Visual basic is one of the easiest languages I have learned,
and can be used to do just about anything from animation to subclassing.
Api is some pretty powerfull stuff, letting you manipulate some objects
in other programs, and do all the advanced things that VB does not implement for
you. A great tutorial for learning to use the Api, written by DoS, as well as
other programs and tutorials can be found in the download
Learn C++ With this freeware tutorial
by Gordon Dodrill. It is the first C tutorial I read, and was very helpful
in learning the basics of the language, even though it is from the days of DOS.
Read It
Other great sites:
The cure for the common
VB Square
VB Tips on just
about everything.
This is the site that got me interested in fractals
Peer Sites
Visual Basic Resource -
Robin McKay
Mail me