With The Wicked Twins
By Caroline
For this Zine issue, I was lucky enough to be able to infurview the well known, and greatly loved, Dwnn and Taliesin, better known as the "Wicked Twins". During this infurview, I am hoping that we can find out, once and for all, just why kitties, who are so involved in the kitty community, are indeed thought of as "wicked".
I first asked the Twins if they remembered anything about their birth and their life before they met their Meowmie, Daphne. The Twins answered together, as almost one singular voice "We were left at the Humane Society Shelter when we were seven weeks old. We were at the shelter eight days before the day Meowmie came."
Continuing along that line, they continued the story of how they adopted their meowmie. It was Taliesin who spoke first, saying that "Because we are brofurs they put us in the same tiny cage. Several other kitties got 'dopted, but no one was interested in us. There was one other cage with two kitties. One was a solid light gray and her sibling was a solid orange; lots of people visited them, but no one 'dopted them, either."
Then the Twins spoke as one voice again, and I can see what I have only heard about with twins, how their minds can work as one, and they said "Suddenly, our meowmie-to-be came in looking for two kittens at almost the same minute as a ten-year old girl and her mother came in looking for two kittens! We used our powerful mind control rays to entice Meowmie to 'dopt us. (We loved her at first sight because she has green eyes like us, and because we could tell she would be easy to train.) Actually, we were Meowmie's furst choice, and the other pair of kitties were the little girl's furst choice. Evfurryone was happy that day!"
Then, moving along, I asked the Twins whether they have any other animals in their family, and if not, would they like some? The Twins answered in perfect unison that "We would never purrmit another animal in *our* house.
Meowmie's too hard to take care of as it is."
It was then that I asked the question that was the biggest on my mind ----- why were Dwnn and Taliesin known as "the Wicked Twins"? I also asked them if they are still as wicked as when they first earned their name. Dwnn and Taliesin continued in their one combined mew, and told me that "The Wicked Twins is a title which we earned and keep on earning." Then Dwnn said "Fur instance, our furrst night in our home we climbed up the curtains in the bedroom and walked across the rod at the top. When we met each other in the middle, we yowled and jumped down on the hoomin bean's bed. We did this three times that night and only stopped when the rod fell off and landed on top of our new meowmie!"
Then Taliesin mewed solo and told me: "Yeah, then we hid her watch and stuff under the bath mat before going downstairs and pushing a couple of hundred books off the shelves." Then the combined Twin's voices mewed that "It gets harder and harder to be wicked because Meowmie has learned tricky ways to thwart our plots, but that just inspires more creativity from us! Has she found where we put her sparkly green bracelet yesterday? Does she know who pushed everything off her desk last week? Does she know who opened the closet door in the bedroom while she was sleeping and caused the shelf to fall down a couple of weeks ago? MOL - she nevfur will, either!"
When I asked the Twins if they had ever been outside kitties, they had an excellent answer to my question. They jointly answered that "We wouldn't be 15 years old if we were outside kitties MOL. Speeding cars, cruel hoomin beans, and rabies in our suburban area make it too dangerous. Even though we have our vaccinations, an animal with rabies will attack and can cause serious injury to sweet kitties like us."
When I asked Dwnn and Taliesin if they had a favorite toy, I received an answer that several of my OCS Interviewees have given me. The Twins mewed together that "Meowmie is our favorite toy. When she moves her feet under the covers, we pounce on them. If she moves her hand so the morning sun sparkles off her ring finger, we pounce on it. We sleep leaning against her, and each night at a different time Taliesin puts his mouth close to her ear and goes "MIAOU" real loud. Lately Dwnn has begun standing on her back, not moving or purring. Just standing. Meowmie wakes up and he's just standing on her back. She is *so* freaked by that. During the daytime, we have trained her to give us back rubs, put sofa cushions where we want them, fetch our catnip toys from under the furniture, and to vacate her reading chair upon our command. Evfurry kitty should realize that a purrent is a kitty's best toy."
I then went to my standard question, the one I am always interested in, about favorite foods. That singular voice came from these amazing kitties as they told me that they only eat Feline c/d-s. Dwnn then piped up and said "That's 'cuz Taliesin kept getting urinary infections. Now we both have to be on the same diet so he doesn't steal from me."
Taliesin then mewed loudly at Dwnn saying "DWNN, YOU BLABBERMOUTH!!! You're not 'spozed to tell things. What if I told about the time you started throwing up after midnight and Meowmie took you to the emergency clinic where they gave you an ENEMA at 3:30 am!!! "Dwnn retorted right back at his reflection in Taliesin, saying "TALLY - I'll get you for that!!!"
The infurview was then shortly interrupted as Twins chased each other up and down stairs hissing "Bubble Brain" and "Mewling Mouth" until they realized that a blue jay was at the bird bath whereupon they dashed to window and begin chattering at it.
Finally, we continued and began talking about love. When I asked the two brothers whether they had ever been in love, both Twins' eyes lit up and they answered together, telling me "We haf the most wonderful winks in the whole of the universe, and we met them through CLAW!" Dwnn then added, "We were watching "Snow White" at CLAW Theatre and Taliesin fell ears ovfur tail in love with Widgy (as Snow White) from the moment of her furst entrance. He kept sending her flowers and love letters, but a famous catress and model gets many, many flowers from her fans. Her brofur Sammye and I had to play matchmakers. When Taliesin purrposed, Widgy accepted." Taliesin then added "MOL - he played matchmaker, all right, but it was because of Tommye, Widgy and Sammye's sisfur. Now Tommye is Dwnn's wink." Then the Twins concluded their answer to this question by saying "That's how CLAW helped us meet our winks."
The infurview then took a turn as I started asking the Twins bout their previous activities with the old CLAW. I then asked the Twins: "Most of us are aware that you have been active in CLAW, how did miew feel when that era ended?" The Twins answered as one and said "We (separately) earned our doctorates at "old" CLAW, and we are Honorables at "new" CLAW. We were active in several guilds, made many furriends, and were editors of the CLAW ZINE for a time. Caturally, we were heartbroken when it closed. But we're still CLAW memfurs. Nowadays we belong to the Older Cats Society and the Victorian Cats Society."
I continued along that line, asking what they thought of the new CLAW's philosophy, "We Purr and Serve". Both kitties spoke as one as they said "Self-growth is something we feel strongly about. At our website, Tao of Meow, we have meditations with soothing Lake Applets and we have eastern philosophy. Our Chinese Horoscopes section is furry popular. Chinese horoscopes are more about understanding character rather than making quick predictions. We need to understand ourselves if we are to grow and develop in our nine lives."
Nearing the end of the infurview, I asked the Wicked Twins if there was any one thing of great importance that they mght to want to tell the young kits just learning about life, and they answered together, saying "Traditions are furry important. And regular exercise.
Traditions and exercise."
Taliesin then spoke and said "Fur instance, each morning we get on our purrson's bed around dawn for a lively wrestling match and fight between us Twins. We then chase each other up and down stairs - returning to jump on the bed until Meowmie gives up and gets up." Dwnn then added, "Frequent exercise is impurrtant. We repeat this tradition when our purrson first turns off the lights at 11:00 pm and again around 3:00 am."
I then asked my final question, asking about Dwnn's and Taliesin's philosophies on life. They both spoke and said that "One particularly beautiful meditation on our site from the "Tao Te Ching" expresses so well the philosoply that works best for all us fabulous felines:
'There is nothing in the world more soft and weak than water, and yet for attacking things that are firm and strong there is nothing that can take precedence of it;--for there is nothing so effectual for which it can be changed.' Everyone in the world knows that the soft overcomes the hard, and the weak the strong, but no one is able to carry it out in practice. We have applied this philosophy, Caroline, and by being soft but persistent, we haf totally overcome our meowmie who loves us and gives us lots of smurgles. We recommend that all kitties do the same."
I stood there in awe, the fifteen year old Wicked Twins, Dwnn and Taliesin, indeed made me realize how little most of us know, and that exploring our inner selves can open up a whole new view on life and the world. That sounds like something I might like to try. I bid farewell to the The Wicked Twins, who might just be a little wicked, but who also have so much to teach us. Don't miew think so too?
If miew are interested, please visit the Wicked Twins' Web pages, which are Tao of Meow ~ Chinese Horoscope Readings ~ Meditation Garden and Castle Gwynedd in Victorian Times
Signing off, I am, as always
Caroline Price, Fearless Feline Reporter
I began the infurview by asking MGD if he could remember anything about his birth meowmie, and if so, could he tell us about her. MGD replied "No, I must say I don't, and since meowmie didn't know her either, I do not know anything about her. She must have been a very loving kittymom, because I am very gentle and so is Spyder."
Since we all know his hooman meowmie is Kat, I asked MGD how he and Kat had met and adopted each other. MSD had a big smile on his face when he answered that particular question. He said "That was a very lucky day for me! Thanks to the nice Animal Defense League lady that dragged me out from under the couch so meowmie Kat could meet me. When meowmie Kat saw me, she fell in love with me, and she was so impressed by how tall I was and my lovely long tail. I was very lucky that meowmie had to come back the second day to pick up Spyder, because I had hidden under the couch there at the shelter that first day, and if not for the second visit, I might not have ended up in such a wonderful home!"
