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I wrote a Fuzzy Poem, This is my Fuzzy Poem:

I sat there in a cage
all alone
given away
from my first family's home
they were going to have a baby
so you see
they felt they had to get
rid of me
I myself was just a baby
a kitten almost grown
and then Meowmie came and said
I want to take him home
she spoils me so
with kisses dear
she rubs by belly, chin and ears
we're together over ten years now
I know I'm lucky
boy, and how
she turned me into a fuzzy cat
I never thought I could be like that
but with loving and caring
and being with her
I even started again to purr
she brushes me three times efury day
I feel so fuzzy and then we play
nothing is better than
kisses from Meowmie
except maybe if I could eat
a big salami
I can't help it, I'm a fat cat too
and if you feed me
I'll be fuzzy furriends with you

"Because I'm Fuzzy"
A Poem by Baby Price

I wasn't always so fuzzy
I didn't know what it could mean
I was growlie and I was grumpy
I was afraid of the whole loving scene
but then I met my meowmie
now I know what being fuzzy really means
she loves me unconditionally
she says that she truly loves me
that I am good
that I am catsome and adored
I am petted
I am fedded
and I'm pampurred
She dotes over me
telling me
I should win an award
for being the best cat
now can miew imagine that
from growlie to fuzzy
all right
that's what love and affection
did to me
she loves me with all of her might
because I'm fuzzy

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