Thank you for visiting my site. After a very long time, I am finally giving it a face lift. Unfortunately, I think it makes the flow of the page less smooth, but it does allow me to post more writtings, and that is why it was changed. I hope you enjoy.
I am a 21 year old guy who spends a lot of time thinking about things, and this is my life long collection of poems and other writtings. It is here so you can read it, critique it, quote it, but not claim it as your own. (How egotistical can I be, seriously? My poems aren't that good)
If you feel so inclined, please write to me with any comments or questions you may have. (no one has ever done this, so please someone write to me!)
Poems in Alphabetical order (painfully boring way to display things, I know)
Poems by Category (keep in mind these are very loose categories)
Death / Loss / Pain
Politics / War
Prose (not recomended for human eyes, far from my best work)