"If you judge people, you have no time to love them," Mother Theresa.

"Go ahead, let her make a bee-hive outta me," The Tin Man, the Wizard of Oz.

"You got fired? That just destroys my whole perspective of right and wrong, and good and evil," Sammy (Steven Zahn), Reality Bites.

"What have you done with my porkchop?" Wendy Hall.

"I ain't nucking futs," bumper sticker.

"...and today's subliminal messege is: (_____)," forgotten article, Detroit Free Press.

"If we aren't supposed to eat animals, how come their made outta meat?" online buddy.

I am a part-time vegetarian (this means I try very hard with an inadequate success rate), but come on, it's funny.

"We've got loud guitars, and big suspiscions, great big guns, and small ambitions, and we still argue over who is God," It's Hard to Make a Stand, Sheryl Crow.

"We'll never care, because we're never cool enough for you," Cool Enough for You, Five Iron Frenzy.

"Now you think you're punk, just because it's in, you found a foul mouth and a couple saftey pins," Cool Enough for You, Five Iron Frenzy.

"Makeout City is a two-horse town," Where It's At, Beck.

"He doesn't love us because of who we are, He only loves because of who He is," I Surrender All, the Newsboys.

"I agree, guns don't kill people, people do. But it's sure a hell of a lot easier to kill somebody with a gun that it is with a stick," Art Alexakis, Everclear.

"I'm not trying to piss anyone off...okay, so I am," Madonna.

"I wanna be a lion, yeah, everyone wanna pass as cats, we all wanna be big, big stars, yeah, but, we've got different reasons for that," Mr. Jones & Me, The Counting Crows.

"You got to get them all riled up, like punk rock," Andy Kaufman (Jim Carrey), Man on the Moon

"We're touching faces in the dark, feeling pretty is so hard," Invisible City, the Wallflowers.

"Paint pictures with the rhythm of language," Gerry LaFemina

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