I then asked MGD regarding his kitty family, and how many kitties, other then he, lived in his household? I was curious about how they all had ended up in their particular family, and whether they got along well with each other as a family unit. Then MGD, in the easy, nonassuming way that he mews told me "When I was first adopted back at the beginning of December, 1993, there was just me and my sisfur Spyder. We get along real well, and always have. Now, just after Christmas 2000, here comes BlackJack! I knew him from seeing him outside our door, and amazingly enough, we get along pretty well too. Boy cats don't always get along, but things have been really smooth, and it is fun having three of us."
Since his family had grown when BlackJack came into their lives, I asked MGD if he would like to have more kitties in his family. When MGD answered, he sounded resolved in his reply when he said "Oh I think 3 is quite enough! It is a small place we live in, and we are all quite large kitties (15 pounds each average), and we all barely have room here with all of meowmie's junk."
I was curious if MGD was an inside/ outside kitty, since I am inside only, and he gave a very wise answer which is actually what most kitties should do, so they can live long and healthy lives when he said "No, I was inside from kittenhood, and occasionally get to go outside with meowmie accompanying me."
One question that is one of my favorites concerns toys. MGD explained that "I like feather on a stick, although I haven't been as playful since getting older, but I like that one the best. Of course a live lizard would be great!" I have to agree, on both counts, those are definitely my favorites too.
I changed the rhythm of the infurview then, going on to questions about romance, and whether this wonderful and attractive kitty had found a wink to share his life. I was quite surprised when he said "No, I don't have a wink, and will most likely stay a single catchelor. I do enjoy all my lady cat friends though, they are all so nice!" I then pressed him to tell me what his perfect wink might be. He replied that "If I were to find the purrfect wink, she would need to be very caring and very patient. I think caring and patience are really important in a relationship."
Then the infurview changed to a more serious note. I, like many other kitties in CLAW, have become aware that MGD recently was diagnosed with diabetes. I asked MGD about his treatment, hoping he might educate other kitties and myself, as well. I was curious about changes to his routine, including diet, getting insulin shots and if the new food he had to eat was any good. Ever the trooper, MGD told me "Diabetes is such a serious illness, but thank goodness it can be treated! I don't mind the insulin shots at all, I get them twice a day, and the main thing is I get to eat when I get my shot. The change in routine has been quite hard on my meowmie, with having to only feed all of us twice a day and no more food left out for us to snack on. I have a bad habit of waking meowmie up during the night and tapping on her nose to try and make her give me extra food. I am always hungry, and hope that will stop when I get totally regulated with my insulin. The food I eat now is Hill's Prescription Diet W/D, and I think it is very tasty! It tastes a lot like the R/D that I used to eat, and when you are as hungry as I am, just getting breakfast and dinner is really important! The W/D I eat is the dry kind, nice little crunchies that I and my siblings think is very appetizing!"
I then turned the questions towards CLAW. Since MGD is so active in CLAW, I was interested if he had been a member of the old CLAW, and how he views the new CLAW in comparrison. MGD replied "I joined the old CLAW on 17 March, 2000, and it was great! I have learned so much, and got started learning and earning degrees there. I am so purroud to have been a member of both old CLAW and now new CLAW. I think the old CLAW and new CLAW are quite similar, just a nice focus on helping others that has been incorporated into new CLAW. Being a former shelter kitty, I think this is so important to help find homes for kitties and teach about neutering and spaying. I have made so many wonderful friends, and that is just one of the best things about CLAW! Actually, CLAW closing led to many of us getting to know each other a lot better, and now with CLAW open again, it has been just wonderful to work together with old friends and meet so many new ones."
Keeping on a similar subject, I brought up all the leadership activities that MGD is involved in. I asked him if it was important for him to take on these leadership roles and why? He answered me, and he was beeming with pride when he said "I am so proud to be leader of the Fuzzy Kitties Society! I had been a member there for a very long time, and was so proud to be an assistant cat there. I learned so much from Nikki and Nichie about running a guild, maintaining the guild pages and keeping up with a very busy guild. When I was asked if I would like to take over Fuzzy Kitties, I was just as proud as can be! It is very rewarding to lead a guild, and to teach your assistant all the skills you learned while assisting. I also am a CLAW grader, and really enjoy doing that too! It is such a nice feeling to know I am helping CLAW to be all it can be."
I have a standard question that I feel gives the reader an important view into each kitty that I infurview, regarding what words of wisdom they might tell to all the young kits, just starting out in life. MGD's answer showed me the strong fabric that he is made of, making me respect him even more, when he told me "Always consider the other kitties feelings when writing to them or mewing with them. Sometimes things can get misconstrued and cause so much heartache. Think very carefully about what you say to others. These are hard things to do but can sure make life easier. Always be caring to your fellow housemates, fellow guild members and family members. Love and caring about each other is so very important and always tell your loved ones how much you care about them, because things can change in an instant, and you might never again get to tell them how much you care. Keep a positive outlook on life, and always try to see the good in others. Positive vibes always are the best, and positive vibes tend to keep away those negative ones that cause so much difficulty."
There was one question that my reporter's and feline curiosity had been waiting to ask MGD. That was about his name and what it stood for. Finally, my kitty curiosity was going to be answered, without getting the best of me. He smiled a little smile and told me "Mews, I have been asked this before, and never mind telling the story of my unusual name. MGD stands for Miller Genuine Draft, which is a brand of beer favored around here. I was a long tall adolescent kitty when I was adopted by meowmie, and she just hit on that name, and it stuck. I like my name, and think it fits a long tall Texas cat. My original name from the shelter was Smoke, but meowmie felt that didn't fit me that well, and I am an MGD kind of cat."
Then, my infurview was drawing to an end, and I left it up to MGD to send any message he might have to all the kitties out there reading this column. He answered quite simply, although the meaning of his answer is not simple by any means. I quote "Love your fellow kitties and always do your best at any project." and he then added "Just to say that I love CLAW, and it has been one of the very best things I have ever done! I have learned so so much! From graphics to HTML to running a guild, it has all been so positive and so neat! The wonderful support that is given when a kitty crosses the Rainbow Bridge is just so special, and that support really helps the family cope with such a terrible loss. Support for sick kitties is just great, and really helps the family and the kitty cope with a scary illness. CLAW kitties are the very best! This is my very first interview, and I am so purroud to have been interviewed for a great publication like the CLAW Zine!"
With MGD's last statement, anything I might say now would only seem unimportant. I am so pleased that MGD allowed me to interview him. He gave me a very special perspective as, I believe, only he could give. Here was a kitty who wears his love of people and his civic pride so well, like a badge of honor, as he influences the kitty community with his daily acts of leadership and kindness. I think we can all say 'Thank miew' to MGD.
Yes, me. Today I am wearing two different collars, one of the interviewer and one of the interviewee. I hope this will allow miew to see a little more of the kitty behind the computer and maybe miew will get to know me a little better.
As the interview started, I asked Caroline if she remembered anything about her kitty mommy or her life before she came to live with her meowmie Joanie. Caroline answered, in her soft and slightly soprano voice, and said: "I don't remember my kitty meowmie at all, although she must have been furry loving because I am an extremely loving kitty. I was taken from her at really young age and put into a pet store. Luckily for me, a nice lady and her sweet little boy picked me right away, out of all the other kittens, and took me home with them. BUT, the little boy was so allergic to me, that his meowmie gave me to a man named Pete, who she worked with. He was furry nice, and one of his friends, Ken, used to come over all the time to play with me. Pete had to move, though, because he got a new job BUT he could not take me with him because he was not allowed to have pets. How awful, miew might think, she still does not have a forever home. But, in a way it was a blessing in disguise, because his friend Ken took me over to meet my forever meowmie Joanie, who will love me forever and who gave me a forever home."
I asked Caroline what it was like meeting Joanie, who was to become her forever meowmie. Caroline smiled, and purred a little bit saying, "At first meowmie said she didn't want another kitty because she was getting so close to her cat, Baby. I changed her mind real fast though. Every chance I got, I would crawl up onto her chest and shoulder and purr and kneed her while licking her ear. It worked like a charm, and I knew for certain that I really did have a forever home."
I then continued, asking Caroline more about the other cat that had been living with her meowmie when she found her forever home. Caroline had a really big smile on her face, when I asked her that, and gently, while purring quite loudly, she mewed:, "Yes, that was Baby, known to the kitties of CLAW as Baby Price or Baby Panther Price, the cat of my dreams. I was just six months old when I was adopted by meowmie, and it had been my fourth home since my birth, so I was used to meeting and getting along with other animals. Baby was different though. I knew that there was something really special about him, so I acted just as mean as I could. hissing, and swatting and jumping on him. Meowmie got so scared I would hurt him that she left me in the bathroom when she and Ken went out, She didn't understand that I was just flirting with him. Then one day they finally left us alone and let nature run its course, and my charade of acting mean to Baby paid off big time, he kissed me, and he told me he luffed me, and I knew I really luffed him too, so we got winked. Meowmie came home and found us together in each others arms, kissing. Boy, was she surprised. She realized then that she really had gotten another kitty, and another daughter, as well as a daughter-in-law."
