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Praise Him

Promises of Jesus

Faithful is the one who leads the way,
Loving are the words he speaks each day;
Tender is His promise,full of cheer:
"I am always with thee, never fear."

Sorrows may beset me, ills pursue,
I can trust this friend so kind and true.
Precious is His Promise,full of grace;
"I will lead thy foodtsteps in life's race."

Ever at my side He walks unseen,
Mighty is the arm on which I lean;
Gracious is His promise, full of love:
"Iv'e prepared for thee a home above."

Ev'ry Precious promise cheers my soul,
All along the journey to the goal;
Words of peace and pardon, hope and love,
Bless me on the road which leads above.

Wiliam P. Davis

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