[untitled 4]


Life was so much simpler
when my smile showed
a crooked-tooth sort
of happiness
that could only be
understood by those
it entertained.

My eyes were happier
when make-believe worlds
were allowed, and
whispers to myself
were an amusement
to my older and wiser audience,
who filled themselves up
with proverbs,
and reason,
and old wive's tales.

I didn't have to hide.
I only had to pretend.

They say that's unhealthy now.

They say:

math is important.
math's not make-believe.

english is important.
english's not pretend.

history is important.
history is not a fable,
tall-tale, fairy land,
like those you
entwine yourself in.

when will you grow up,
they say.

act your age.

the Future is important,
they say,
you can wait.

I'm tired of waiting.