I said: That was such a romantic interlude Caroline, but do you think you would like any more kitties in your household. Caroline was extremely forceful when she answered this question as she said in a very loud mew "NO NO NO!!! Definitely not. This is our family and it will stay like this. I would never allow meowmie to get another animal. She is MY meowmie (and Baby's too) and everything here is just fine the way it is!!." I could see that this was a kitty who knows exactly what she wants.
The questions then moved along to the ones I always like to ask the kitties I interview, so I asked if Caroline was an outdoor kitty. She answered me very intelligently when she told me that she was never even inclined to go outside. She mewed that "It is way too dangerous for kitties out there. Our neighbor Gloria was hit by a car and went to the bridge. No, I don't want to go outside. Neither does Baby any more, although he plays a great watch cat. I have all my birdie friends right outside my window, just a few inches from me, sitting on the air conditioner. Over the past 8 years we have become good friends, and I would never want to hurt my friends."
Then the interview moved on to favorite toys, one of my favorite questions. I said to Caroline that I had heard that she was a very athletic kitty. She responded by saying: "Yes, Caroline, I am very athletic. I am able to jump really high and do great flips. That is pretty good for an older kitty, since I am going to be nine in a few months. Everyone who sees me playing thinks I am still a young kit. My favorite toy is the feather on the stick or anything small thing I can pounce on that has nip nip in it."
We moved the interview along, talking about favorite foods. Caroline liked that questions and said with a big smile. "I have my meowmie trained so well. Every week, when she goes grocery shopping, she buys Baby and me, but especially me, cooked shrimpies. They are my favorite. And meowmie even puts them in her purse so they won't fall out of the bag in the taxi's trunk or get lost. She was an easy meowmie to train. I also like fancy feast minced turkey and turkey in giblets."
I usually ask the romantic question about winks about now, but Caroline has pretty much told us everything already.. She and Baby Price have been wed-winked for eight years. Caroline did admit that she was indeed lucky that she actually lived with her wedwink and could sleep together with him in his arms.
The conversation turned towards CLAW, and what Caroline thinks about it. She mewed that "I am a shy kitty by nature, and to help my shyness I joined a great many clubs. I am glad that I did. I have met some wonderfur kitties, and I think CLAW is a truly wonderful organization. I also really like the idea of supporting no-kill shelters. They should be made mandatory, and all of the money that this government puts towards $22,000 toilets could be much better spent supporting no kill shelters."
Since Caroline is just reaching the point of being considered an older kitty, I asked her if she had any words of wisdom for the youg kits out there. She raised her head high and mewed "Always take good care of your family. They are so important. Love other animals and people and miew will be loved in return. Never hurt anyone and always remember that honor and integrity are things that others can learn by example. Do your best, be honest and always care about the other kitty. Miew never know what he or she has been through.
Well, those were certainly words of wisdom. It was very unusual for me to interview Caroline Price, but since I have interviewed her, I really feel like I know her, that I am very close to her, and that I hope that I will be just like her someday.
This is Caroline Price, Fearless Feline Reporter signing off. Have a wonderfur and happy day!
Let me give miew a hint. He was named after the associate of the famous British Detective, Sherlock Holmes. Do you know who it is yet? Yes, that's right, CLAW kitties are always so smart. Yes, I am talking about none other then the undeniably sweet and catsome Watson a/k/a Dr. Watson.
I started off my infurview with Watson by asking him if he remembered his fur mom and siblings. Watson replied "I don't remember my fur family. The first thing I remember was a lady picking me up off the street when I was about 4 weeks old and taking me to the police station, to turn me in to the Kitty Cop. Well, the lady who worked there said I looked just like her kitty at home, and said if nobody claimed me, she would take me home. That was fourteen years ago, and the lady from the police station became my Meowmie."
I said "So that was how you ended up living where you do now with your forever family. Tell us about miew meowmie, Watson, and the others in miewr furmily?"
Watson answered, saying that "When I first came home with Meowmie, it was just the three of us: Meowmie, Mr. Sherlock, and me. Mr. Sherlock crossed the Rainbow Bridge about 10 years ago, but now I share my house with Lil'Bit, Angel, and Day-Late. Meowmie takes very good care of us, and is pretty well trained. She still works at the police station, but on the midnight shift, so she is home with us during the day. It's nice because we can play kibble hockey all we want at 3am and nobody yells at us!"
As the interview went on, I asked Watson to tell me about his siblings, and how they get along together. He replied: "We all get along pretty well. Lil'Bit and I are both older and more settled (she is 13, I am 14), while Angel and Day-Late (5 and 4 respectively) tend to be a little more rambunctious. They usually keep each other amused, leaving LB and I to nap in the sun. That is why Meowmie calls us the big kids and the little kids."
I wondered how Watson would feel if his meowmie decided she wanted to adopt another kitty, so I asked him. He answered in his easy going but frank manner, that seems to come from both age and experience, and said: "Well, since I am the one who adopted two of my three housemates, I guess I can't complain. Both Lil'Bit and Angel had homes lined up (they were rescued strays), and just came to our house for a couple days until their new families could pick them up. Sherlock & I adopted Lil'Bit in about 10 minutes. Angel (who was just 3.5 weeks old, and is black like I am) sat and looked pitiful for about 2 days before I curled up with her and gave her a bath. I taught her everything a kitten needs to know, and she followed me everywhere for months. Day-Late is Angel's son, so I guess that makes him sort of like my grandkit. Meowmie says our family is just fine the way it is, and has no plans to bring in any more."
I then turned the direction of the infurview a lttle, and said "Some kitties can get catfused, Watson, I know I did. Please share how miew got miewr name and clarify whether it is Watson or Dr. Watson."
I loved his answer and it brought many mewgrins to my face when he said " My official name is Dr If-They-Can't-Take-A-Joke Watson (because Meowmie says we all know what to do if they can't take a joke). But that is an awfully big mouthful, so I usually just go by Watson or Wats. Meowmie also calls me her BIG Guy (I tip the scales at about 20 lbs), and she calls Day-Late her "Leeeeetle Guy."
Knowing the dangers that can happen to outside kitties, having personally lost a good friend that way, I asked Watson if he was an indoor or outside kitty and why hmade his choice. He replied: "All of us are primarily indoor kitties, but we do get to go outside when Meowmie works in the yard. I like to sniff around my flower beds and catnip patch, and then I usually just curl up on the front steps and watch."
Then we got to one of my favorte subjects: toys. I love my toys alot and hope that other kitties do too. I asked Watson if he had any favortire toys, how he likes to play with them, and if there are any toys he doesn't have yet but wants.
He answered, in the gentle manner he usually has, saying "We have lots and lots of toys. The upstairs bedroom is our playroom, and we have a kitty gym, an Ivory Tower (with ramps, so that I don't have to jump), my real tree with the carpeted perch on top, and lots of mousies, balls, scratching posts, and teddy bears. I am not as active as I used to be (arthritis takes it's toll), but I still like to toss around a catnip mouse upon occasion. I much prefer "playing" with my food dish! I also like the remote control, and I am so talented that I can reboot the computer all by myself." "Wow", I exclaimed. "Watson, miew are one talented kitty."
Then I turned the conversation to my second favorite question, the one about food. I asked Watson what kinds of food he likes to eat, and which ones are his favorites. Watson said that "I prefer canned cat food, and my favorite is Friskies Senior Salmon. I also like anything with gravy. And we always have a dish of crunchies out for midnight snacks." To that I replied: "I eat the salmon flavored Friskies Senior sometimes myself, and I like it too. Watson, miew haf good taste in foods."
Then the interview changed and I began to talk about kitty love and winks. I asked Watson if he had efur been in love, and if he had a wink, to tell us about her. Watson had a little mystical look in his eyes, as if he were seeing something that just touched his heart. He replied, mewing softly, and said "I am a very affectionate, cuddly kitty, and my winkwink is the lovely Gigi, who I met through Older Cats Society. We both share households with exuberant (and usually irritating) younger cats, and we enjoy commiserating with each other. We like to attend plays at the CLAW theater, and dine in some of the more sedate cyber cafes."
I know that Watson is very active in CLAW and I asked him about the various roles he plays within CLAW, and what groups he belongs to. He answered me by saying that "I have cut back on some of my activities; with four of us fighting for computer time, it can be very difficult to do everything we'd like. I assist Spike with the Older Cats Society, and Patrick with the Roly Poly Rawers. I belong to the Back Seat Kitties Support Group, and I do lots of purring for the Purring Paws Society (which Lil'Bit leads). I also belong to the Big Kids & Little Kids Hunt team. That keeps me plenty busy between snacks and naps!"
I then asked Watson is he had belonged to the old CLAW, as well as the new, and what differences he sees between the two. To that, he replied "Yes, we all belonged to the old CLAW. While I can appreciate the service aspect of the new CLAW, I really thought the old CLAW was much more fun. There seemed to be more interaction, and more opportunities to become involved. I'm sure part of that is just my own resistance to change..."
Yes, I thought, That is so true. As we get older, we depend more and more on the stable things in life, and as most kitties dislike change anyway, I had to agree wholeheartedly with Watson.
