deep into the gray green glory
of the forest I dove
the cities
of towers and living graves
tumbled in the mist
of sparse sunlit rays
as the moss drew me down into the earth
the questions are asked
the answers I give
are the questions
the questions don't answer
as I work on the shapes
forming cubes in my head
as logic calls
I draw circles
elevations of revelations
found me lost
in that somewhere of expectancy
the sea beckoned me
hailing its thunder
at its meeting with dawn
encompassing the godhead
I felt her sweet torment
the ecstasy ending
I drowned in my ego
mountains were glaring
as their summits I reached
and there realized
the loss of my meaning
trembling in my ethereal insight
I dove in my landslide
to be born
I witnessed that rebirth
dismayed yet still drawn
to the spirits of nature
as the child smiling blandly
pierced my vision
with a scream
smiling gently with the stars
I viewed myself from some distance
innocence in the womb of my pain
remembering my sad future
and I laughed
to find my truth
is to cry crimson tears
at knowing her womb
bloody black with my scars
virgin with my child
slowly fading
in the greyness
of my anxiousness
the shape of a circle is round
that of the cycle the same
my guilt spins endlessly
in the continuity of her prayers
hearing myself deliver my eulogy
my anxious confession
words fly into air
myself as my child
succumbs to that air
swirling round endless halls
in the sad aged eyes
tainted with the flavor of knowledge
from my once sacred fruit
alone in her purity
devoid of all love
the ice dynasty of winter
flourishes hard
smooth as steel in his heart
knowing of feeling
but never able to be
the sunlight seems faded
a pale wash of my memories
he wonders smiling
the ice wind constant
at his apocalyptic visions
in your dreams
the head raises in triumph
glorifying their plasticity
endless in magnitude
is the movement of the planets
bound only by time
time is lost inside me
child of death
powder and dust
I embrace him
my companion the mourner
blending echoes
as the son of time
I stand alone
I rejoice in my knowledge
man must die to be born
understanding of his sadness
in time's void
still the universe continues
in its concept of time's logic
cycles endlessly revolving
as he dies
one can offer
to his question
that one answer of the sphere
circle trinity remains unbroken
for as the holy ghost
I am all love
sadly died
sadder lived
he and I
we are the center of the universe
surrounded by the dull
endless echo of your prayers
I look for the beauty
behind your blind voices
for the song of man's wisdom
but can not hear
your sky
your mountains
your forest and sea
cry in their agony
at the barriers you created in your search
they cry for you
yet you see not the dream
but cycles go on
and knowledge will grow
gain the beauty in its scars
from that small ray of sunlight
crumbling cities to the ground
the earth and the ashes
the egg lost in time
can only smile at the wisdom
of man's futile reality
come feel the warmth
of the coldness of our unity
for we are as we die