I'm still really hoping to MAJORLY update this page soon.
If someone out there is willing to Donate their time to help me
MAJORLY redesign this page
(Faster load time, better navigation, etc),
PLEASE contact Me here.
(Please remember to take out the _NOSPAM_ before mailing it.)
Thanks again.
I created this page of Blacklisted Deadbeat Bidders
for the Good of the Auction Community
as I feel that these Deadbeat Bidders should
be publicly exposed for what they really are:
THIEVES who commit Online Fraud!
More than half of the below listed individuals have
defaulted on bids on My Auctions on Yahoo!
(Even numerous times using various ID's/Screen Names)
Some of the names have also defaulted on bids on other
Sellers on Yahoo! who I have been in contact with,
and we have since joined together to Report EACH and
EVERY of these individuals for ONLINE FRAUD,
as well as filing Legal Grievances with
various online and offline organizations.
You can also view HOME VIDEOS' Blacklisted Page at:
HOME VIDEOS' Blacklisted Page
As they also have been hit with some of the SAME Deadbeats that I have.
You can also view GSTAHL's Blacklisted Page at:
GSTAHL'S Blacklisted Page
As they also have been hit with a lot of Deadbeats as well.
You can also view The FLADGE's Blacklisted Page at:
The FLADGE's Blacklisted Page
As they also have been hit with a lot of Deadbeats too.
You can also view The ACESALES' Blacklisted Page at:
ACESALES' Blacklisted Page
As they also have been hit with a lot of Deadbeats too.
You can also view STEALTH7G's Blacklisted Page at:
STEALTH7G's Blacklisted Page
As they also have been hit with a lot of Deadbeats too.
You can also view SHEMP's Blacklisted Page at:
SHEMP's Blacklisted Page
As they also have been hit with a lot of Deadbeats too.
You can also view OWEN's Blacklisted Page at:
OWEN's Blacklisted Page
As they also have been hit with a lot of Deadbeats too.
You can also view Ebay Police's Blacklisted Page at:
Ebay Police's Blacklisted Page
As they also have been hit with a lot of Deadbeats too.
You can also view Dave's Auction Deadbeats & Blacklisted Page - Shout About IT! - at:
Dave's Auction Deadbeats & Blacklisted Page - Shout About IT!
As they also have been hit with a lot of Deadbeats too.
You can also view Ye Olde Infocomme Shoppe's Auction Deadbeats & Blacklisted Page at:
Ye Olde Infocomme Shoppe's Auction Deadbeats & Blacklisted Page
As they also have been hit with a lot of Deadbeats too.
I was recently contacted by Chris and it seems that
he was a victim of a HUGE scam. Read More Here.
Help Stop Online Fraud!
If you have a Deadbeat Bidders webpage
and you would like it listed here,
by all means, please E-Mail Me!
(Remember to take out the _NOSPAM_ before mailing it.)
or even better - Join my new site ring that I created
to help spread the word about these Deadbeat Bidders!
Help Warn Others About Deadbeat Bidders On Various Auction Sites! This site owned by RoninDH (Take out the _NOSPAM_ before mailing) | |
I am Reporting ALL Deadbeats to the following organizations:
Yahoo!'s Legal Department
The Louisiana State Police Department
and to My Personal Attorney as well.
I'm really tired of dealing with all the Deadbeats
who have nothing better
to do than messing around with honest hardworking people's auctions.
Quite a few of these names below are all 1 individual.
That's right, just 1 Individual.
He has been on Yahoo! for quite some time now using TONS of Names/ID's
bidding on thousands of items and defaulting on 99% of them.
He lives in NEW YORK and uses the following addresses:
7304 5th Avenue
7403 5th Avenue
1403 5th Avenue
619 Bay Ridge Pkwy
If you receive a payment from this individual:
Send it BACK to Him IMMEDIATELY and
For legal purposes I will not list his True Name HERE
(As per my attorney's advice).
Also, here are just a FEW of his MANY emails address aliases:
/ Yauctions0@yahoo.com / Yauctions1@yahoo.com
/ Yauctions3@yahoo.com / newagemedia@usa.com
/ femalefanatic@hotmail.com /
His various IP addresses are as follows: / /
Please keep in mind that the last two digits WILL change often
but the first 8 digits will NEVER change.
His IP when using HOTMAIL is:
Please keep in mind that the last two digits WILL change often
but the first 8 digits will NEVER change.
He has even freely admitted in an email to me
that he can obtain various IP's
due to his father owning a Computer Networking business.
Not all of the names below are the same kid,
but quite a few of them are in fact just 1 kid.
(Example : Yauctions, Yauctions0, Yauctions1, 2 , 3...,)
(Long_Legged_Lust, Favio98, New_Age_Media, etc.)
Seems "Ronald" likes to screw around with tons of auctions on Yahoo.
He likes to bid HIGH, but usually higher than the RESERVE PRICE
(and sometimes even higher than the BUY price)
mainly because he never intends to follow through.
Below are almost all the names that are currently on my Blacklist.
If you are a Seller on Yahoo, you would do well to add these names
to your Blacklist A.S.A.P. to save yourself any future headaches.
You can add your list of Deadbeats here as well as search for other Deadbeats.
You can also view the Ebayers That Suck.com Page at:
The information on this page is NOT to be used
for ANY type of online or in person harassment purposes.
I am merely listing the information here as a WARNING
for other Buyers & Sellers on Auction Sites.
If you are one of the people commented about on this page,
and you feel that you were wrongfully put on here,
please contact me at :
RoninDH (Take out the _NOSPAM_ before mailing)
If you wish to dicuss why your name is listed here, include details
as to why you feel that you should not be listed on this site.
If you were placed on here for backing out on a purchase,
then fulfill your part of the deal and I will gladly remove you.
After the deal is completed, I will put an update on the page
stating that you have fulfilled your part of the deal.
Please keep in mind that Any and ALL Flame emails
WILL be Reported as Spam/Harrassment
and that you could lose your account
on your ISP by violating their TOS rules.
For the record, I am in NO way violating ANY form of
Copyright Rules, Laws, or Infringements.
Also, I am in NO way violating or committing ANY form of Slander as well.
I am Stating VERIFIED FACTS in regards to each of these individuals.
Also, just because some of these names have NO feedback ratings
on them does NOT mean that they didn't deadbeat on someone I know.
In Most cases, it's just that the seller didn't want to leave
a negative feedback rating on them due to fear of
negative feedback retaliation in return.
My opinions stated here are just that - MY PERSONAL OPINIONS
and not a reflection or the opinion of Yahoo or Angelfire.
I am in no way trying to harass or slander any of the names listed here.
BUT... either someone I know or I personally have been burned
by them on Yahoo's auction site and I decided to list
their user names here to try and warn other buyers & sellers
about avoiding them so they don't get burnt either.
The name Angelfire is ™ & © Copyright 2001, Lycos, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Lycos® is a registered trademark of Carnegie Mellon University.
The name Yahoo is ™ & © Copyright 2001, Yahoo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Click Below To View My Auctions On Yahoo!
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By The Perspective Companies That Own Them.
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