For my next question I asked Watson, as an older kitty in Claw, what he might want to tell the young kits about his philosophy of life as an older kitty. Watson mewed: "As an older kitty, I have learned to take things a little slower. I tend to stay closer to home (and my favorite sleeping spot). I like the simple things: naps in Meowmie's lap, fresh catnip, the sunny spot at the end of the couch. I enjoy watching the birds and butterflies, but I don't feel compelled to chase them anymore. I avoid loud noises (like the lawnmower, garbage truck things like that), and I have learned that Meowmie always comes home to me."
Yes Watson, that is so very true and important; knowing that meowmie is always coming home to us. Many kitties who lived in so many places before finding their forever home, like I did, have felt that fear many times. Now, I do haf a forever home and no longer worry about Meowmie coming home. Unfortunately there are so many kitties who do not have that luxury, and we all should purr for them.
Then I asked Watson if he had just one special things to tell all the young kits, just starting out in life, what would it be? Watson came up with true words of wisdom that every kitty should always remember. He said "Train your human well! You have to get them trained early, or your life can be absolute chaos. Make your likes and dislikes known, and make sure they understand that an unhappy kitty can make life miserable for them!"
Yes, indeed, those were definitely words of wisdom from on of CLAW's Senior Statesman, Watson who will always be remembered for his kind and realistic viewpoints on life. I am very proud that I had the opportunity to interview Watson. I hope miew enjoyed the infurview as much as I.
The interview has now ended, and as always after one of my interviews, I am a little drained yet exhilliarated at the same time. I guess that is because interviewing is both hard work and fun, as we keep learning about the kitties we share our cyber lives with. We are furry fortunate to have so many wonderfur furriends here at CLAW. Don't miew think so too???
This is Caroline Price, Fearless Feline Reporter and Marquessa of CLAW, signing off and wishing that miew haf a wonderfur day!
I am always pleased when I get the chance to interview another older cat. Time seems to fly by as we grow from kittenhood into adulthood and then, all of a sudden, we become older kitties too. Older kitties, through their many life experiences, can offer so much wisdom to younger kitties. It is for this reason that I am proud to interview Spike Brewer, the smart and sometimes sassy kitty who runs the Older Cat Society, that is also known (for our new CLAW members) as OCS.
I began our interview by asking Spike if she had any memories of her fur mom, and any siblings she might have had. Spike answered me by telling me "I don't remember any of this, but Meowmie told me the circumstances of my birth. Apparently my fur mom gave birth to me and five siblings in a storm gutter at the Old High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Some time later she went hunting for food for herself and so she could feed us. She was run over by a car. Later in the evening a passerby heard some mewing and called Judy, a well know cat lover and rescuer of ferals. She came to investigate and found me mewing at the top of my new born lungs. My siblings had all died. She placed me with three different foster fur moms trying to find one that would feed me. I was finally placed with a human that bottle fed me until I was weaned at six weeks."
After that, Spike told me that "The day I was weaned I was taken to Catstuff, in Albuquerque, so I could be adopted. It was run by the Judy that rescued me. She groomed cats, boarded cats and sold lots of cat collectibles and toys. Lots of people just stopped to visit Judy and play with the cats being boarded. Meowmie was a regular visitor. When she came in, I had been playing hard and was very tired. She picked me up and started petting me and I went to sleep in her hand. She went home and told Farfur how sweet and cute I was and he wanted to adopt me. Then they rushed right down to Catstuff to meet me, and see if I wanted to come live with them. I was only too glad to have a family all my own."
Spike then continued her story saying that "When we went in the front door and I saw two other kitties and a dog I went berserk. I sat up on my back legs and started hissing and slashing. Farfur tells everyone I stayed that way for 3 days. At the end of three days I was top cat of the family. I remember that!! Since then I have ...... ruled them with a loving but stern paw."
That was the story of how Spike found her forever home. Learning that, I became interested in hearing more about Spike's family and how they all got along with each other, so I asked Spike to tell me about her, meowmie, Jona, and the other members of her family. Spike began telling me about them, and I could hear the pride in her mew when she mentioned her meowmie. She said "My Meowmie is a wonderfur. She feeds me Fancy Feast, shrimp, treats and she holds and loves me any time I feel the urge to be petted. She has lots of pain and I comfort her all that I can. I sleep cuddled in her arms most nights.
Farfur was my human for a long time. Then about two years ago he refused to hold and pet me anymore. He is very sick and said I was to heavy to sit in his lap and on his chest. He just all of a sudden refused to pet me anymore. I was very hurt but now I understand why. We are friends again and I sit beside him and he pets me. I don't sit on his lap anymore"
Spike then continued on about her two kitty sisfurs, Sammy and Tigger. She said "Sammy is four and is a pretty tortie. She is a silly cat and loves to be chased. We are friends but I have never played with her and I have never cuddled with her. Tigger is my newest sisfur. She isn't a year old yet and is just the sweetest kitty. It took me just a few weeks to learn that she was gentle and sweet and not a brat. I don't mind sharing Meowmie with her."
Then Spike continued by telling me about her brother Caesar, saying that "Caesar is Tigger's litter mate. He is also a cute, sweet, gentle cat. He is a brat, but I loved him from the first time I saw him. I didn't let him cuddle with me right away, he had to learn I was not going to be his fur mom after all. We are the best of friends and I play with him from time to time. I even cuddle with Caesar."
Then she spoke about her other brother, Buster, although not as generously as she did about Caesar. "Buster is my other brofur." she said. "I don't like Buster. When we first met he tried to put the make on me, and I told Meowmie to get that tom fixed immediately! Now he picks on me all the time. For a year I couldn't even stand to look at him. Now, though, I can honestly say I don't hate him, and that I will nap within a few feet of him although I do wish meowmie would put him on eBay."
Spike also spoke about her other non-feline or hooman family members. "I also have Spatz, a Schipperke. He respects me and we get along fine. We are also considering getting a Schipperke female. Sealy, a Schip female, went to the bridge May 2001. She was my best friend and I miss her so. We also have a conure, Whoopie. Conures are small parrots and this guy is very noisy. He also likes to chase kitties and bite ears if he can get at them. I leave him alone."
Then I asked Spike how she would feel if her meowmie and farfur decided to adopt more kitties. Spike replied, in a very realistic manner, and said "Since they don't ask me but keep bringing kittens in the house I just make sure the kitties know who is boss. I love watching kitties play."
I was curious whether Spike was an inside or outside cat. I always have been an inside kitty, and have had so many of my outside friends go to the bridge that I am feaful about going outside. Spike replied "I am pretty much an inside kitty now, but by my choice. In the mornings, on pretty days the door is left open. I do occasionally take a stroll on the porch and go roll in a sandy place. When I was much younger I stayed outside all day. When I was helping myself to some baby pigeons in their nest, I got caught and was severely beaten up by their parents. I was strictly an inside cat for several years. I am very happy with the way things are now."
Then the interview took a turn, and we started talking about some of my favorite topics. I wanted to talk about toys, because I really love my toys, so I asked Spike if she liked to play with toys, and what toys were her favorites.
She replied "I do like toys. My favorite is the fishing pole. I love for Meowmie to make the thing on the end fly like a bird. With so many younger siblings I don't get to play near as much as I would like. They always take it away from me. It is fun to sit and watch them play and leap around. Meowmie does make sure it comes my way from time to time so I am satisfied."
Then, of course, I wanted to talk about food. I love food, especially when my meowmie brings me my cooked shrimpies every week, and am always curious about other kitties and what they like to eat. Wow!! Spike's eyes really lite up when I asked her this question and I could actually see her licking her lips, while she shouted "FOOD! I LOVE FOOD! Shrimp is my favorite and once a month I have an all I can eat feast. It is just Meowmie, Farfur and me. It is great. Every night the five of us split 2 cans of Fancy Feast. Any flavor is wonderful and I help Meowmie with the dishes by cleaning all the other kitties plates. I also love pork chop, steak, chicken, ham, eggs, turkey and any kind of lunch meat. Cooked or raw it doesn't matter. Sometimes meowmie gives me samples of raw meat before it is cooked. I always get samples of the cooked dinner meat." Wow, was all I could say. I had trouble not thinking about an all miew can eat shrimpy din din. Wow, Spike, miew are one lucky kitty.
The interview then took a turn towards the wonderful subject of romance and winks. When I asked Spike if she had ever been in love, and if she had a wink, her face lit up in a big smile. Then seeming very proud of herself, she replied "I never thought I would have a wink but about a year ago I met Sam da Man at OCS. He is the most wonderfur tom is the world. He asked me to be is Valentine and I said yes. He sent me lots of cards and a beautiful bracelet made for me especially by Smokey Girl. When he asked me to be his wink I said yes, yes, yes. I luff Sam. Did I tell you how wonderful he is. He can repair anything and he has my picture hanging in his workshop. We go out for dinner and go on picnics. I just love riding in his red pickup. We rode horsies together at the Fat is Fun Memorial Carnival. Sam has a beautiful garden and we enjoy just sitting on the swing together. We mew back and forth everyday. Did I mention how wonderfur Sam is?" Yes, indeed, Spike, miew surely did.
As a member of the Older Cat Society, I know that Spike is furry active in CLAW and in the Older Cat Society, so I asked her to tell me about the variety of different roles she plays in them. I also asked her if she belonged to any other groups in CLAW.
