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Captain Charles Sturt.

(1795 - 1869)

The great age of outback exploration began during the convict era.

It's major hero being Charles Sturt,an army officer whose regiment brought convicts to Sydney in 1827.Public opinion was excited by the dream of a vast inland sea.Sturt persuaded Governor Darling to back expeditions following known rivers into the interior. Sturt traced the Macquarie River,discovered the unknown Darling, investigated the full extent of the Lachlan-Murrumbidgee system,and was finally carried on to a 'broad and noble river' which he named the Murray.Still believing in an inland sea,Sturt set out from Adelaide in 1844,discovered Coopers Creek, and noted in his diary a 'broken hill' where vast lodes of silver were discovered in 1883.Sturts party suffered incredible privation- and still there was no sign of an inland sea.The heroic explorer died almost penniless in England aged 74.

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