don't cry for Katherine
she'll never walk that path again
never let herself forget her pride
she's strong inside
it wasn't always so you know
he broke her down
with words and slaps and blows
God only knows
don't cry for Katherine
celebrate her walking tall
getting help and standing on her own
she's not alone
there were people everywhere
helping her to find herself again
so she could win
be her own best friend
don't cry for Katherine
the first step is the hardest one
each step will get stronger
then you'll run
go on and run
never looking back in fear
always looking forward
towards the light
the strong, the bright
my wine
looked like the blood
that marked the time
when once I couldn't share
a simple grape
being too afraid
that if I did
or said the wrong thing
I would be crushed
just like the grape
into his world
full of the nothingness
I knew too well
you are like the sweet
yet tart berries
in an open field
sweet yet pungent
for you kept nothing
and only gave me what I needed
It was so hard
I can't get used to that yet
but it seems so real
can I hope to
can I trust
when reality
was only a word to me
and the thought of joy
was like a child's imaginary friend
that never really was
but only as a dream
we stopped by the stream
taking off our shoes
kicking our feet
in the icy wet
and laughing
and for the first time
I felt
my laughter was real
and not a way of keeping
from the punishment of disagreement
and the pain that came as part
of his mighty blows
He thought I was needy
when his ego wanted to be king
or was he just that dark knight
without any valor of his own
terrorizing everything
that was not he
and only he
who hated women so
and for the longest time
I believed what he said
and hated myself as well
in that solitary world of his
known as he
and his manliness
or so it seemed
was it all a game
tag - you're it
but there was no tag
just smack and hurt
and I was always it
no matter how much I said
I don't want to play this game
no ---- not with me
no more --- please --- NOT ANY MORE
I drink this wine
it smells like a fresh start
as you wipe a drop from my lip
ever so gently
knowing how fragile I still am
but I too know
you will always be in the now
for you are a true lover of women
treating them with kindness
and devotion
where did you come from
at first I thought
you had changed my world
but then I realized
and knew the truth
which was so much better
for only I could change
and you were there
not because I was there
but because I was myself
a just reward
you only get
what you expect you should get
and take what you need
and I remembering
that you also need
someone to care for you too
and give as you give
and you smile
I brush away the grass
from your golden hair
and you smile at me
a smile of peace and
of oneness with who you now are
who you were
and who you will become
as we learn together
and we will always know
the feel of that grape
and the smell of the leather
by the brook
I am but one
but we are many
I am the earth
you are the sun
shine on me oh sun
bringing forth that spring
which grows from your warmth
and share with me the summer fruits
that grow from our relationship