Spike answered me by telling me that "The OCS really does take most of my time. I am a Marquessa at CLAW and a grader for CLAW University. At CLAW I belong to Fuzzy Kitties and Roly Poly Rawers. Both are fun clubs with lots of great memfurs. I belong to Fat is Fun. I fit in really well there. Hope's Pampered Princess's makes me feel like the royalty I am. I also belong to the Back Fence Cat Club where I have a great time with Sam da Man."
I have only belonged to the new CLAW and am always curious about those kitties who belonged to the old CLAW, as well, and how they looked at the differences between the two. When I asked Spike about this she said "Yes, I belonged to the old CLAW. I really enjoyed the old CLAW and had many kitty friends there. That is where I learned to rule my family and siblings. Queen Midnight has been my roll model ever since I first discovered CLAW. At the old CLAW I was just a member and didn't contribute as a leader to anything. When it closed I was crushed but I also realized that I should have been doing my fair share of the work. I was delighted when the CLAW was opened and I do make an effort to do my part. The old CLAW was perhaps more frivolous which was great but in the new CLAW we learn how to accept responsibilities and be better catizens. I think that is important too. I am just as happy to belong to the new CLAW. I still admire Queen Midnight."
I always wonder what knowledge older kitties might like to share with some of the younger kitties, so I asked Spike what she, as an older kitty in CLAW, would tell the younger kits about her philosophy of life.
Spike's reply was both sensible and sensitive towards the feelings of other kitties when she said "My life's philosophy is that it is best to be flexible in dealing with others. You never know when a cat has had a bad day or not feeling well and just isn't polite. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Not all kitties are the same. Some work slow and some work fast, Some start projects immediately and some wait to the last minute. Accept every kitty for what they are and what they can do and never expect them to meet the standards you set for yourself. You can not change any other kitty!" How true Spike, you are very wise.
Then I asked Spike if there was just one thing that she could share with the young kits just starting out in life, what would that be? Her answer was that of a true CLAW kitty, when she replied "Take responsibility for your actions. Work has hard as you can to improve yourself. Contribute time to help other kitties. If you do the first three you can easily enjoy each and every day to the fullest." Yes, Spike, miew truly do embody what CLAW is all about. Finishing up, I asked Spike if there was anything else she might want to tell our readers. She replied "Every kitty matures into an Older Kitty someday unless something tragic happens to them. Older kitties have wonderful stories and adventures to share as well as pearls of wisdom. They make great friends. Be gentle with these older kitties. They are wonderfur resources for you." Thank miew, Spike, I couldn't have said that better myself. Well, another interview has come to an end. It is always such an honor to interview the older kitties of our cyberspace community, and, after each interview, I become filled with a wonderfur sense of pride in the older kitties in CLAW and all they have to offer. I think they deserve a big round of applause. Don't miew think so too? This is Caroline Price, fearless feline reporter, thanking miew and wishing miew a furry wonderfur day.
I am furry proud to interview a kitty who shows us that beauty does come with age. She is an older kitty whose looks and charm only seem to grow better as she grows older. Yes, indeed, I am talking about none other then the beautifur white kitty named Bini. I started off the interview by asking Bini whether she rememfured her fur mom or any of her siblings. She responded by stating "Mew no:( I don't memburr anyting befur my Grandma finded me in de road and took me to de v*t's." From there, I decided to ask Bini about the family she is a part of now, and asked her to tell me about her hooman meowmie, farfur and any other sisfurs and brofurs that make up her family. Bini seemed extremely proud when she answered that question. She told me "My Meowmie be "De Witch" tee hee hee - Fafur be a great guy dat share lotz ob his fud wif us. I got two kitty brofurs - Jasper Jax who juz turned 7 years old and Magick who turned one on September. 1:) and I hab BIG furry canine brofur - Bear Doggy who be a red Chow Chow and him gonna be three de end ob Novemburr. He be my hero - when JJ & Magick pick on me (mew know how liddle brofurz are) he come and chase dem way:)" "Miew are furry lucky, Bini," I said, "to haf a brofur who protects miew, and a doggie brofur at that."
I was curious, so I asked Bini how she got such an interesting name. She told me: "I used to belong to sum ofur pepole and dey named me B. N. dat cuz dey say it be short fur Big Nose:( Meowmie changed it to Bini dat mew say sort of like Beanie but wif a Furrench accent. She luff me and tink a beautifur and not hab a big nose:)"
I had three other homes before I found my meowmie and my forever home, so I am always interested in learning how other kitties meet and adopt their families and find their forever homes, as well. When I asked Bini about hers, she answered, saying "My Gramma found me in de road and I bin hit by a car and I be in a big puddle ob blood and dey tought dat I be a dead kitty but when dey dribe by I pick up my head and she got out ob de car and pick me up eben doe I be all bloody and hurr got it on hurr when hurr waz goin' out to din din and dey take me to de v*t. Nobuddy come to git me eben doe de adburrtize so dey took me home. Den I went to lib wif Auntie Deb but hurr gotted a boyfurriend dat hated me and my den hubby Fuzzman (who be at de burridge now) so dey take me & Fuzz and put uz in one ob dem jailz dat mew go to de v*t in and lebe uz on Mofurz doorstep in de nite time."
"Wow" I said "Miew are one lucky kitty, Bini, for miew and Fuzzman, after all that, to find a forever home. I know how much miew love miewr meowmie and farfur, but tell us more about miewr relationship with miewr brofurs." Bini answered that question by mewing: "Mozt de time I git along fine but de boyz like to ruffhouze and I be oldurr and don't like dat so Bear Doggy chaze dem way furrom me:)" I always wonder how kitties feel about having other kitties adopted into THEIR homes and families, so I asked Bini how she would feel if her meowmie and farfur wanted to adopt more kitties. I was curious because I was adopted into a family that already had another kitty, which turned out wonderfully well for me, because he and I ended up getting wedwinked. I also know, though, that it doesn't always work out that way.
Bini was surprisingly gracious about having other kitties join her family, as she replied "Mwe juz gotted Magick fur Churristmaz last year and I din't mind - I know dat dey luff me so it don't bofurr me to hab new brofurrz or sisfurrz:)" I think miew are a furry wise kitty Bini.
Then I moved the interview along to a question I always like to ask: whether Bini is an inside, outside or inside/outside kitty. Bini answered me, telling me that "I be de inside kitty and de ofurz are too - Bof me & JJ beed declawed when mwe com to lib here cuz our ofur hoomanz had dat done so mwe hab to stay in - But Mofur would keep us in anyway cuz dere be too many critterz in de woodz dat might git uz. Magick got de clawz but him be inside too. I had my taste ob de ouside when I got hitted by de car - I be happy inside but efurry once in a while I would like to check out sumfin outside:) Be dat curiosity ting mew know?:) But mwe know what happen bout dat - tee hee hee" Yes, indeed, I do know Bini, having lost a few good friends and neighbors who were sent to the bridge after being hit by cars. It is furry dangerous out there, and it is almost always a wise idea to keep kitties inside at all times.
Now we were getting to my favorite questions. The ones I look forward to asking, each and every time I interview a kitty, so I said to Bini: "Let's talk about toys." I really luf my toys, as most of miew probably know by now, so I asked Bini what are miewr favorite toys are and why? It's funny that I keep forgetting how old Bini is, because she looks so young for her age, but she reminded me, proudly, of her senior status, when she said "I be sixteen yearz old and on de heaby side so I don't do lot ob purrlayin' but my fafurite toy be a furry old catnip mouse dat I got fur Churristmaz one year. Mwe hab TONZ ob toyz but I luff dat one, it be red wif candycanez on it:) I like real catnip too - Mofur grow it fur uz and dry it in de attic ob de garage - wooo hooo home grown:)."
Then I brought up a subject I thought Bini might really like. I smiled as I said: "OK Bini, now let's talk about food." Bini had a big smile on her face, as well, just like I knew she would, as she replied: "Tee hee hee - my fafurite fud be mozt:) I weigh bout twenty lbs. - I luff grilled salmon a lot and shrimpz and tuna and turkey and sometimes I like ice cream but only nilla - I git mozt ob dem if Meowmie & Fafur hab dem but de rest ob de time we gitz de "health food" type kitty fudz dat Mofur buy at a special purrlaze."
I always like to find out in my interviews whether or not a kitty is, or has been in luf. Call me curious, or call me nosey, but I still do like to know; so I asked Bini to tell me all about her love life. Whether she has ever been in love, and, if so, if she ever has been winked.
Bini's eyes were twinkling when answered me with yet another smile, as she mewed "Oh yez I hab been in luff - I waz a widow kitty afturr I lost my Fuzzman who be 16 when he went to de burridge on 12/24/99.
Mwe all miss him sooo much. Den Mofur let me join Fat Is Fun and I meeted Murphy Murdock Noel dere.. OH MY!!! He juz taked my breaf away - He be de soufurrn genturrman mew know:) I knew dat Fuzzman would apurrobe ob him and not want me to be lonely anymore. Mwe hab a whurrlwind romanze and mwe waz wedwinked at de Castle on Churristmaz day 2001. It waz sooo romantic and mwe went to Hawaii fur our honeymoon. Dere be linkz on our website fur bof de wedwink and de photo album ob de honeymoon. Mwe be furry happy - Murrf be a busy agent but mwe take lotz ob turripz on de weekendz and when he hab time off - Mwe juz came back furrom a two week trip to de mountainz in Mew Hampshurr (my home) fur de foliage season."
I then switched subjects, and turned my questions more towards CLAW, and Bini's membership in it. I said to Bini: "We know that miew belong to CLAW, but what groups, other then CLAW, do miew belong to, and why do miew like them? She replied: "I belong to Fat Is Fun where dere be lotz going on and I hab lotz ob furriendz and where I met my Murrf and JJ meeted hiz wedwink Sabrina dere too. And I belong to Critterz and dat be lotz ob fun too cuz Bear Doggy can belong to dat one and lotz ob ofur critterz den kittiez be dere - One ob my furriendz dere be Bongo who be a Cockatoo in England:) Bear Doggy meeted hiz wink Dixie dere." It was the time, in my interview, to start getting a little more serious, so I asked Bini: "What would miew, as an older kitty in CLAW, tell the young kits about your philosophy on life?"
Bini thought for a few moments before replying, and then answered by saying "Let me see - I tink de purpose ob life be to help ofurrz if mew can and if mew can't juz lib well and be happy and kind to doze around mew. Eat, sleep, purrlay a liddle - smell de rosez if mew git a chance to sneak out but don't go too far:) and luff mewr hoomanz much as dey luff mew:) I hab had a furry happy life since I got my furefur home."
We were getting towards the end of the interview, so I wanted to ask a few, final questions. I asked Bini "If there was just one special thing miew could tell all the young kits just starting out in life, what would that be?" She answered with a furry wise reply. She said "Nefurr gib up hope." Yes, that was furry wise, indeed, Bini.
Then I asked Bini one final question. I said to her: "Is there anything else miew feel might be important for miew to tell our readers out there?"
Bini replied, showing the wisdom that comes with being a older kitty, as she smiled a small, knowing smile, and I would see the knowledge that only a long and full life brings, in her eyes, when she said "Mew don't alwayz get de right famurrly de furrst time but if mew be lucky miew end up wif a good one and I hope mew all do:)"
My interview with Bini was finally over. Everytime I interview an older kitty, I learn something new. Not only about them, and how they see life, but about myself, as well. Yes, the interview was finally over, and I felt just as I usually do, a little bit in awe of these wonderful older kitties that belong to CLAW. They offer so much to the younger kitties, and even to we older kitties, as well. I love these interviews because, through them, I feel like I am growing, not only as a cat, but as a member of the world community, and as a member of this wonderful organization known as CLAW. Don't miew think so too?
This is Caroline Price, Fearless Feline Reporter, hoping miew have a wonderful day.
This the award I won from the Zine on April 22, 2001
I am furry pleased today to infurview Conor Dalton. Conor is well known as the catsome siamese who works so hard at both fighting for animal rights and using his creativity making web pages and graphics.
Infurview with MGD, by Caroline Price
Since I became a member of CLAW, I have come to know and respect one of the most devoted kitties in CLAW, someone who gives tirelessly of both his time and his efforts, to help other kitties learn and enjoy life through his strong leadership skills and caring yet unassuming manner. I am, if miew have not guessed, talking about MGD, who I am furry purroud to Infurview today.
Infurview with Caroline Price
Today I am interviewing a kitty who is furry dear to my heart. She is a rather shy kitty when it comes to e-groups and events involving a large number of kitties. but, if miew put her in front of a computer, then she leaves all her shyness behind and lets other kitties know exactly what she thinks. Have miew guessed who it is yet? Well I'll tell's Caroline Price, otherwise known as Me.
Today I am going to infurview a well respected and dedicated kitty, who always lends a helping paw to anycat who might need assistance or guidance. He is always a pleasure to be around, as he freely gives of himself to those in need. and I could not have chosen a finer kitty to infurview today. Do you know who I am talking about yet?
Interview by Caroline,
Fearless Feline Reporter and
Marquessa of CLAW of Bini
1. Do miew rememfur miewr fur mom and/or siblings? Tell us about them if miew do.
I don't rememfur much about my mom. I just rememfur being in dis purrlace
in a cage wif my two siblings when my future mommie came offur an played wif me
and next thing I was ridin in car fer a long time to my new home.
2. Tell us about miew hooman meowmie, and the others in miewr furmily: miewr meowmie and farfur, and any sisfurs and brofurs miew might haf.?"
I jest has a mommie now since my older sisfur Bonnie went to da bridge and daddyfur too, soon after. We'z pals... my mom and I. She lets me be boss most of da time.
3. How did miew meet and adopt miewr furmily?
That was when I was at the animal shelter.
4. Did miew go directly to miewr hooman meowmie or did you go to other places before landing in miewr forever home? Tell us about them.
I nefur had anyone else. I was jest 7
weeks old when my mom took me home.
5. Do miew get along with miewr siblings? Tell us about how miew do or don't.
When my sisfur Bonnie was here I tried everything to get her to like me, but she hissed at me always. She jest wanted to be left alone,I guess
6. If miewr meowmie and farfur wanted to adopt more kitties, how would miew feel? Explain.
Iz not sure anymore. Iz kinda set in my ways being 13 years old now and hafing such a unhappy time wif my sisfur.
7. Are miew an inside, outside or inside/outside kittiy? Would miew prefer being something miew are not (i.e. you are an inside kitty, but really want to be an outside one)?
I luv to go out on the balconey and walk around wif mom and sometimes if the weather is nice she lets me lie in the doorway and watch effurrything. Mom says I'm the official "Greeter of the second floor"
8. Let's talk about toys. What are miewr favorite toys and why? How do miew like to play with them? Are there any toys miew would like that miew do not haf?
I luv my mousies...and I haf a bunch of them! Also there's a birdy thing on a stick that Santa Claws got me that I like.
9. Let's talk about food. I assume, like most kitties, miew luf to eat. What are miewr favorite foods and why? Are there any special favorites you do not get, and why?
My favorite is Tuna cat food. Hoomin foods I like are vanilla yogurt or parmesan cheese.
10. Haf miew ever been in luf? If so, do miew haf a wink or wedwink? Please tell us about your wink (if miew haf one) and what you like to do together. If miew do not haf a wink, is there some special kitty out there that miew would like to be miewr wink (hint hint).
I had a winwink named Bear and we waz wed a few years ago He jilted me. Now I iz just interested in dating. Funny thing I was asked to a party by Leo and then found out he also was jilted by a gurl from same family... so we decided we got something in common, but we're not gettin cerious... just hafing fun.
11. I know miew are a member of CLAW and (are in the Older Cat Society) Yes or No. If yes, tell us about the variety of different roles miew play in CLAW and OCS. What groups, other then OCS do miew belong to and why do miew like them?
Yes I am a CLAW memfur and are in OCS, PurrScouts, Problems ans Solutione commitee and I am a grader fer the Claw College. Purr Scouts is a fun group and mew can earn badges there. Prob. & sol. we help new kitties and help wif the Graduations.
12. You run a furry successful contest. every month. Why did miew start to do that? Do mew enjoy it, and if so, why?
I thought it would be nice fer different types of kitties to show their beautiful photos to effurryone each month wif a poll. At first I just had a Wall of fame fer the winners, but it's much more fun to interview them each month. Also I think they look forward to telling about their life.
13. Who was the most interesting, fascinating, or whatever, kitty who won miewr contest and who miew interviewed? Tell us why in detail.
I think Madam Troublinski because she is so active and successful with her "Fat is Fun Club". Her club is almost as active as CLAW. I belong to that too.
14. Did miew belong to the Old CLAW? If so, what differences do miew find between the two and which, if any, do miew prefer?
yes, I was a memfur for more that 2 years and sure was glad that it stared again. It keeps us kitties busy. I don't see too much difference.
15. As an older kitty in CLAW, what would miew tell the young kits about miewr philosophy of life as an older kitty?
Always think before before mew hiss back at anyone. Maybe they are just hafing a
bad day or mew misunderstood that hiss.
16. If there was just one special thing you could tell all the young kits, just starting out in life, what would that be?
Better to haf lots of furriends and not one enemy.
17. Is there anything else you feel might be important fur miew to tell our readers out there? Please explain.
It was a little different being interviewed and a fun thinking about all the years and how it all started. I haf a good home and was furry lucky. There are lots of homeless kitties that need someone to love them too!
Miew Miew Kitties. Gee, golly, wow, am I excited about the kitty I am going to interview today. She has been in both the old CLAW and the new, has a truly unique name, and her rather extended family seems to appear all ofur CLAW, because there seem to be so many of them. Do miew have any idea who I am talking about yet? Nooooo? OK, then, I'll just haf to tell miew. I am talking about none other then Pupa Muma Aamose Grey Milliken.
I began the interview by asking Pupa Muma if she remembered her fur mom and siblings, and if she did, to tell us about them.
She, replied saying: "Mews, well, I do not rememfur my Furmom, but I do rememfur my FurDad. He was quite a cat around the neighborhood. He was a long-furred Siamese with the most crossed blue eyes mew have efur seen. His name was Smenkhara I. My grandson, Ratu (Smenkhara II) was named after him. He often visited my hewmin's house, and liked to sleep on her bed. I also rememfer my beloved Akhe's Furdad, Big Grey. Oh , he was efur so catsome. He came each night to eat on our porch. I had one fur-brofur, named Senmut. He brought his darling little daughter, Bella, to us before he left home fur good. Of course mew will recognize the name Senmut, as my Grandson, Senmut is in BSKG. And I know some of mew will also rememfur our sweet 'Bella."
Then I continued asking questions about her family, and asked Pupa Muma about her hooman meowmie, and the others in her family.
Pupa Muma mewed back at me "Well, my hewmin meowmie is just the greatest. She has been raising kitties since she was 7 years old, and is furry gentle and understanding. When I furst came to live with her, there was also her Grandfafur and Grandmewfur here. They were quite old. We loved them furry much, and it was great having them home all day to play with us. Mewmie's sisfur Rachel, and our cousins, Yoda and Pumpkin Pie, also lived here then. Now she is married. Grandfafur and Grandmewfur have crossed the Rainbow Bridge."
I was curious about this extended feline and hooman family, so I asked Pupa Muma how she met and if she adopted her hooman family.
She replied: "Well, I met my furmily when my beloved Akhe brought me and our furst little son, Baby Grey, home. He and his dad, Big Grey, had lived here fur several years by then. At furst I was quite shy , but I soon became tame and loved to be able to go in and out of the house. In those days, we all ran free in the neighborhood, which was quite safe. About a year later, my second litter was born in the laundry room. That would have been SnowLing, Rambley-Bambley, Tiger Magnificat, Powder Puff and Yoda. I know you will recognize those furst three names, as they are all quite active in CLAW. "
That brought my interest to where Pupa Muma lived before staying at her forever home. She smiled a whistful smile and said "Well, I did live in a few ofur places in the neighborhood, and I was quite happy. But I was still quite young when I came to my hewmins home. I was 1 1/2 years old."
With Pupa Muma coming from such a large family, I was curious about how effuryone got along and asked her what it was like.
She replied, by saying "Well, I get along furry well with the siblings which I now have. There have been so many in the last 10 years. Mew. Of course, one of my favfurites was BabyCat. When I furst came here, there were only BabyCat, Anemone, and Grin. Akhe and Big Grey lived outside. So BabyCat, Anemone and I were quite good furriends. I rememfur they were so delighted when I had my babies. They loved playing with them. :) Well, of course, most of my 'Siblings' are my own babies, or my nieces, or grand-children. WE are all one big, happy furmily.
Since they, indeed, had such a large feline family, I wondered how Pupa Muma would feel about even more kitties coming to live there with her. She smiled, and I could see the laughter in her eyes when she said. "Well, I wouldn't mind at all. Mewmie is always adopting more kitties. And being one of the oldest here now, I have gotten quite used to the fact. Mewmie loves each and efury one of us, and we all know that. She treats each of us special, and makes us each feel like we are number one. So we don't mind having more kitties join the household."
I then said I think you are furry right, Pupa
Muma. More kitties should act like that and be happy to share love which they are so lucky to have. There are so many kitties out there with no homes. We kitties with homes should feel rather grateful to be loved like we are loved.
I then asked Pupa Muma whether she was an inside, outside or inside/outside kittiy? I also asked whether she would prefer being what she was not (i.e. you are an inside kitty, but really want to be an outside one)?
Smiling one of her smiles of wisdom that I so frequently see coming from Pupa Muma's wise face, she replied "I am definitely an inside/outside kitty. As mew know, we have our furry own, special, enclosed garden, so we can go out and still be quite safe. I love to spend the Spring and Summer and early fall days in the garden. I wouldn't have it any ofur way. "
The time had come for me to bring up some of my favorite questions. By now all of miew know how much I luf two things, toys and food.
Therefore, I looked at Pupa Muma and got right to it when I said: "Let's talk about toys. What are miewr favorite toys and why? How do miew like to play with them? Are there any toys miew would like that miew do not haf?"
Pupa Muma replied "Well, as a young kitten, my
favfurite 'toys' were field mice and lizards. I brought my mewmie many of them. I even brought her a live snake once. Hee hee hee. Oh, that was sooooo special. Now that I am older, I don't care much about toys. I purrfur to just sleep, and to watch my babies playing around the house. SnowLing and Tiger M. love to play chase. And of course, Rambley-Bambley is the little Princess. She spends hours grooming herself. :)
I then switched over to my other favorite questions and quite simply said: "Let's talk about food. I assume, Pupa Muma, that like most kitties, miew luf to eat. What are miewr favorite foods and why?
That brought a gleeful giggle from Pupa Pupa as
she squeeled (yes, squeeled) "Ohhh, my favfurite food is left-ofur pancakes. with LOTS of butter and syrup. Oh, yummm. Mewmie always brings us home leftofurs. I loooove hewmin food. I wouldn't mind if she brought home pancakes efury single day."
As the lights began to dim and the violins
started to play, I asked Pupa Muma if she had ever been in luf, and if she had, did she haf a wink or wedwink?
Pupa Muma's eyes brightened and she mewed quite
softly to me and said "Oh, I have been so in love, and I still am. The only cat fur me was my beloved Akhenaten Grey, or Papa Grey, as the kittens always called him. I furst met him when I was only six months old, and it was love at furst sight. WE had three beautifur litters, and 13 little darlings together. And as we all lived in the same house, we were fortunate to watch those babies all grow up. I cannot begin to tell mew how much I loved my dear old Akhe. Not only was he the purrfect wedwink, he was also the most loving fafur in the whole world. He was 5 years older than I am, and crossed the Rainbow Bridge a number of years ago. He was a proud memfur of CLAW. Of our 13 children, all are gone now, except for four. SnowLing, Tiger M, and Rambley -Bambley still live with me, and little Yoda lives with Auntie Rachel. She comes to visit occasionally. So as mew can see, I
have been furry happy in love and in life."
After feeling such a wonderful feeling from listening to the love emotted from Pupa Muma, I turned the topic towards CLAW. I know Pupa Muma's family has always been involved in CLAW, and in OCS (Older Cat Society), as well, so I asked her to tell us the variety of different roles she has played in CLAW and OCS amd what other groups she belongs to.
Pupa Muma relaxed a little, after remembering her own true luf, and said, "Well, I do love CLAW furry much, and I love being active, and being able to help younger kitties. In OCS, I have had a number of Grandpurrs which I greatly enjoyed. Way back when I was also a memfur of the Flower Society. That was great fun, as I enjoy gardening furry much. Now, I only belong to OCS. I have slowed down quite a bit in my old age.
I nefer knew the old CLAW, so I am always curious about how kitties, who haf been in both, feel about them.
Pupa Muma responded by saying, "Yes, I did belong to the old CLAW. All of our furmily joined in November of 1997. There are quite a few differences in the two CLAWs, but each one has been furry special. I think the old CLAW was not quite as serious. But purrhaps that is because I myself was more carefree in my youth. The old CLAW was a wonderful place, but the new CLAW is also. I like being able to help the Shelters, as we do now. One thing that has always been true in both the old and new CLAW is the wonderfur friendships, and camaraderie which we all share. I think I would say I liked the old CLAW best, because my Akhe and all of my babies were with me then. Bu t I love the new CLAW too, and I love the way it, and all of us keep changing, and evolving, and getting better and better."
Yes, I thought. That is definitely true. I am curious. It comes, I believe, from being a cat, so I asked Pupa Muma what, as an older kitty in CLAW, she would she tell the young kits about her philosophy of life?
Pupa Muma replied, in her wise way, and said: "Mostly, I would say to the younger kitties, do not be in too big a hurry to grow up. Enjoy your kittenhood, and your youth as much as you can , for as long as you can. Once they are gone, they are gone furever. I would also tell them to just try to be happy. Life is too short to be unhappy. And even when unhappy things happen to us, which is a part of life, we can face them with happiness in our hearts. We do not have to let things make us sad."
That actually brought tears to my eyes.
I then asked her if there was just one special thing she could tell all the young kits, just starting out in life, what would that be? She replied quite simply "Stay young at heart furefur."
I then turned the questions over to Pupa Muma, to see if there was anything else she might feel was important fur her to tell our readers out there?
She replied: "I think I have pretty much covered efurything. Thank mew so much fur letting me tell you all about mewself. Purrs, Pupa Muma Aamose Grey Milliken."
Wow, another interview was finally over, and I feel filled with the nostalgia that Muma Pupa seemed to bring to the interview. She added a very special feeling to these pieces I write, and I am deeply honored that someone so wise would teach me a little something, while sharing all her wonderful life with all of us. I feel like it makes me a better kitty. Don't miew think i does to miew, too? This is Caroline Price, Fearless Feline Reporter, wishing miew a wonderfur day.
Miew Miew Kitties. Gee, golly, wow!! Today I am going to interview a kitty who is well known for his fun lufing manner. He is a big black kitty, who lufs his food and who means a great deal to me; in fact, he means the world to me. Do miew have any idea who I am talking about yet? This is a furry easy one. Yes, good fur miew. Miew got it right the furry first time. This kitty is none other then my big, black and furry catsome wedwink, the one and only Baby Price, whose name has somehow evolved over the past few years into Saint Baby da Panther Price. I still call him "Baby," though, and I will refer to him as "Baby" during the course of this interview.
Even though we have been wedwinked for nine and one-half years, I find that Baby still surprises me on many occasions. I will interview him just like I would any other older kitty, and hope that I, as well as miew, will learn something interesting and new about this kitty named Baby Price.
I began by asking Baby if he remembered anything about his fur mom or any siblings he might haf had, and if so, to tell us about them. Baby replied, with a slightly sad look in his eyes, and said, "No, I don't remember my fur family at all. I know that I was taken away from them while I was furry young, though."
I then continued, by asking Baby about how he met his current meowmie, where he came from and where he arrived at, in the end. I also asked him to tell us about his meowmie, Joanie, and the other kitties (like ME!) who are a part of his family.
Baby mewed back at me, "I do remember being with a family when I was a kitten.
They were not furry nice to me, though, and I don't remember, or want to remember, how they treated me, because Meowmie says I was abused while living with them. I did not purr fur many years, until Meowmie showed me so much luf, that I became able to trust once again, and then finally began to purr.
When I lived with my first family, they called
me by a different name then the one I haf now. My name used to be Tiger, and because I was abused and unhappy, they said I acted out a lot, kind of like a tiger. I ended up being a growlie, biting kitty because I was so unhappy. Then, when I was about nine months old, they gave me to the Humane Society. It was there that I first met my Meowmie.
While I was at the Humane Society, many people looked at me, and a few held me, but I was furry big fur my age. When Meowmie and I adopted each other, I was a ten pound, eleven month old kitten. All the people seemed to be looking fur little kittens, not a big boy like me, and they all passed by my cage. I was a furry sad kitty, and felt all alone.
Then, one day, Meowmie came in, especially looking fur a black kitten or cat. Her former husband, Mitchell, took her there to pick out a black kitten. When Meowmie lingered by my cage, he suggested that she look around some more, for a younger, smaller black kitten, but she said NO!! I WANT THIS BABY. Then they opened the cage, and when they did, I jumped right into her arms, and cried mama. I am really not sure who adopted whom, but somehow we adopted each other, and became a furever family. From then on, life was uphill, as I slowly began to trust. It look long time, several years, at least, before I began to purr again, but Meowmie knew I was special, and needed extra luf, so she gave me effurything I needed emotionally, to help heal all the old wounds I had from my early kittenhood. That proved what I had been thinking all along; that she was, indeed, the purfect meowmie fur me. She also changed my name to Baby, since she said that "Tiger." was too violent name for the sweet Baby I had become.
Some time later, Meowmie had a boyfriend named Ken. Ken used to come home after spending time at his furriend, Pete's house, and he would tell Meowmie all about Pete's little five or six month old calico kitten named Spot. He said she was beautifur and fearless. Then, one day, Ken came home and told Meowmie that Pete had to move, and his new landlord would not allow him to haf even one indoor kitty. That was the day that miew, Caroline, moved into our home. My life has nefer been the same, and yes, Meowmie gave miew a different name, as well. A beautifur name -- Caroline."
I had to smile when he said that, and I answered him by saying "Yes, indeed, Baby. Tell us what you thought when you first met me." Baby grinned, a big grin, as he said "I fell in luf at first site. Miew were so beautifur. But miew were just so nasty to me, hissing and attacking me, and riding on my back like I was a horsey. Meowmie efen became concerned that miew might hurt me, since I was declawed and miew were not, and she separated us whenever we were alone, keeping each of us in separate rooms.
Little did I know that you were just hiding miewr true feelings, because miew were a little frightened of me, because I was, and still am, so big, and miew were frightened, as well, about being in yet another home, and miew didn't know if you would stay with Meowmie and me either.
Eventually, Meowmie and Ken left us alone one New Years Eve, and when they came back, there miew lay in my arms. Miew had finally realized that miew were safe with me, and that I cared fur miew and would take wonderfur care of miew fureffer. Miew also realized that miew had finally found miewr foreffer home, too.
That was when I popped the question, and all of a sudden all miewr fears seemed to disappear, as you lay in my arms, with my paws delicately caressing miew, while I gently washed miewr ears. A month or so later, miew gave me the honor of becoming my bride. I luffed miew then, Caroline, and I luf miew even more today." Blushing profusely, I exclaimed "Baby, miew are really embarrassing me. Enough about me. Let's just move on to my next question."
I then said "Baby, are miew an inside or outside cat? He replied by saying "I think I was an inside/outide kitty when I was with my first family, but when Meowmie and I adopted each other, we decided it would be safer if I stayed inside all of the time. My genetic need to prowl all night long, howefer, did not always agree with that, and on two occasions I slipped out. Each time, Meowmie would lay there, on her bed, crying. She kept the wooden door open and the screen door latched, so she could hear me if I did return home. I always returned home, although I cannot undersand how I knew where home was, and when I did get there,, I knocked on the screen door miewing 'Hi Mom, I'm home.' Meowmie didn't think that was furry funny, though, so she punished me by giving me a can of tuna, and it was only then that she finally stopped crying. It was seeing those tears, and realizing how much she really did luf me, that helped me make my decision to stay inside from that time forward, and in the last twelve years I haf nefer gone outside again."
The time had finally arrived for me to bring up
a few of my favorite questions. By now, I guess all of miew know how much I luf two things, toys and food. Therefore, I looked at Baby and got right to it when I said: "Let's talk about toys. Tell us about miewr favorite toys and how miew like to play with them? Are there any toys miew would like that miew do not haf?"
Baby laughed, and said "I have so many toys, that I end up giving some of them to kitties who don't haf any. My favorites are these toys made by a company called "Fat Cat," which is quite approsos for me (hehehe). They actually are squares of fabric filled with stuffing and nip nip. I first luf to suck on them, and then, after I am done being silly, I place each one of them on my bed. My headboard and pillows consist of about twenty of these squares. They being me wonderferul, nip nip dreams, and I highly recommend them."
I then switched over to my other favorite question and, after looking at Baby's 18 or so pounds, I thought this question would be quite simple to answer, so I said: "Let's talk about food. I assume, Baby, that like most kitties, miew luf to eat. What foods are miewr favorites? That question brought a big grin to Baby's face, and I know, from experience, that eating is definitely one of Baby's favorite things to do. He replied "Yes, I do, indeed, luf my food, Caroline, especially the Fancy Fast minced turkey, shrimpies, and different kinds of fishies. Meowmie always keeps fresh water, a bowl of Iams dry weight loss (hahaha) cat food and a plate of the fancy feast out. I will nefer haf to worry about going hungry."
I then turned the topic towards CLAW. I know that Baby is involved with CLAW, so I asked him if he had been a part of the old CLAW, as well. He replied, stating "No Caroline, I joined the new CLAW soon after it was opened, and while I nefer was a member of the old CLAW, I have always heard wonderfur things about it.
Then I asked Baby if he was a member of OCS (Older Cat Society), and to tell us what other groups he belongs to. He replied, Yes, haf been a member of OCS, and I luf it. I also have belonged to many other groups, but unfortunately, with meowmie's back being so bad, I haf not been able to be a part of many of the clubs that I luf, like I used to, but I am a memfur of CLAW and OCS, and am active with Clawfurriends, and Fat is Fun. I hope to re-join the other groups when Meowmie feels better."
There is an old saying, which says that curiosity killed the Cat. To that I say HOGWASH. My curiousity is a healthy part of being feline, and it certainly won't kill me. It will, on the other hand, only make me more knowledgable about people, kitties, and things. so I asked Baby what, as an older kitty in CLAW, he would tell the young kits about his philosophy of life? Baby replied, by saying: "I believe that too many kitties and hoomans take life all too seriously. It is important to haf a sense of humor about some things. Laughter is a great form of medicine, and it can make even the unhappiest of kittie wear a smile on their faces. It is also so important to luf, whether it is our meowmies (which we should always do), our winks, or even just our furriends. Luf makes us feel better about life, and ourselves, and that is so important."
I then asked Baby if there was just one special thing he could tell all the young kits, just starting out in life, what that would be?
He replied: "Nefer judge anyone harshly because of their particular situation. Miew may one day be in that same situation, too. Show effuryone respect and miew will receive it in return. Treat effury kitty as miew would want to be treated miewrself. That really is quite simple and it definitely works fur me."
I then turned the questions over to Baby, to see if there was anything else he wanted to tell our readers, and he replied: Be miewrself. There is no need to try and impress someone by pretending to be different then what miew are. If they are truly miewr furriends, they will luf miew just as miew are. Luf is so important. I, for one, know that, having a wonderful Meowmie and a lufing wedwink ike miew, Caroline. I really lufs miew. "
Wow, am I blushing again? Well, another interview was finally over, and once again I feel a little exhausted, and just a bit overwhelmed. I also must say that this particular interview was rather special, and lots of fun fur me. I hope it was fun fur miew too. More importantly, I hope this shows miew all that luf can work, and it can make miew aware that effury kitty is a special kitty. Don't miew think so too? This is Caroline Price, Fearless Feline Reporter, wishing that miew haf a wonderfur day.